so test isn't building muscle for me.. gained 20 pounds of water/fat


New member
so I have a question...

believe me when I say my diet is good.. and i'm eating plenty.. it's obvious because i'm gaining fat. 250g protein rest carbs with 15%ish being fats

wtf like when I say i gained no muscle from test E 500 I mean NONE lol

I just got chunky.. .25 inches added to arms. and chunky midsection.

is it true test just doesn't work from some people? You'd think I would at least gained SOME muscle... I gained more muscle naturally than on cycle

So i'm thinking of trying other compounds but tren and deca are out. Deca because I don't want ED and tren is out because of health reasons. Any other mass builders out there? Maybe my body just has an immunity to test from being on TRT?... idk but test doesn't seem to do anything to me.
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i think that if you were blasting test, eating in a calorie surplus to bulk , BUT only doing 12 sets per workout and only doing one body part per week (basically very very low volume) , that you did not stimulate enough overload to cause adaptations to take place, and thus hypertprohy (muscle growth) -- so the added calories and test promoted mainly fat and water gain more then muscle gain.

^ thats just my opinion based on another post you had about your current training protocol .

Being you are on TRT , then you can choose to blast any compounds you would like for short or long periods of time and never have to worry about pct . if you felt like blasting Dbol for 4 weeks just to see how you react to it , then you can do that, then try Var, then later on blast 800mg of masteron a week with your TRT . you can find what works best for you, without having to have totally formulated cycle plans and pct laid out.
just run your base trt dose , and let other compounds do the work (provided you have your diet and training dialed in)

some compounds to try if mass is your goal
Dbol , Anadrol , Superdrol, NPP, Ment -- if longer term runs and "clean" steady dry mass gains are your goal and you can afford the $ cost of high dosages, then Tbol, Var, Masteron , Primobolan.

Tren would be the best of both the above listed though :)
Is Tren really as harsh as people say though... i'm scared of it..

I've read it can seriously mess you up. I really want to try Deca but I can't because ED is a huge deal for me..

anything rather "safe" but still fantastic for building?
Is Tren really as harsh as people say though... i'm scared of it..

I've read it can seriously mess you up. I really want to try Deca but I can't because ED is a huge deal for me..

anything rather "safe" but still fantastic for building?

Another victim of online bullshit everybody is terrified cuz guys talk like its so horrible. No its not bad the only thing i warn people avout is it changes your personality whether you think so or not, friends closest to you and girlfriend or wife will tell you that your different or youve becoma a asshole and you wint believe it.

Some people depending in personality get super jealous paranoid about there partner. You can become irritable mainly because it causes insomnia to many of us. A whole lot of problems can start and its all because you exaggerate the fuck out of minor issues. Safest way to find out is do tren ace for 5 weeks thats plenty to get a nice feel for it and you can always stop if you choose but nobody stops ever lol
.....almost no one stops. ;-)

Tren had the opposite personality effect on me (wife love it!), but same libido issues as deca and omg the night sweats n insomnia.... I had to take a break just so I could get some rest!
Rippedzilla's thread cites a study where test subject injected with 600mg of test did nothing and still gained muscle. Whether or not your training program was ideal I question the potency of the product injected.

Did you get blood work?
I really believe some dont respond to test as well as others im one of them. I do remember i got a sickness sort of a disease actually that really fucks people up. I was on test through the wnhole few months and definitely give test credit fo my recovery and not turning into a twig during that time.but its not strong enough to sit on your ass and gain muscle, maybe just maybe tren can do that. Maybe a old person that doesnt lift can get incredible results but seriously its not all that for pure muscle building. Test can definitely make you look like shit for some it just converts to estrogen nasty waterweight
Good point. It is a mind game on tren

That's exactly right complete mental game some can handle it some and just about anyone can eventually break. Took me over a year to finally snap stress and problems definitely dont mix well with tren
Rippedzilla's thread cites a study where test subject injected with 600mg of test did nothing and still gained muscle. Whether or not your training program was ideal I question the potency of the product injected.

Did you get blood work?

I remember this article . the thing is that the test subjects were probably first time users of exogenous test, the OP on the other hand has been using exogenous test for quite some time with his trt
The test was probably done on some fat old 70 yr olds that never touched weights in their life lol thats the shit i hate about so called studies we dont know who took the test and fir a accurate study it needs to be done in 100's if bot 1000's of people and for years for it to be accurate
The test was probably done on some fat old 70 yr olds that never touched weights in their life lol thats the shit i hate about so called studies we dont know who took the test and fir a accurate study it needs to be done in 100's if bot 1000's of people and for years for it to be accurate

i tested this on myself . and NO i did not gain any muscle just sitting around cause I was injecting test . in fact I lost 25 pounds (i was unable to train due to a back injury and surgery , but I still injected quite a bit of test in hopes of maintaining)
i tested this on myself . and NO i did not gain any muscle just sitting around cause I was injecting test . in fact I lost 25 pounds (i was unable to train due to a back injury and surgery , but I still injected quite a bit of test in hopes of maintaining)

Same here this illness i got made me lose about 20lbs i did a few pushups here and their but usually was to drained. I did look a little better than had i not used test i was still very new to aas at the time i couldnt eat shit for like 2 months
. I really want to try Deca but I can't because ED is a huge deal for me..

anything rather "safe" but still fantastic for building?

deca/nandrolone does not cause limp dick . elevated estrogen and especially elevated Prolactin cause limp dick . yes deca can raise your prolactin and if your prolactin sensitive then limp dick can happen , but a again , its not the deca itself that causes this. run a dopamine agonist while on cycle and you will have zero issues.

or if your not prolactin sensitive, then you'll have no issues either . I've ran 800mg of Nandro with zero ed issues
deca/nandrolone does not cause limp dick . elevated estrogen and especially elevated Prolactin cause limp dick . yes deca can raise your prolactin and if your prolactin sensitive then limp dick can happen , but a again , its not the deca itself that causes this. run a dopamine agonist while on cycle and you will have zero issues.

or if your not prolactin sensitive, then you'll have no issues either . I've ran 800mg of Nandro with zero ed issues

I get tired of responding to those lol im the horniest in tren with very low test it always is either estrogen or prolactin that mess up sex drive
I get tired of responding to those lol im the horniest in tren with very low test it always is either estrogen or prolactin that mess up sex drive

yep , keep prolactin in check , and the anabolics and androgens will actually keep your dick working great and sex drive high (don't blame it on the compound itself)
Is Tren really as harsh as people say though... i'm scared of it..

I've read it can seriously mess you up. I really want to try Deca but I can't because ED is a huge deal for me..

anything rather "safe" but still fantastic for building?

Tren can be pretty harsh for some. i dont even get much sides and i still dont think its worth it personally. lifes to short to feel moody or pissed off or have crappy sleep. plus ED can happen with tren or deca.
i dont rec it im only saying it to make a point: I have ran deca alone with no test and had NO ED issues. it was first "cycle" from my GP/doc.
always run test base for various reasons.
if anything get a bottle of CIA and have it on hand just in case.
I remember this article . the thing is that the test subjects were probably first time users of exogenous test, the OP on the other hand has been using exogenous test for quite some time with his trt

I forget, I'm still in newbie AAS gains heaven. About to start my first bulk at 250lbs. I'll be at 260 before Matt posts again.