So whats the big deal about ATG?


New member
I am 5'3" and weigh 150, so fairly lean and not that strong.

At the gym, I would do 195 lbs front squat, back straight, ass to the ground, 2 seconds going down, 2 seconds hold at the bottom, and 2 back up. People tell me that is really awesome form and flexibility, but I don't understand whats so cool about that. I feel like I am just sitting or resting at the bottom. When I see people squatting down and holding their legs perpendicular, now that will really work the quads.
I am 5'3" and weigh 150, so fairly lean and not that strong.

At the gym, I would do 195 lbs front squat, back straight, ass to the ground, 2 seconds going down, 2 seconds hold at the bottom, and 2 back up. People tell me that is really awesome form and flexibility, but I don't understand whats so cool about that. I feel like I am just sitting or resting at the bottom. When I see people squatting down and holding their legs perpendicular, now that will really work the quads.

A squat is not only a quad exercise. It works much more than that. A front squat bc of back angle and knee angle will be more quad dominant than a regular back squat. Atg squats are important for olympic lifters doing lifts like the clean and jerk or snatch. The issue with going full ass to ground for most people though is flexibility. Most people don't have the flexibility to keep tight hamstrings that low. Hamstrings loosen to allow that much depth and you've lost all elasticity in the hams and glutes so you effectively remove them as primary movers out the hole