Solid Cycles for Different Goals!


New member
This thread is for newbies looking for cycles for specific goals.

Now before I get started, I have to emphisize that your diet is the key to achieving your goals. All cycles can be turned into a bulking cycle or cutting depending on your food consumption.

*Clomid therapy: 36 pills. 300mg day 1, 100mg next 10, 50mg final 10.

Solid first cycle

Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 250mg of Test
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

This will yield solid results. Depending on diet, training, and genetics, this cycle should yield anywhere form 15-25lbs to a first time gear user

Bulking Cycle # 1

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 6: 30mg of D-bol ED
Week 1 to 10: 600mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 750mg of Test
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

Bulking Cycle # 2

Week 1 to 5: 50mg of Anadrol ED
Week 1 to 6: 750mg of Test
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of Deca
Week 5 to 6: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 7 to 12: 75mg of Fina ED
Week 7 to 12: 100mg of Prop ED
Week 7 to 12: 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolavadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

Cutting Cycle # 1

Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Prop ED
Week 1 to 8: 75mg of Fina ED
Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 1 to 10: 50mg of proviron ED
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid therapy

Cutting Cycle # 2

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of Arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 8: 40mg of Oxandralone ED
Week 4 to 12: 50mg of Prop ED
Week 7 to 12: 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

Lean Mass Cycle

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of Arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 12: 2ius of GH 5 on 2 off
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of Test
Week 1 to 12: 400mg of EQ
Week 7 to 12: 40mg of Oxanadralone
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 14 to 16: Clomid Therapy*

Basic bridge

Week 1 to 8: 30mg of Oxandralone ED
Week 1 to 8: 10 grams of creatine and 20 grams of glutamine Ed

Experienced Bridge

Week 1 to 8: 10ius of Insulin post workout
Week 1 to 8: 10 grams of creatine and 20 grams of glutamine Ed
Week 1 to 8: 100grams of Dextrose 10 minutes after slin shot
Week 1 to 8: 150grams( 3 shakes) of WPI during active time of slin.

There are many different combination that we can all use in the Iron Game. I have only used a few. These are basic cycles that will work well for many users. I have excluded Deca as I feel its negative effects on a HPTA is esaily avoided with the use of EQ. Some will say Fina will do the same thing, but because its ester works much faster, I believe it is not as suppressive as Deca.

Remember Diet is the key to all cycles. If you dont eat enough, you wont bulk, if you eat to much, you wont cut.

Diet is the key to success in the Iron Game!!

Guys, good luck and be safe!
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Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 250mg of Test
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

What it clomid therapy?
I want too get more muscle and keep my size, my diet is good and workouts and everything is all in check. So would I do the first cycle or something else.
I'm 19, 301 pounds all natural 6*5 18% bf
beast your tipping the scales at 301
damn, but you dont need to drop a cycle yet
your doing fine.
if you dont know what clomid is
then i think you better get reading on AS and its effects
before you even think bout runnin a cycle
Solid first cycle

Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 250mg of Test
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

This will yield solid results. Depending on diet, training, and genetics, this cycle should yield anywhere form 15-25lbs to a first time gear user

I outlined this exact cycle on a different board many months ago, and everyone including the mods were telling me to double the doses or it would be a waste. I'm sure Larry Scott would agree with me though.
How about this one for SOLID FIRST CYCLE
Week 1 - 10
400mg Test Enan or Test Cyp
Week 12
Clomid Therapy

***Cheap and Effective***
Easto said:
How about this one for SOLID FIRST CYCLE
Week 1 - 10
400mg Test Enan or Test Cyp
Week 12
Clomid Therapy

***Cheap and Effective***

I always start by advising a single steroid. I think is is key to find out how each steroid you use effects you!

Solid cycle
This thread is for newbies looking for cycles for specific goals.

Solid first cycle

Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 250mg of Test
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

This will yield solid results. Depending on diet, training, and genetics, this cycle should yield anywhere form 15-25lbs to a first time gear user

This is exacly the cycle i am researching on right now.
Only thing i wanted to change is maybe frontload the cycle the first 2 weeks with test 500mg, and doing Win 50mg ED Week 10-14. But you need to find all that shit too :mad:
I really like ur post big man , all the time pretty accurate I wanna Know What u THink of

Week 1-14 Equipoise50 1 shot EOD
Week 8-14 Trenbolone 3 Shot Week
Week 8-14 Primobolan100 3 shot Week

IT Could be My next Cutting cycle before My Competition IN March

I am 22yrs Old , 5'11 225 Lbs 12% body fat Arm 18 Chest 46 wait 33 thigh 24 . It is my 3rd Cycle

NEver Forget Superman Lives FOREVER
Show-Tech for my routine raises max bench

Can someone respond on the so called;
"hand picked tribulus"

Is it really that good ??

Original article is below that I found!


The product that is called SHOW-TECH from Sharp Labs Inc. can
raise protein anaobolic levels 500%!
I have seen the light. Hand picked Tribulus Terrestris:

The fact remains: Protein is the single most important nutrient for muscle
regeneration and building. The trick is to use only lean protein. Protein and
fat usually coexist in food sources. Meat, fish, fowl, dairy, these primary
sources all can have much fat content. In the old days, we did not worry about
such inconveniences. As a result, heavy protein consumers developed nasty c
logged arteries and astronomical cholesterol rates. The fault wasn't in the
protein, but the fat attached to the protein.

Nowadays, we hardcore weight trainers confine our
protein to nonfat or low fat sources. Skim milk, egg whites,
fish, skinless fowl, flank steak, and of course that staple of
weight training, protein powder. These foods represent powerful,
clean protein sources. Start by ingesting 1 - 1.5 grams of protein
per pound of bodyweight per day. To stay anabolic, divide the total
intake into 4-8 equal portions and eat these low fat protein sources
at regular intervals throughout the day.

Hand picked Tribulus can raise protein LEVELS 500%!
I HAVE TRIED week 1-5 =anadrol(50,100,100,100,50 e.d)
week1-8=500 test.enan
week 1-8=400 deca
post cycle therapy (pct) ..nolva and clomid ..i was 180 lbs..6;0. now iam 212 with 4 % b.f
Whats the deal with all these young people(first time steroid users) wanting to try stacking roids?? Ive been in this game a long time and talk to proffesional bodybuilders every day. A good first cycle is 250mg of sust,enan,cypor any other test every 5 days. TEST AND TEST ONLY FOR 1ST CYCLE. Piss on jumpstarting with dbol or androl, if your in a hurry your in the wrong game. A good test cycle of 250 per week can yield up to 40 lbs on a first time user. REMEMBER TEST IS BEST