Some basic questions about test e cycles


New member
1. How much can one expect to add to their bench press after 10 weeks being on Test e @500mg/week?
If I can bench press 300lbs for 1 rep, after the cycle, what do you think my expected bench would be if I trained and dieted right

2. Does being on test e improve you mood and well being? I see people talk about this and the stories are always different. Some say they feel the same, some say you feel angrier, some say test e makes you feel good and positive, I don't know which one to believe.

I have been training for 7 years and believe I have reached my genetic limit, and am almost ready to start my first test e only cycle
1. How much can one expect to add to their bench press after 10 weeks being on Test e @500mg/week?
If I can bench press 300lbs for 1 rep, after the cycle, what do you think my expected bench would be if I trained and dieted right

2. Does being on test e improve you mood and well being? I see people talk about this and the stories are always different. Some say they feel the same, some say you feel angrier, some say test e makes you feel good and positive, I don't know which one to believe.

I have been training for 7 years and believe I have reached my genetic limit, and am almost ready to start my first test e only cycle
testosterone will improve some aspects of your life it all depends on dosages, monitoring your levels and keep them in check. its all positive if properly managed.
I'll go out on a limb with a wild assed guess - bench goes from 300 to 315, up 5%. Maybe more, let us know.

Yes on mood and well being, yes on angrier, yes on emotional roller coaster - especially if your estrogen is moving around too. I find I can be really chilled out and relaxed, or can have a super short fuse and get really angry fast.

These hormones are powerful in a lot of different ways, like sex drive.
I'll go out on a limb with a wild assed guess - bench goes from 300 to 315, up 5%. Maybe more, let us know.

Yes on mood and well being, yes on angrier, yes on emotional roller coaster - especially if your estrogen is moving around too. I find I can be really chilled out and relaxed, or can have a super short fuse and get really angry fast.

These hormones are powerful in a lot of different ways, like sex drive.

This ^^^

And OP, you've inadvertently touched on something important. This stuff does not affect everyone the same. It's not "who to believe " because all of them may be telling the truth.
Even if we knew you we wouldn't be able to guess.

Some get none. You may get 50#.

I would be willing to buy a spot if you gave us:
Current BW
Stats (Height, weight, BF)
Training history

Even then, too many variables. It would make a cool thread though. How much will lancealod gain?