Some new pics!!

Thanks everyone!

DB - Good eye about the scoliosis! I do have it! Have been going to the chiropractor for over a year for it!

I will get pics of the legs up as soon as I can. The shorts I was wearing that day would not lift up over my thighs, and there was too many people there for me to just drop my pants!!LOL
Hey CM! How the hell are ya? This is dlobell from forced rep. Whatever happened to that site anyway?

Looking good man. Do you ever talk to Buddy Boy anymore??
Whats up bro!!
I don't know what happened, one day it said it was down for maintenance and never came back up.
I have not talked to Buddyboy in a LONG time!!
Welcome to the board!!
D-LO said:
Do you ever talk to Buddy Boy anymore??

He popped up on Iron Trybe a month or two ago with some new pictures, he actually got himself all lean and stuff.
You rock crazymike!

hi this is albert lopez, 24, new to this board,

i was seeing your pics, you look pretty big, but one particular things caught my sight, you got some scoliosis,

i do got scoliosis too, mild one, 19 deegrees or sumthing, and my therapist have told me that if i start training at the gym my back will really eventually recover its natural posture, but as you are big enough, seems that scoliosis remain on your back yet,

did you had a worse curvature when you started lifting weighs? have you accomplished some back and postural figure since you started lifting?

i would LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE MY FRIEND, it could really help me out, do you have some mail or msn or AIM or something? i would love to hear from you sometime

thanks very much for your time, will wait your answer

tonyxchar said:
hi this is albert lopez, 24, new to this board,

i was seeing your pics, you look pretty big, but one particular things caught my sight, you got some scoliosis,

i do got scoliosis too, mild one, 19 deegrees or sumthing, and my therapist have told me that if i start training at the gym my back will really eventually recover its natural posture, but as you are big enough, seems that scoliosis remain on your back yet,

did you had a worse curvature when you started lifting weighs? have you accomplished some back and postural figure since you started lifting?

i would LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE MY FRIEND, it could really help me out, do you have some mail or msn or AIM or something? i would love to hear from you sometime

thanks very much for your time, will wait your answer


Thanks bro!
To be honest I started really lifting about 7 years ago and I just found out about the scoliosis a little over a year ago. So i have no idea how extreme my scoliosis was before training. I do know that my heavy squats and deadlifts are not exactly helping make it better. If anything it is making it worse.
Up until recently I was going to a chiropractor about 3-4 x week. But due to money restraints I had to stop for a while.
As far as going to the gym and the natural posture returning on its own I think is BS. Unless of course you have certain exercises that are designed for that. But if you train like I do, then it will just not happen.
I am very stubborn. I know that lifting the weights I do is not healthy for me, but if I don't train hard, then I don't accomplish my bodybuilding goals. And to me that is more important right now.

Hope that helps!