some q's before first batch


Im about to make my first batch of test e. I got all the equipment and recipe but I was just wondering if it is really necessary to preheat the gso before adding it to the powder or will it just get filtered when I push it through the watman filter? Seems all the recipes ive read do something different.

Also, does anyone have a recipe for a blend of test e 250 and tren e 150?

Thanks guys/gals
Just did some further investigating and since im using the stove top on number 3 to cook it, that equates to 325 degrees F. That should me more than enough to sterilize the gso and the whatman filter should take care of the rest.
Don't waste time heating your oil. Pointless. With testE you can warm it for easier filtering. Are you using a syringe filter? Add powder,BA,BB if using any, swirl around until dissolved then add oil, warm it up a bit( 325 degrees is a bit much) until everything is mixed then filter. Your .2 filter of choice will handle the sterilization
Im about to make my first batch of test e. I got all the equipment and recipe but I was just wondering if it is really necessary to preheat the gso before adding it to the powder or will it just get filtered when I push it through the watman filter? Seems all the recipes ive read do something different.

I'm assuming you're considering preheating the GSO to kill off the bacteria?
I'm not sure if that will do it, but I would preheat it to help dissolve the powder quicker, and then heat it again once they're mixed.

Hot oil goes through the watman filter much easier, so I'd recommend filtering while the solution is still hot.

Also, does anyone have a recipe for a blend of test e 250 and tren e 150?

Thanks guys/gals

I can help you with the math calculation, but I'd need to know

1. How many ml you are trying to make
2. What concentration (%) of BA and BB you want
Ya I was just wondering if its necessary to heat it up to kill bateria or if the syringe filter will take care of that. Im thinking of just putting the beaker in a pot of water with the stove on 2-3, adding in power, ba, bb and letting it all dissolve until clear. Then add gso straight from the bottle and letting it cook for a few minutes for it all to mix up. Then running it through a syringe filter (.45) into a sterile vial.
Does that sound ok?
Your heating the oil to make it easier to filter. The filter will sterilize and the BA will preserve.
Here's a recipe
Test E - 40mls @ 250mgs/ml
10g test e powder
.8 ml BA (2%)
7.2 ml BB (18%)
22.57 ml GSO (round up to 23)
I'm assuming you're considering preheating the GSO to kill off the bacteria?
I'm not sure if that will do it, but I would preheat it to help dissolve the powder quicker, and then heat it again once they're mixed.

Hot oil goes through the watman filter much easier, so I'd recommend filtering while the solution is still hot.

I can help you with the math calculation, but I'd need to know

1. How many ml you are trying to make
2. What concentration (%) of BA and BB you want

It wont be made for this batch because I dont have enough powder. (Just got enough to test my new source).
Ill probably make about 10mls. Not too picky about % of ba and bb. Just want something stable and that wont burn too much lol. I also think I need to pick up some EO? Test and tren is my all time fav combo and I tried a blend from a reputable ugl and thought it was severely underdosed and wasnt cheap either so making my own is a better option.

Thank you
It wont be made for this batch because I dont have enough powder. (Just got enough to test my new source).
Ill probably make about 10mls. Not too picky about % of ba and bb. Just want something stable and that wont burn too much lol. I also think I need to pick up some EO? Test and tren is my all time fav combo and I tried a blend from a reputable ugl and thought it was severely underdosed and wasnt cheap either so making my own is a better option.

Thank you

100ml through a syringe filter? Hope you have a caulk gun to save your thumbs and I would go with a .22 instead of .45. There is no need for EO. I been brewing for 2 years. I've brewed everything except Winstrol (winny). I've never needed EO. Have you seen what that stuff does to a plunger in a syringe? Not something I want in me. So you have 25g of testE. 2% BA, 10-15% bb( personal preference) will not make a diff unless your using 25g to Pinn with then go with 15% bb to thin it out. What are you using for powder displacement?
Sorry not 10mls, 10-10ml vials worth. (Got my head in the clouds today

Ok using your setup for the blend, here is what you do... First, write down the info of your brew.

Test(e)-Tren(e) blend
Total Final Volume: 100ml

Test(e) concentration: 250mg/ml
Tren(e) concentration: 150mg/ml

BA concentration: 1%
BB concentration: 10%

Next, this is what you do:

Step 1: Calculate how much ingredients you need (powder, BA, BB)

(Formula: Concentration x Total final volume => Total ingredient needed)

250mg/ml x 100ml => 25,000mg (or 25g of Test(e) needed)

150mg/ml x 100ml => 15,000mg (or 15g of Tren(e) needed)​

BA 1%
1/100 x 100ml => 1 ml of BA needed

BB 10%
10/100 x 100ml => 10 ml of BB needed

Step 2: Put all your ingredients into a beaker with volume indicator and mix them

Step 3: Add oil in until the volume reads 100ml. Heat, stir, and filter, etc.
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325 F is way too much for the hormone. Heat degrades the potency. I never go over 150 F with anything I homebrew ever.

You can preheat the oil if you want. I don't. You'd be better off pre-filtering it, but that's not necessary either since everything gets filtered at the end.

You don't need ridiculously high temps to dissolve everything. Like I said, I use 150 F TOPS.

The best way to make sure your gear is sterile is to filter it through a .22 filter, and I wouldn't recommend filtering it while the oil is extremely hot otherwise you might just end up burning the filter depending on the material it's made from.

Also, to the guy above using 1% BA, I'd go at least 2%. 1% is close to what pharma uses and I know my set up is nowhere near as sterile as that.
325 F is way too much for the hormone. Heat degrades the potency. I never go over 150 F with anything I homebrew ever.

You can preheat the oil if you want. I don't. You'd be better off pre-filtering it, but that's not necessary either since everything gets filtered at the end.

You don't need ridiculously high temps to dissolve everything. Like I said, I use 150 F TOPS.

The best way to make sure your gear is sterile is to filter it through a .22 filter, and I wouldn't recommend filtering it while the oil is extremely hot otherwise you might just end up burning the filter depending on the material it's made from.

Also, to the guy above using 1% BA, I'd go at least 2%. 1% is close to what pharma uses and I know my set up is nowhere near as sterile as that.

I agree, 325 is way too hot for this compound. However, you will never make test base at 150. It requires a lot more heat than that. And Winstrol (winny), thats even worse. Most protocols for Winstrol (winny) require an open flame to get enough heat to dissolve the powder.
And i agree, 1% BA is not enough. Everyone is always afraid to put too much BA in their recipes because of pip. You couldnt tell the difference between 1% & 3%. Safer to go with 2% or maybe even 3%. Personally, i use 2%.
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Is it true that BB is bad for stoppers?

No thats not true. Ethyl oleate will dissolve some types of stoppers. It will also dissolve syringe plungers, for those that like to preload syringes. But BB is a mild cosolvent.
Buttman, do you think heating your mixture on a gas stove will affect the hormone? I use a very low flame and just heat it (slowly slowly) enough to dissolve everything and then take it off straight away. I've never had an issue and the gear is potent. I guess leaving it on a high flame for a long period of time would pose as an issue. I think I just answered my own question.
Buttman, do you think heating your mixture on a gas stove will affect the hormone? I use a very low flame and just heat it (slowly slowly) enough to dissolve everything and then take it off straight away. I've never had an issue and the gear is potent. I guess leaving it on a high flame for a long period of time would pose as an issue. I think I just answered my own question.

i know you're not asking me but that set up sounds fine

if you're going to use heat use as little as possible just to dissolve everything. i've done essentially the same thing, just used a water bath on an electric stove instead