Some updates from RJH8541

How much did you get after post cycle therapy (pct) of the 7 month one? What kind of post cycle therapy (pct) did you use and hcg?
Bast said:
How much did you get after post cycle therapy (pct) of the 7 month one? What kind of post cycle therapy (pct) did you use and hcg?

How much what? You mean gains post cycle? I kept pretty much all of them. Softened up a bit like expected, but all was good. Granted, i wasn't OFF very long so my body didn't have much time to right itself. Kind of why I'm coming off now.

post cycle therapy (pct) is always the same:

Nolva 20mg/d
Clomid 100mg/d
Glutamine 20g/d
Creatine 10g/d
(duration depends on cycle and once bloodwork is done)

I use HCG in all my cycles @ 500iu/w so i just stop it before I start my SERMs
good call on the glutamine and creatine.

I take in enough shakes as it is rich in glutamine so that does the trick. I stick to creatin e monohydrate 10 grams w\dextros post workout and 10 grams w\water on off days.

Recently i tryed that CEE stuff and its good stuff too.

oh and nice avatar bro.
They are doing just fine - Heather just recently competed and Ryan is thinking about doing a show in March. He's going to look sick!!