Some updates from RJH8541

mister69 said:
you got a husky? great dogs

No, she's an Akita... and we have a Boston Great Dane.... and a Harlequin Great Dane.... and a little Jack Russell. She's the baddest of the bunch. She kicks my Danes in the ass...hahaha
akitas...oh yeah my buddy has 2 and they look alot like huskys just a bit smaller..

I am a big fan of german sherpeards
RJH8541 said:
btw, here's a couple nice shots of my house this winter... We've got a quiet couple of acres out in the country in Georgia and we love it!!
Even better than I thought. You must do pretty well for yourselves.

Which part of Georgia are you in? I've spent most of my life down there. I won't admit it to my wife, but I do miss it. Not the traffic though...
mranak said:
Even better than I thought. You must do pretty well for yourselves.

Which part of Georgia are you in? I've spent most of my life down there. I won't admit it to my wife, but I do miss it. Not the traffic though...

Thank you.. we do alright. lol

Anyway, we are about 30 mins SE of Atlanta. I know what you mean about the traffic. I drove an hour each way for the last 2 years and just got a job 6 miles from the house. I am soooo excited. Traffic is getting worse by the day.

Where are you now?
RJH8541 said:
Ever since I started training. They just happen to be my strong point, along with delts.

mranak, thanks buddy. I do have a great life, wife, house, etc. My mind is just playing its normal tricks on me now that I am off. Once I can start seeing improvements again and start cutting the fat down, i will be alright.

btw, here's a couple nice shots of my house this winter... We've got a quiet couple of acres out in the country in Georgia and we love it!!

Damn Nice house. Im jealous!
RJH8541 said:
Where are you now?
Raleigh, North Carolina. My wife is still in school so we'll be hanging here for another couple of years, but may head back down after that. I grew up/lived in Gwinnett Co., but worked in Alpharetta. I was making really good money starting at age 19, however, not to mention making even more in the stock market. That was then...

I figured if we ever moved back, we'd live north of the city, but now you've got me thinking. The quality of your home really shows. Much better than the suburban cardboard box sorry-excuse-for-a-house but still over $200,000 piece of shit I live in now.
mranak said:
Raleigh, North Carolina. My wife is still in school so we'll be hanging here for another couple of years, but may head back down after that. I grew up/lived in Gwinnett Co., but worked in Alpharetta. I was making really good money starting at age 19, however, not to mention making even more in the stock market. That was then...

I figured if we ever moved back, we'd live north of the city, but now you've got me thinking. The quality of your home really shows. Much better than the suburban cardboard box sorry-excuse-for-a-house but still over $200,000 piece of shit I live in now.

hah, i used to work in Suwanee. Anyway, i know what you mean. I looked at building my house on the same 2 acres north of the city, and it would have been about $5-600K, and that was barely any trees.

I tell you, it doesn't matter where you live here now, its all crazy. Madine and I eventually want to save up enough $$$ in the next few years, sell the house, take the money and run to Colorado.... That's the plan anyway.

Well, if you ever down this way, hit me up. And go see PB NOW!!!

And here's a couple more to give you an idea of the inside, if you're interested...
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The One & Only said:
Damn your looking good for being off for 9 weeks. I was off for 9 and than just started back up last sunday. I need to get freaky for my wrestling character lol. That house of yours is awesome and I hope once I get called up to tv to be able to buy something like that out here as well as a place back in Vegas. Why not just go back on, or were you on a long cycle and just need a break?

Yeah, i have been cycling pretty heavy for the past two years and just wanted to give my body a rest and get back to normal for a bit. I'm sure I will get back on eventually.

SG - Thanks babydoll... you know you'll always have a room at our place.... OUR bedroom!!! :naughty: ;)
RJH8541 said:
Yeah, i have been cycling pretty heavy for the past two years and just wanted to give my body a rest and get back to normal for a bit.
Looks like you held onto quite a bit. Are you bridging at all or you cleaned out completely?
ectomorph said:
Looks like you held onto quite a bit. Are you bridging at all or you cleaned out completely?

100% Clean... for now. lol

Like I said, just wanted to give the body a break and see what I could do with what I have naturally for a while. Of course, my goals change daily. haha
RJH8541 said:
100% Clean... for now. lol

Like I said, just wanted to give the body a break and see what I could do with what I have naturally for a while. Of course, my goals change daily. haha
Boy can I identify with that!! Again, lookin' good and congrats on all your success.
your looking huge still :). always good to give your body a break for a while. whats your weight at?

btw, not to pry. but what type of job would one need to have a house like yours lol ..
RJH8541 said:
Well, if you ever down this way, hit me up. And go see PB NOW!!!
PB and I are both down in Georgia right now, actually, but for different reasons. I'm making arrangements to meet with PB soon, schedules permitting. Got a bum shoulder right now...really frustrating; just gotta hope it heals soon.

Thanks for the addtional pictures on the house. Very nice. You should be proud of everything you've got for sure. All of your hard work is paying off.
0nyx said:
your looking huge still :). always good to give your body a break for a while. whats your weight at?

btw, not to pry. but what type of job would one need to have a house like yours lol ..

No problem. I work for the nation's largest toy manufacturer.... :)

Oh yeah, thanks. And my weight is hovering around 235 i think. Prolly more like 225 if I dropped the excess fat.

Mentzer - I have done about 4 cycles. One being 7 months long.