Some words of advise

35 years and only 8 running gear and my kidneys are trouble for me: PROTEIN is the smoking gun.

I too am a Less IS More guy and appreciate this thread allot.


Since protein has come up a few times now, I will say it. Massive amounts of protein is WAY over-rated.

In truth, as long as you are eating enough total calories to sustain growth, you will barely notice any difference (likely zero difference) between 1 gram per pound and 2 grams per pound. However, eating 1 gram per pound will be much less stresfull o the kidneys and overall health.

One of the first things Farah did when Kai came over to learn from him was to drastically lower his protein intake. Oscar had Kai eating WAY to much protein. There is absolutely no need to be eating several pounds of meat per. Aside from all the other health repercussions, it just isn't going to help the BB'r gain additional muscle tissue.

Most BB'rs would be far better off drastically recucing their protein intake to about 1 gram per pound of bodyweight, and fill in the rest of their daily cals with whole-grains (severely lacking in most BB'rs diets), a variety of healthy fats, and fresh fruit & vegetables. I can't even begin to tell you guys how many clients I have worked with who don't eat "any" fruit, minimal to no vegetables, and zero whole grains aside from potatoes. Many BB'rs do not even add any healthy fats to their diet aside from a few fish oil caps.

The typical chicken and white rice diet followed by so many BB'rs flat-out fucking sucks for many reasons! I am not saying those can't be valuable foods...sure they can, but when a BB'rs diet is comprised almost entirely of meat, protein shakes, processed or other fiberless grains, and minimal fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats...the BB'r is not only hindering his ability to make optimal gains, but he is setting himself up for major potential health problems.

And lest anyone here think that eating a 1/2 cup of broccoli once or twice per day is sufficient, think again. Eating only a single kind of vegetable 90% of the time...or eating only bananas as your sole fruit source, is keeping your body from experiencing many of the health & indirect muscle building benefits found in a "variety" of fruits & vegetables.

The bottom line is that about 95% of the BB'rs on this board follow diets that are shit! Ohh sure, they may be getting enough protein, enough cals, and even their macro rations may be right for their metabolism. Hell, they may even be eating a "clean" diet, but that does NOT mean the BB'rs diet is ideal or even good for them. In fact, all those things might be on point, but there is "much" more to designing a proper diet than that.

Unfortunately, most BB'rs don't know how to construct a diet suitable for sustaining maximum growth, while making ensuring ther health stays optimal.
TO the OP: The cardio thing needs to be broken down to me..

First off, I thought cardio is good for the heart? I do understand the theory of AAS+cardio=enlarged heart. However the theory behind that is that the heart races extremely fast? But does it not race extremely fast when we are pumping the iron getting in 2-3 extra reps at the end while our faces look like ripe tomatoes?

On top of that doesn't gear spike up cholesterol? Especially things like Tren(what I am on now) are notorious for spiking cholesterol. Bad cholesterol can be treated with a good diet yes, but you still need to do cardio to keep it under control. High cholesterol=unhappy heart.

Lastly, I think I read in one of the posts that by now cardio, you mean that no crazy HIIT I am assuming walking the stair master or the treadmill for 30 min is fine? (serious question) Because when I do it, I always check my pulse since all the cardio machines now a days have that on them and my heart rate the whole time during cardio is in the 125-140 range(I do controlled breathing while on them)

HOWEVER your theory of heart racing too fast on gear can lead to an enlarged heart is interesting and scary. Like I said, for me cardio is not that bad but when I lift my heart is easily in the 170-200 range. I cannot "calmly" lift.
this post is old and this guy is kinda dumb. not a great post man i'd take most of that stuff with a grain of salt. some good info but also some crap as well.