russian dbol by akrikhin
punch pack of 10
letters say metha*****(whatever)
the letters are printed in a "lighter shade of blue" rather than a darker shade - I realize it is difficult to decipher which is lighter shade and which is a darker shade without a pic but to look at it and answer “what shade is the blue – you would say light blue” im emphasizing this because I have seen Russian dbol with a dark blue ink on it
There is also a trade make “R” after metha**** and “0.005r”
-right in the middle of the blister pack is the word “Akpixin” with a symbol in front of it
- there is no bar code on the blister pack and I have seen it with one in the past.
- one the one end indented is “ 120902 (funny looking symbol)o X 07”
- sorry no web cam so no pic.
- pills have no score and have beveled edges
-any thoughts ?? comments?? Real ? yeh? Neh?
i have checked the pics board without any luck
i am curious as to why i have seen this one without a barcode and also others with?? any thoughts?
punch pack of 10
letters say metha*****(whatever)
the letters are printed in a "lighter shade of blue" rather than a darker shade - I realize it is difficult to decipher which is lighter shade and which is a darker shade without a pic but to look at it and answer “what shade is the blue – you would say light blue” im emphasizing this because I have seen Russian dbol with a dark blue ink on it
There is also a trade make “R” after metha**** and “0.005r”
-right in the middle of the blister pack is the word “Akpixin” with a symbol in front of it
- there is no bar code on the blister pack and I have seen it with one in the past.
- one the one end indented is “ 120902 (funny looking symbol)o X 07”
- sorry no web cam so no pic.
- pills have no score and have beveled edges
-any thoughts ?? comments?? Real ? yeh? Neh?
i have checked the pics board without any luck
i am curious as to why i have seen this one without a barcode and also others with?? any thoughts?