spaghetti and meatballs?


New member
i am on cycle right now to bulk and am taking test e 500 mg week n 60 mg d bol... my question is can i have spaghettin and meatballs? lol dumb question but my diet is on point and i havent had pasta in i cant remember.
i am on cycle right now to bulk and am taking test e 500 mg week n 60 mg d bol... my question is can i have spaghettin and meatballs? lol dumb question but my diet is on point and i havent had pasta in i cant remember.

Bro, to me a calorie is a calorie.
I don't see why not, you can have a cheat meal once a week.
In a bowl of spaghetti & meatballs you're looking at (400 cals/14 fat/ 46 Carbs, 17.9 protein) Per 1 cup, so calculate accordingly to how many cups u eat.

Just keep in mind what your caloric intake is at this meal & work it towards your goals, if your bulking you can be more flexible to these meals than if your cutting.

so I say, Go have your bowl & enjoy it.
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lol thanks bro, just was curious cause my last cycle my diet was for shit and didnt get the gains i should have so im double checking on a lot.. but thanks man
what are your stats ? what are your macros like?? please specify how many cals your taking in total.