Split thread: Test Purification and Adex


New member
In the interest of respecting everyone's time here, I'm gonna try and ask two questions that one should be able to answer casually. That way, I maximize responses and consolidate the info I'm looking for.

1. Anyone else's Adex give them bad bile diarrhea? I'm at .5 EOD and whenever I dose, I get about 8 hrs before I feel sick or just garbage, then two hours later a bad bile shit and I'm pretty much okay again. I feel improved right after dose so I want to say the stuff isn't total bunk but if this isn't inevitable I want to rectify the situation.

2. I popped the top off of a test e vial to fish out the last 8 or so pins using sterile instruments but I got sick later - not deathly and no absesses, but sick enough to need antiB's so I haven't touched that vial since. There's enough left to merit trying to save it and I've heard the BA trick but that sounds like pain so I wanted to see if anyone had any other solutions. If not, I guess I could also use a recommendation on how much to add to be sure it's safe again, and I'd definitely be curious to hear if anyone has successfully purified test like this ("success" being the test remained active and you didn't get sick).

Thanks in advance, all insight is appreciated.