Sponsored MK-677 Log : What can this do in 1 month


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Brand: Dark Label Nutrition from bbesupps

I have a 1 month supply @ 25mg a day. (Depending on how my body reacts it may be 5 days on 2 days off, from research done)

I'm going to be taking this close to bed time for a few reasons (Feel free to correct anything I may have misread or if my research is off):

First being that it will stimulate hunger, I don't need to be hungry during the day as I'm in a caloric deficit.
Second, I hear that it helps with sleep, something I look forward to (Vivid dreams are awesome).
Third, that's what I've read other loggers do so why mess with what seems to work.

I will be running this solo (Well, this plus my TRT protocol)

What I'm hoping to see in just a month is hopefully some clearing of my skin, better sleep, quicker recovery times, overall feelings of wellness. Not sure that can be had in a month but we'll see. I'll update as I notice things and every week around this time.
First Experience

I will say this, it doesn't taste good. They come in grape flavor but it's less grape and more chemical. You have to crush it and let it dissolve which means that taste is there a while. Definitely doable, but have a refreshing beverage on standby.
Brand: Dark Label Nutrition from bbesupps

I have a 1 month supply @ 25mg a day. (Depending on how my body reacts it may be 5 days on 2 days off, from research done)

I'm going to be taking this close to bed time for a few reasons (Feel free to correct anything I may have misread or if my research is off):

First being that it will stimulate hunger, I don't need to be hungry during the day as I'm in a caloric deficit.
Second, I hear that it helps with sleep, something I look forward to (Vivid dreams are awesome).
Third, that's what I've read other loggers do so why mess with what seems to work.

I will be running this solo (Well, this plus my TRT protocol)

What I'm hoping to see in just a month is hopefully some clearing of my skin, better sleep, quicker recovery times, overall feelings of wellness. Not sure that can be had in a month but we'll see. I'll update as I notice things and every week around this time.
Good, please keep us posted!
After First Dose:

I went to bed pretty tired. Life is a bit rough these days. While I can't attribute the following to MK just yet, I had 4 very lucid dreams, remembering all 4. I woke up 4 times as well thinking it was time to wake up but it wasn't. Could be life hitting me a bit hard or the MK. I'll know more tonight as I have had an easy day today and should get a good nights sleep without worrying about alarm clocks going off tomorrow.
That does of MK-677 is akin to either 2 IUs a day of HGH I believe - which is perfect for what you want it to do. I found this study a bit ago:

Methods: A double-blind, multicenter study was conducted in which 563 patients with mild to moderate AD were randomized to receive MK-677 25 mg or placebo daily for 12 months
Results: A total of 416 patients completed treatment and assessments at 12 months. Administration of MK-677 25 mg resulted in a 60.1% increase in serum IGF-1 levels at 6 weeks and a 72.9% increase at 12 months.
Growth hormone secretagogue MK-677
Anyone else do 5 days on 2 days off?

Was hoping for good sleep last night but I didn't get much. The dreams however have stayed. Still won't say for sure that it's the MK at this point (Stress is slightly elevated at home).
Anyone else do 5 days on 2 days off?

Was hoping for good sleep last night but I didn't get much. The dreams however have stayed. Still won't say for sure that it's the MK at this point (Stress is slightly elevated at home).

I heard a lot of people do that. It takes a little time to build up on the system, so 2 days off will not hurt anything.
1 week mark:

- Skin has cleared up. I have bad skin (red blotches on my arms and top of my hands) from sweat etc. Now, it's gone.
- Dreams are still long, clear and nice.

I can't say much else but if this is something that keeps skin clear it's definitely a better choice than taking steroid creams IMO. I'll have to wait a little more to see if it stays though. The dreams are great. I'm not sure what else to expect but hopefully more good news.
Skin and hair improvements are the first thing you should notice with MK677 and HGH. Excellent that you are seeing it!
Well, I weighed in today and while all other measurements stayed the same, my weight moved up 1.8 kgs.

I'm going to stop the MK for this week and see if this is actual water weight/retention. And figure out if there's a way to keep the water weight off while on MK.
I was recommended by a friend running HGH to take dandelion extract along with another product (Natural) as he swears by it to control water retention. That's coming in soon. By Thursday I will know if the weight was water or MK and if it was MK I'll resume the log along side dandelion extract.

My skin is starting to become sore again so I'll be able to take some before/after pictures to show how well this works for skin.
I would just say if your goal is to lose fat, then water weight is really a distraction. Water is essential. It's good in general to be well hydrated. I guess controlling water retention is one thing, I've never ha a problem with it, as I'm usually concerned with making sure I drink enough water.

Maybe weighing yourself is a good general rule of thumb but is not a real good indicator, as most of your fluctuations in weight have to with water. Look in the mirror and expect a slow and steady improvement in your body rather than looking to the scale all the time.

In order to burn one pound of fat a week, which takes consistent effort, you must burn 3,500 more calories than you are consuming. In order to do that, you have to know how many calories you are consuming and many calories you are burning. That's the surest way to do it that I know of.

Of course, resistance training should increase your metabolism and HGH should help you increase lean mass. It may make it easier for you but you have got to do the math to know you are losing fat.

I hope this helps.
Alright, so after 7 days off the MK I saw an almost 10lbs drop in weight. So that initial weight gain was most definitely water weight, something the HGH is known to bring on. MK does what it does.

I got myself some dandelion extract and started that. Almost immediately started to urinate more, not necessarily more often, but more in each go that I normally go. From what I understand (From what my buddy says) is it will keep water off while on MK.

Now back at day 1 I've got some rashes on my skin, something that went away. Hopefully by this time next week it will go away while on MK.
Would you recommend if no skin issues?

The sleep aspect was something else that improved. Dreams become more vivid and you feel more rested. I have to finish this log before concluding what it will actually do as far as muscle mass and fat loss. So far though, it's a good product.