SP's on/off-season log

Weight 218

Woke up feeling absolutely beat for some reason, fed myself but couldn't imagine actually getting on my bike, making it all the way to the gym & through a workout so I went back to bed for awhile and hit the gym this evening

Mon - chest/delts
warmup - indoor track

machine press - a few warmup then four pyramid/working sets

incline BB press - two feeder and four work sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

pec dec - five sets

pec minor dip - one set to failure

lateral DB raise - four sets, finished with a quadruple dropset

HSPL shoulder press - warmup and four work sets

front BB raise - four sets
superset rope crunches - four sets

bentover rear lateral DB raise - three sets

30min LISS - indoor track
Dude it seems like you've been feeling below par for a while now...

Might need to chuck in a refeed for a few days depending on your carb intake and if your schedule allows it.

Otherwise, adjusting your workout volume might be a good idea - high volume + low carb tends to end badly...very badly.
Dude it seems like you've been feeling below par for a while now...

Might need to chuck in a refeed for a few days depending on your carb intake and if your schedule allows it.

Otherwise, adjusting your workout volume might be a good idea - high volume + low carb tends to end badly...very badly.

Maybe even a few days off to lef the CNS heal up as well!
Dude it seems like you've been feeling below par for a while now...

Might need to chuck in a refeed for a few days depending on your carb intake and if your schedule allows it.

Crushed half an easter bunny in the middle of the night just for you big guy ;)

Otherwise, adjusting your workout volume might be a good idea - high volume + low carb tends to end badly...very badly.

Agreed. My carbs aren't particularly low right now, just low compared to what I'm used to...was just barely gaining (0.5lbs per week) on 400p/600c/120f so dropping to 325/425/75 feels worse than it really is.

Maybe even a few days off to let the CNS heal up as well!

I don't disagree with you guys at all, and truly appreciate the advice. I'm just terrible at moderation.

Today's workout was pretty good, energy-wise but nevertheless I'm planning a rest day friday (have to go pick one of my bikes up from the dyno 3+ hrs away) and will try to keep the next few workouts in the 12 set range.

Weight 215

Got a good sleep, although I did wake up and eat half an easter bunny...which may have contributed to my pretty solid leg workout this morning :D

Tue - legs
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup, four work sets - end with partials after the fourth set

front barbell squat (almost ATG?) - five sets, I'll call three of them working since the bar wasn't stable and had to abort a couple as I can't rack it properly anymore, lost flexibility by not front squatting and have to do the x-arm method

1.25 hack squat - each rep was a partial and a full, twelve of each for four sets total
superset hack squat calf raise - high-ish reps due to lighter weight on the machine, added some partials as well

standing calf raise - two sets to failure

SLDL - three sets, pyramiding weight up and dropping a few reps each time

bulgarian split squat - one burnout set before I had to get moving on cardio...

20min LISS - indoor track
Crushed half an easter bunny in the middle of the night just for you big guy ;)

Agreed. My carbs aren't particularly low right now, just low compared to what I'm used to...was just barely gaining (0.5lbs per week) on 400p/600c/120f so dropping to 325/425/75 feels worse than it really is.

I don't disagree with you guys at all, and truly appreciate the advice. I'm just terrible at moderation.

Today's workout was pretty good, energy-wise but nevertheless I'm planning a rest day friday (have to go pick one of my bikes up from the dyno 3+ hrs away) and will try to keep the next few workouts in the 12 set range.

Weight 215

Got a good sleep, although I did wake up and eat half an easter bunny...which may have contributed to my pretty solid leg workout this morning :D

Tue - legs
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup, four work sets - end with partials after the fourth set

front barbell squat (almost ATG?) - five sets, I'll call three of them working since the bar wasn't stable and had to abort a couple as I can't rack it properly anymore, lost flexibility by not front squatting and have to do the x-arm method

1.25 hack squat - each rep was a partial and a full, twelve of each for four sets total
superset hack squat calf raise - high-ish reps due to lighter weight on the machine, added some partials as well

standing calf raise - two sets to failure

SLDL - three sets, pyramiding weight up and dropping a few reps each time

bulgarian split squat - one burnout set before I had to get moving on cardio...

20min LISS - indoor track

That's why I said to maybe take some days to reset, I know you don't like to take days off. Hell, neither do I, after all we go to the gym because that's what we like to do!!

I used to push myself even when I knew damn well I should be going to the gym, and sometimes it wasn't my muscles that needed the break it was my CNS. At a certain point if I have trained too much my brain begins to do funny things. I start to feel mildly depressed and anxious, and I start to not be able to focus on my thoughts properly. At this point, which I rarely get to anymore, its time to chill, I don't care if Im due to train back or legs or whatever its rest day or two or sometimes even three. Then I go back fully charged and feeling like a million bucks.

Seems odd though you would feel like this even with carbs still that high. I know theyre lower than before but they aren't LOW by any means.
Carbs & training volume are 2 sides of the same coin - if one is high then the other needs to be high, if one is low then you get away with lowering the other, etc.

IMO lowering the volume a bit might be a good idea, nothing too dramatic to start with - get rid of a failure set here, or a burn out set there, maybe drop one exercise from 5 to 4 sets, etc.

I completely understand about not being good with moderation man - I was exactly the same when going through prep.
You get used to busting your ass in the gym during the off season and refuse to accept that being on lower cals = less energy = have to sacrifice something somewhere.
Took me 2 failed preps to accept the fact that I cant drive 100 miles with only 80 miles of petrol.
That's why I said to maybe take some days to reset, I know you don't like to take days off. Hell, neither do I, after all we go to the gym because that's what we like to do!!

I used to push myself even when I knew damn well I should be going to the gym, and sometimes it wasn't my muscles that needed the break it was my CNS. At a certain point if I have trained too much my brain begins to do funny things. I start to feel mildly depressed and anxious, and I start to not be able to focus on my thoughts properly. At this point, which I rarely get to anymore, its time to chill, I don't care if Im due to train back or legs or whatever its rest day or two or sometimes even three. Then I go back fully charged and feeling like a million bucks.

Seems odd though you would feel like this even with carbs still that high. I know theyre lower than before but they aren't LOW by any means.

Carbs & training volume are 2 sides of the same coin - if one is high then the other needs to be high, if one is low then you get away with lowering the other, etc.

IMO lowering the volume a bit might be a good idea, nothing too dramatic to start with - get rid of a failure set here, or a burn out set there, maybe drop one exercise from 5 to 4 sets, etc.

I completely understand about not being good with moderation man - I was exactly the same when going through prep.
You get used to busting your ass in the gym during the off season and refuse to accept that being on lower cals = less energy = have to sacrifice something somewhere.
Took me 2 failed preps to accept the fact that I cant drive 100 miles with only 80 miles of petrol.

Well, it wasn't a rest day but I took it easy this morning on you guys' recommendation...arms day is always the least taxing to begin with but I even so I cut the volume down.

Weight 216

Had a LOT of salt yesterday, between a mucho burrito and some soup I probably hit 3000mgs right there alone.

As mentioned this was a shorter arms workout, only two exercises per muscle group...my triceps were on fire though.

Wed - arms
warmup - indoor track

rope tricep pushdown - three warmup/pyramid sets and four work sets
superset crossbody DB curl - three warmup/pyramid and four working sets

decline leg raise - four sets
superset incline skullcrusher - four sets

cable/cross bicep curl - five sets
superset inverted grip tricep pull/pushdown - three sets

25min LISS - indoor track
Weight 217

Midway through my workout, mid-set actually I got a call from the dentist reminding me I need to be there at 7:30am tomorrow...damn. May have to take the day off work afterall since I need to leave work at noon to pick my streetbike up from the dyno.

I (mostly) copied schredder's back attack from yesterday & had to pyramid the weight on quite a few exercises as they were new or new variations and wasn't sure how much I'd need for my usual 10-12 rep range

Thu - back
warmup - indoor track...one of my toes is really sore and bruised, I think I've been doing too much cardio on the hard track with barefoot running shoes

wide-grip pulldown - warmup and three work sets

deadstop DB row - three working sets, serratus bugging me a little on the left side so stuck with light (90lb) DBs

supinated grip cambered bar cable rows - warmup and four work sets
superset bodyweight hyperextension - three sets

DB pullover - three sets
superset rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets, finished with dropset

narrow grip pulldown - three sets, pyramiding weight

underhand grip high-row machine - three sets, pyramiding weight
superset narrow-grip behind-the-neck pulldown (using a rope) - two sets

No cardio because my toe has an owie...
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Weight 217

Midway through my workout, mid-set actually I got a call from the dentist reminding me I need to be there at 7:30am tomorrow...damn. May have to take the day off work afterall since I need to leave work at noon to pick my streetbike up from the dyno.

I (mostly) copied schredder's back attack from yesterday & had to pyramid the weight on quite a few exercises as they were new or new variations and wasn't sure how much I'd need for my usual 10-12 rep range

Thu - back
warmup - indoor track...one of my toes is really sore and bruised, I think I've been doing too much cardio on the hard track with barefoot running shoes

wide-grip pulldown - warmup and three work sets

deadstop DB row - three working sets, serratus bugging me a little on the left side so stuck with light (90lb) DBs

supinated grip cambered bar cable rows - warmup and four work sets
superset bodyweight hyperextension - three sets

DB pullover - three sets
superset rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets, finished with dropset

narrow grip pulldown - three sets, pyramiding weight

underhand grip high-row machine - three sets, pyramiding weight
superset narrow-grip behind-the-neck pulldown (using a rope) - two sets

No cardio because my toe has an owie...

Awesome!! How did it work out P?
Awesome!! How did it work out P?

Really good man, great pump in the lats especially like you said. I would've liked to add rack pulls like you were planning to, or even deads but I'm trying to let whatever I did to my side/serratus/ribs/intercostals heal & giving those heavy pulling exercises a break.

I normally do traps on back day so I was going to add them at the end instead, but ended up chatting with the figure competitor I've been observing (ok stalking?). She came over and asked me if I was competing this weekend (it's Northerns)...I said unfortunately no, not quite ready. We discussed her diet, coach (who's an idiot based on the diet imo), how to reverse diet out of the show and what doing your first competition is like (this'll be her first). Nice person/girl actually, I tried to slip in a reference to ms.SP so she wouldn't think I was hitting on her (even though she started talking to me, lol)
Its hard being good lookin eh?! Lmfao

Ya right on man, glad it worked out good! I got a funky new plan for my next chest session. Peek at my log tomorrow and check er out!
Weight 212

This was after the dentist which means I hadn't eaten or drank much at all, still quite the drop from yesterday...and I even overshot my macros by approximately one raisin english muffin + creamcheese & jam at bedtime...

I got my hair cut and shaved off my beard so that might be it...damn I look small as fck in the mirror now =\

Fri #1 - chest
warmup - indoor track

slight incline DB press - two warmup and four work sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

slight decline smith press - five (?) work sets

bodyweight chest dips - four sets, tried to get a good contraction on each rep like pec minor dips but with a full range of motion

pec dec - four sets
You've dropped a lot of weight quick man!!! Do you think that the rate youre dropping at might be the reason you are feeling fatigued more so than often?
You've dropped a lot of weight quick man!!! Do you think that the rate youre dropping at might be the reason you are feeling fatigued more so than often?

Absolutely. No question in my mind...after this weekend I'm going to reintroduce some drugs, up the food very slightly and should fill back up a bit. I'm as flat as I was during the final weeks of prep and approaching a nice low body fat id call within a month's striking distance of a show so I am going to make sure I don't lose any unnecessary muscle and hold at this point until I find a show.

I'm waiting to hear back from the organizer of an early July npc show in Washington...that may be the one if Albertan entries are allowed. Cbbf has some rules about only competing in states that touch the competitors province but that's ridiculous, Montana is enormous and doesn't have many competitions
Fri #2 - delts/cardio
warmup - indoor track

OHP - five sets of five
superset over-and-backs with band - four sets

behind-the-back lateral cable raise - three or four sets

rear delt band pull-aparts - four sets

front DB raise - three sets
superset decline leg raise - three sets

20min LISS - indoor track