Boom..there it is? I didn't have any of my favorite helper anadrol so I've been doing about 20mg sdrol for the last three days...that & the extra cals seem to be kicking in finally

Ab check on the weekend, see how things are lookin...
Woke up an hour before my alarm and didn't feel like going back to bed, so I made some food and read up on FST-7 out of curiosity. Seems pretty easy to integrate with mountain dog training so I'm going to be trying a few things in the next little while.
Drinking low sodium v8 juice as I type this, already took 500mg magnesium and had some milk in my oats for calcium to try & avoid another catastrophic cramp situation...
Thu - legs
warmup - indoor track
HS kneeling hamstring curl - four sets, pyramiding weight up with high reps (min 15 per set)
superset bodyweight SLDL - 10-15 nice slow, stretchy/weightless SLDLs between each ham curl set
HS isolateral quad ext - four sets, pyramiding weight up with high reps again (still 15+ each set)
quad stretches - toes back, sitting on heels for 30sec between quad extension sets
highbar ATG squat - warmup/feeler set and four relatively high-rep (for me, lately) working sets...12x275 almost killed me; used to working with at least 365 ffs
walking BB lunges - focused on the ham/glute contraction rather than quads...was planning to do SLDLs here (with a BB) but my workout partner isn't into them lol
banded leg press - seven sets of 10-12reps (FST-7 style)
seated hamstring curl - seven sets of 10-12 reps, ended with a burnout set...partials and a drop
20min LISS - indoor track