SP's on/off-season log

Weight 222

Good day - great workout, no stomach issues, got a call that the doctor who ordered my blood tests wants to see me so I'll go in tomorrow - we'll see I guess...

TuePM - legs (main - universe wk2)

warmup - indoor track

seated hamstring curl - three (or four?) warmup sets of 10, then eight working sets of 10 reps, heavy weight (near failure on every rep)
superset glute machine - three warmup sets and eight working sets of 8 reps, with a 1-2 sec squeeze on every rep

highbar ATG squat - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 8 until I couldn't get 8 good reps
8 x bar
8 x 135
8 x 225
8 x 315
7 x 365...it's an excuse, but my belt was pinching the hell out of me so I couldn't tell if I had another rep in me

hammer squat machine - three sets, done like this:
6 very slow reps with 350lbs on the machine (pin-loaded)
5 even slower slow reps with 250lbs loaded
4 ludicrously slow reps @ 150lbs...legs were shaking like crazy, could barely stand after this

HS iso-lateral leg extension machine - three sets of 6 with a 3 second flex/squeeze at the top of every rep
superset sissy squats - three sets of 6 immediately after each set of leg extensions, basically couldn't bend my legs...quads on fire

kneeling leg curl - three sets of 15 reps per leg, with a good full ROM on every rep

cooldown - indoor track, again...about 20mins total between warmup & cooldown so maybe 'LISS'

I made a few squat videos for a friend, figured I might as well share them here too:

You don't need a belt. 8-P

Why do you go so low in your squats? You are going below parallel. I was taught not to do that. Am I missing something?
You don't need a belt. 8-P

Why do you go so low in your squats? You are going below parallel. I was taught not to do that. Am I missing something?

If you stop midway, a lot of the force required to reverse your direction is applied over the front of your knee (think tendons and ligaments)

Squatting deeper engages the posterior chain especially when coming out of the hole, allowing what in my case is a huge ass to handle the initial workload then transferring it to the quads
Weight 222

Good day - great workout, no stomach issues, got a call that the doctor who ordered my blood tests wants to see me so I'll go in tomorrow - we'll see I guess...

TuePM - legs (main - universe wk2)

warmup - indoor track

seated hamstring curl - three (or four?) warmup sets of 10, then eight working sets of 10 reps, heavy weight (near failure on every rep)
superset glute machine - three warmup sets and eight working sets of 8 reps, with a 1-2 sec squeeze on every rep

highbar ATG squat - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 8 until I couldn't get 8 good reps
8 x bar
8 x 135
8 x 225
8 x 315
7 x 365...it's an excuse, but my belt was pinching the hell out of me so I couldn't tell if I had another rep in me

hammer squat machine - three sets, done like this:
6 very slow reps with 350lbs on the machine (pin-loaded)
5 even slower slow reps with 250lbs loaded
4 ludicrously slow reps @ 150lbs...legs were shaking like crazy, could barely stand after this

HS iso-lateral leg extension machine - three sets of 6 with a 3 second flex/squeeze at the top of every rep
superset sissy squats - three sets of 6 immediately after each set of leg extensions, basically couldn't bend my legs...quads on fire

kneeling leg curl - three sets of 15 reps per leg, with a good full ROM on every rep

cooldown - indoor track, again...about 20mins total between warmup & cooldown so maybe 'LISS'

I made a few squat videos for a friend, figured I might as well share them here too:

Your heavy set (from behind) sure looked a lot more controlled and strict than your (side view) lighter set mate.

There looked to be a lot of speed going into the transition if I'm honest.

My advice would be to control (and feel) the descent more (increasing T.U.T) - and explode upwards with power - creating 2 definite speeds...

Think of it as COLD descent - HOT ascent - but that's just my opinion (based on 3 knee operations and longevity in mind) ;)

Either way, great work man. Your back is looking nice and thick, and you know I've always been a big fan of your wheels!
Your heavy set (from behind) sure looked a lot more controlled and strict than your (side view) lighter set mate.

There looked to be a lot of speed going into the transition if I'm honest.

My advice would be to control (and feel) the descent more (increasing T.U.T) - and explode upwards with power - creating 2 definite speeds...

Think of it as COLD descent - HOT ascent - but that's just my opinion (based on 3 knee operations and longevity in mind) ;)

Either way, great work man. Your back is looking nice and thick, and you know I've always been a big fan of your wheels!

The 225 was a very easy warmup set, hence the speed..

315 still wasn't (or, isn't usually) particularly challenging so it wasn't me trying to execute with textbook form - the advice is still good and appreciated though!

My shoulder / T spine flexibility is decent but still a limiting factor since I can't properly rack a front squat anymore, for example...I stretch but haven't improved much hence the bit of hip hinge at the bottom

If I stop at parallel I can easily keep my chest out / chin up (more-so) but that brings me back to the problem / reply I had for Megatron, above ^

I should've gotten him to record the 7x365 actually, he spotted but I didn't need it...and again I know I typically have more in me so without the belt issue it might've been more impressive

Believe it or not I think my form gets better as the weight gets heavier...helps me balance, maybe?

Weight 223

Good day for a Wednesday, endured another crazy-long meeting in the afternoon then headed over to the doctor's office to see about the blood test...

Result: negative for well, just about everything - and I checked off almost every box that he didn't to be honest. Iron was a 'little low' but nothing else flagged as out of range, even had a peek at my cholesterol and it was alright (though I'd prefer HDL higher than 42)

The medications he prescribed (prescription-grade antacid, basically) have done wonders...without something to go on, as far as explanation goes, for now he just gave me the Mexico-trip's worth of renewal and when I come back I'll drop them and hope things have 'worked themselves out'...

Wed - chest/abs (main - universe wk2)

HSPL flat chest press - two warmup / feeder sets, then three working sets of 8 reps with slow tempo and hard flex/squeeze at the top of every rep

incline BB press - four sets, pyramiding weight up slightly (only adding 10lbs per side) on each set and getting 15/12/10/10 reps respectively

hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunches - sets of 15 after each set of leg raises

incline DB press - approximately 5 sets of 8, going to 3/4 lockout and increasing weight on each set until I couldn't get 8 reps (only got 6x100, much less than usual due to pre-fatigue)

machine flyes (Pec Dec) - four sets, with minimal rest...15, 15, 12, 10 reps per set, approximately

Finished with some posing, felt good beside my buddy even though he's 9 weeks out I was still beating him on condition and size...he out-poses and proportions me however, especially arms still

Watching episode II right now...damn anakin is whiny before he becomes...who he becomes
Believe it or not I think my form gets better as the weight gets heavier...helps me balance, maybe?

For sure!

I think psychologically, you tell yourself that technique has to be nailed down when the weight goes up, and of course there will be less bounce in the transition the more weight there is on the bar.

I also think the core is tighter, the secondary muscles step up an become more accountable - and in general you become more compact.

Great work bro.
For sure!

I think psychologically, you tell yourself that technique has to be nailed down when the weight goes up, and of course there will be less bounce in the transition the more weight there is on the bar.

I also think the core is tighter, the secondary muscles step up an become more accountable - and in general you become more compact.

Great work bro.

Thanks again amigo, MRZ mentioned he sees guys slack a bit on their form on lighter / warmup sets too so I will get a video of a heavier set and see how things look!

Weight 222

Work was CRAZY today, but knowing I'm only a day away from stepping onto a plane to mexico makes it easier to swallow.

One more half day or so, hand off some projects...set the vacation responder and peaaaaaaaaace!

Thu - arms/delts/abs/calves (main - mountaindog style)

warmup - indoor track

lateral DB raise - two warmup sets and three working sets of 12 reps, strict form going to 10 & 2 degrees (slightly above parallel)
superset supinated DB curl - two warmup sets then three workings sets of 10, also strict form, focusing on peak contraction and slow eccentrics

rope crunches - four sets, very heavy...16/17/18 then 16 reps per set, respectively

rope tricep pushdown - two warmup sets and four working sets of 12 with a 1-2 sec flex/squeeze at the bottom of every rep

overhead tricep rope extension - pyramiding weight up, at the expense of reps...15/12/10/9 reps per set approximately
superset rope face-pulls - four sets, using the same weight so pyramiding as well, doing each rep with a 1 sec flex/hold at contraction

seated tricep pushdown - three sets of 12, very heavy on these
superset ab crunch machine - three sets, increasing weight on each....25/20/15 reps respectively

HSPL shoulder press - did a quick warmup then 2, 2.5, 3 plates per side for 12/10/8 reps
superset rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets of 20, nothing fancy here

seated calf raise - three sets of 10 full reps, 10 partials then 10 sec stretch

BB curl - two sets of 12 with 3 second eccentrics
superset cross-body hammer DB curl - two sets of 8

That was a longer workout than anticipated but it felt good, might've added one more bicep exercise if I thought about it earlier but I was running out of time at the end

Feeling good these last few days with more carbs in me, took a few pre-mexico selfies: Dec 17/2015 - offseason pre-mexico pictures - Album on Imgur
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Weight 225

Barely slept at all last night, I didn't want to even mention it so that it wouldn't get validated but I definitely have a serious cold...of all things, all times...jesus.

Anyways it won't stop me from going south tonight, just kept me from sleeping last night but allowed me to watch episodes III and IV

Just two left to watch on my phone sometime during our trip...maybe if I do some cardio, or just before bed

FriAM - legs (pump day - universe wk3)

warmup - indoor track

seated leg curl - 3 warm up sets of 10 reps, then very hard (but with perfect form) sets of 12, 10, and 8...on the last set with 8 reps, I then added 15 VERY slow partials out of the stretched position

glute machine - adjusted the hip/glute machine to simulate a donkey kick motion, and did 3 sets of 10 with each leg with a 2sec pause/squeeze on every rep
superset adductor machine - one warmup and three working sets of 12, full stack + slow/controlled reps

pin-loaded leg sled - approximately 10 sets of 15 going all the way up until I could barely get 15 reps...on the last 3 sets I slowed down the eccentric and tried to feel my vastus lateralis

hip machine - same machine as before, adjusted for hip work (basically like a one-legged knee raise)....3 sets of 10 with each leg, then got off the machine and stood in my front relaxed pose and tensed my upper thighs for 10 seconds to practice having the entire quad flexed HARD

highbar ATG squat - pump day so I was going for reps and just barely managed to get 3 sets of 20 at 225lbs (2 plates a side, deep)

DB SLDL - deep stretch but only 3/4 of the way up on these, did three sets of 10 with moderate weights
Weight 101kgs

Hola from Mexico!

We arrived safe and sound after some delays around 1:30am Saturday (original ETA was 11pm Friday)

Took the day off, intended to regardless but I was completely waylaid by insane cold symptoms...super congestion, runny eyes/nose - I'm just happy to report my stomach wasn't an issue the first or second day (so far)

Had a minor injury as a bystander to a fight that broke out last night, someone threw a thermos and it shattered a ceramic dish on our table...somehow one of the shards was angled just right to open up a gash on my Achilles' tendon and it bled like fucking crazy

I was hoisting kilos instead of pounds today, felt pretty similar though - decent workout despite really lackluster equipment here (bit of a let down)

Sun - chest/abs/arms

Warmup - nice walk, fairly brisk through the resort ~15mins

flat chest press machine - pyramiding up doing sets of 12 with a hard flex at the top of every rep and 3-4s eccentrics. Lost a few reps by the time I got to the whole stack, around 8 or so on my final set. 5-6 warmup and 5 working sets
superset push-up - bodyweight sets to failure after each of the last three working sets of chest press

decline sit-up - four sets of 30, slow with constant tension

supinated DB curl - warmup then three sets of 12 with a good squeeze and slow eccentrics

tricep pushdown - slightly angled (not Vbar) attachment, did six sets pyramiding weight up and decreasing reps from 25/20/15/12/10/8

cross-body DB curl - three sets of 12, dropset on the third set

tricep kickback - keeping palms up the whole time, two sets of 8 with a hard flex at the top of each rep

DB fly - these were very awkward, there's no bench of any kind and the chest press machine didn't work very well as an improvised bench so I just did one burnout set to failure

That's it - got some swimming done, mostly wading though - decent amount of walking and tanning which felt good after being basically out of commission all day yesterday

No plans to workout every day or anything, but I'll probably hop a bus into town either early this week and hit legs and some back at the golds gym I went to last time

Open to suggestions for day trips, sights we may not have seen last time or other gyms to checkout in the Puerto Vallarta area!
Roudy MFers eh?!?! Lol.

Have a deadly trip man. I wish I was there too!!

Thanks amigo!

Weight unknown (forgot! I'm on vacation)

I got up, had a small breakfast and decided I felt energized and bored so I hit the gym

Fortuitously I went much earlier today so it wasn't as humid and hot in the fitness room as yesterday, something to remember for the future

Mon - delts/upper back (pump/maintenance)

warmup - walking at the resort (again)...~10-15mins brisk

side lateral DB raise - warmup then three sets of 12, going to 10&2 o'clock and finished with a triple dropset

front DB raise - three sets of 12, strict form to above eye level with controlled movements both concentric and eccentric

wide-grip lat pulldown - approximately 8-10 sets, strict form with slow tempo and a pause at the bottom, increasing weight until I got to the full stack then did three more sets of 8 with a bit more body english

ab machine - four sets of 20, relatively heavy

shoulder press machine - four sets, reverse pyramid (accidental) going from 6,8,10 to 12reps...this was only half the stack for 12 so the machine was a bit odd or my shoulders were really weak today

bent over rear lateral DB raise - three sets, 25/15/12 reps respectively with increasingly heavy weights

chest press machine shrugs - the heaviest DBs were 30kgs so to get some decent shrugs done I straddled the bench on the chest machine and shrugged the stack...three sets of 15-20 reps with a 2-3 sec flex/squeeze at the top of each

That was it, less than an hour in and out, again a bit of a makeshift due to only being able to lift kilograms instead of pounds and limited equipment

Spent some quality time in the pool, got a couples massage with Mrs.SP and we went for a walk on the beach which was nice

Napped, she's still napping actually while I finish my pre-dinner dinner here at one of the resort restaurants and tap this out :)
Woke up, latte then light breakfast and then went into town to hit up golds gym this morning...thankfully I remembered how to get there from last time so finding it was no problem.

However! It closed and reopened as a women's-only "pink" golds gym - dafuq?

Misson status...no bueno

So our quartet (mrsSP, brother in law, his friend and myself) went exploring and found another gym - it was no golds but it was good enough for a productive leg day

Tue - legs (pump - Mountaindog style)

warmup - 45-60mins of walking to find the gym!

seated leg curl - shitty machine design (no quad pad, just a over/under shin design) so just did two warmup and three working sets of 10, then a drop/hold set of 15 full, 15 partials and a 15 sec hold

highbar ATG squat - nothing terribly special here, just deep squats at a slower than usual tempo. Oddly they only had 35lbs plates (and yes pounds not kilograms hallelujah)
12 x bar warmup
12 x 115
12 x 185
12 x 255
10 x 305 working
10 x 335
10 x 355
10 x 375 pretty difficult and sweating like crazy so decided that was enough skwats

Platz-style hack squat - 4 sets of 15 slow reps, not quite as deep as I wanted because the machine was weird (you'd need a block of wood on the foot board to get really deep) using moderately heavy weight
superset sissy squat - five ultra slow bodyweight reps after each set of hacks

adductor machine - warmup then four sets of 15 with the full stack
superset abductor machine - first time using this mostly out of curiosity, realized it mostly hits glutes...did four sets of 15 also with the full stack

DB SLDL - three sets of 10 using 3/4 ROM to keep constant tension on the hammies

That was it for the workout but some locals at the gym wanted to take pictures so I acquiesced...other than one or two girls they were mostly younger guys so mrsSP wasn't too upset :)

Bought some icecream, proviron and headed back to the resort - tapping this out over pre-dinner again, not my first rodeo but damn do I like all inclusives (even without the alcohol!)
That was it for the workout but some locals at the gym wanted to take pictures so I acquiesced...other than one or two girls they were mostly younger guys so mrsSP wasn't too upset

Hahahaha get you!!!! - You'll be signing autographs on boobs next!

NB: PM me your email address when you get a chance buddy, I need to run something by you.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation :)
Hahahaha get you!!!! - You'll be signing autographs on boobs next!

NB: PM me your email address when you get a chance buddy, I need to run something by you.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation :)

Replied! :)

I highly recommend 'Lorenzillos' fish restaurant buddy - if you get the chance!

I've been killing mostly fish protein at the resort - high quality and tasty, wow...

I'll see about Lorenzillos though!

Woke up early, had a breakfast-burger, latte and wandered out for a stroll then a quick pit stop at the gym...

Wed - arms/abs (quick pump)

warmup - walking through the resort drinking latte (slow pace!)

bench dips - two bodyweight sets to failure while waiting for the fitness room to open

supinated DB curl - warmup then four working sets of 12 with a 1sec squeeze at the top and 3sec eccentrics...finished with a triple dropset on the final set
superset tricep DB kickback - same idea, one warmup and four working sets with a 1sec flex/squeeze at the top of each rep

tricep pushdown - using the slightly angled bar from last time, four sets with increasing weight and decreasing reps (15/12/10/8) and a flex/hold at the bottom of each rep
superset regular floor crunches - four sets of 30, shortened ROM for constant ab tension

cable curl - using a flat bar, four sets of 12
superset crossbody hammer DB curl - three sets of 8 per arm

Some posing due to amazing lighting in the gym, then ate some actual breakfast (custom eggwhites+whole egg meat lovers omelette, tonnes of fresh pineapple etc)

Rocked the aqua size class in the adult pool at noon just because, got another couples massage on the beach and had an overall great, relaxing day.

Took these four days apart: Dec20-23/2015 - mexico - Album on Imgur
Woke up early again, had a pair of lattes and a piece of toast then headed over to the fitness room again

Thu - back/abs (quick pump)

warmup - usual walk through the resort

widegrip lat pulldown - two warmup and four work sets, pyramiding weight on the working sets in the 8-12 rep range...really full ROM with a big stretch then a hard squeeze and quick hold at full contraction

bent-over row - improvised these by standing over the chest machine again, which forced a very wide grip...did about 8 sets total pyramiding the weight up, higher but decreasing reps for the first four then 8 for last four working sets

"seatbelt" one-arm DB row - I'm pretty sure fouad didn't invent these but I saw him doing them and since the heaviest DBs weren't enough kilograms to be challenging on regular rows I did four sets of 10 modified "seatbelt" rows per arm instead

away-facing behind the neck pulldown - short ROM/constant tension style on these, to minimize risk and still make them useful...did three (or four?) sets of 12

decline sit-up - four sets of 30
superset hyperextension - bodyweight to near failure, three sets of 25-30 reps

Bit of posing, then someone interrupted and asked if I was from Edmonton and if I competed etc. Kind of surprised but It turns out she wants to do her first competition in the spring and had some questions about the federation as well as buying "super supplements" in Mexico...I answered her abba related questions and also said there's good enough availability in canada that I wouldn't mess around with buying and transporting Mexican gear. Somehow I mentioned coaching my sister and now I may have another wimenz competitor...better get my study on, jeez!
Weight 104kgs

Last day in paradise - started it off with my usual latte, walk and workout then did an aquasize class, and a cross fit / calisthenics class a bit later in the day for fun...turns out I STILL suck at jumping rope :)

Fri - chest/delts/abs (quick pump)

warmup - walking on the beach, approximately 30mins worth

chest press machine - same rep scheme as last time, increasing weight doing 12 reps with a hard flex/squeeze on every rep for the first five or six sets, then found a tough 8-10 rep range and banged out four more work sets

shoulder press machine - five sets, pyramiding weight and doing 15/12/10/8/8 reps approximately per set
superset ab machine - four sets of 25, as heavy as it would go

DB flyes - three sets of 12, short ROM for constant tension
superset push-ups - bodyweight, to near failure after each set of flyes

straight-arm pulldown - used the tricep machine for these, four sets of 12 slow, --heavy-- reps

machine shrug - using the chest press machine again, three sets of 12 with a 3sec hold/squeeze at the top of every rep

<<<shoulder triset>>>
Did four rounds of this, back to back with no pause between exercises, and about 90sec rest between rounds
1. side lateral DB raise - 12 reps, slow and controlled going up 10&2 o'clock
2. front DB raise - similar to the side laterals, lifting to above eye level, but only 10 reps
3. bent-over rear lateral DB raise - 8 reps, always mindful to lift up and almost forward to engage the rear delts not traps/scapulae

Some posing as usual, then hit the shower and packed up so we could check out

Lots of cool activities today though, went parasailing too
Sounds like an awesome trip buddy, I have nothing but fond memories of Mexico, spent a fortnight there on honeymoon many years ago.

Just bought myself some wireless 'Beats studio' headphones, so I'm now looking forward to getting out for some long walks like yourself.

What's next on the agenda for you 'show wise'?
Weight 233

We arrived early on boxing day (~5:30am) to -15C temperature, not as bad as it was last time but still pretty cold considering it was nearly 30C when we boarded the plane

I slept a little but not as much as I'd have liked, then woke up and finished my xmas shopping and headed to the gym for legs shortly after lunch

Had a really solid leg workout though...depending on how you count it I think there were nearly 30 working sets

Sat - legs/calves (main - universe week 3)

warmup - indoor track

seated leg curl - three warmup sets of 12, increasing weight then eight working sets of 8 reps, strict form but close to failure on each
superset glute kickback - using the glute/hip machine, also three warmup sets and then eight reps after each set of leg curls

adductor machine - one warmup set and four working sets of 15 reps with the full stack
superset standing calf raise - four working sets, heavy...10 full reps + 10 partials + 10 sec stretch on each set

HSPL hack squat - used this instead of the squat machine because it I'm not a huge fan of the pin-loaded one at the rec centre, sets looked like this:
8 x 90
8 x 140
8 x 180
8 x 230
8 x 270
8 x 320...could've gone a bit heavier but the goal was to stay explosive

Finished the hacks with a dropset:
8 x 270...slow reps
+ 6 x 180...slower reps
+ 4 x 90...even slower reps
+ 2 x 50...extremely slow reps...insane leg pump here

seated calf raise - three sets of 16-20 reps, heavy
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, after each set of calf raises

HS isolateral leg extension - four sets of 8 reps with a 2-3sec flex/hold at the top of every rep
superset sissy squat - 6 bodyweight reps after each set of leg extensions

HS isolateral kneeling hamstring curl - three sets of 15 reps per leg
Weight 233

Had a good, long and much needed sleep - didn't wake up until almost noon, very unusual for me

Finished wrapping Christmas gifts and went over to my parents' place to do the gift exchange for my side of the family

Stuffing, salad and turkey dinner with homemade cheesecake dessert - that's what I'm talking about

Headed to the rec centre for a late workout and got a good one in...

Sun - back/abs/calves (main - universe wk3)

warmup - indoor track

seated cable row - three warmup sets and four working sets of 10 reps, strict form sitting perfectly upright and holding each rep for 1-2sec at full contraction

smith medium-grip row - pyramiding weight doing sets of 12 until I couldn't get 12 reps, short rest periods
12 x 90
12 x 140
12 x 180
12 x 230
10 x 270

regular floor crunches - four sets of 30, short ROM / constant tension
superset standing calf raise - three sets of 15, just straight + heavy reps

DB pullover - three sets of 20 reps with super deep ROM but stopping at forehead level as usual

various-grip pull-up - three sets, 12 reps super wide / pronated grip, then 10 reps medium width / neutral grip and finally 8 reps narrow / supinated grip
superset DB shrug - three sets of 15 reps, heavy, with a 3 sec hold/squeeze at the top of every rep

hyperextension machine - three sets of 25
standing calf raise - three more sets, this time doing 10 reps + 10 second iso-hold three times in a row per set

Some post-mexico pictures, showing off my mountaindog christmas hoodie: http://imgur.com/a/P50P7
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