SP's on/off-season log

Weight 238

Lazy saturday, pretty happy to just do not a whole lot lately on the weekends

Tan, coffee, then picked my friend up and hit the gym

Sat - arms/abs (annihilation wave wk2)

cambered bar pushdown - three sets of 15 with a flex/squeeze on each rep, moderate weight to warmup
superset tricep dips - on a machine with a low amount of assistance to get 15 nice deep, stretchy reps

tricep "tri-set" - did three rounds of this
1. rope tricep pushdown - 12 reps with a 1sec flex/hold at the bottom of each
2. supinated DB kickback - 6 reps per arm with a flex/squeeze at the top also
3. bench dips - 12 bodyweight reps, leaning back and squeezing hard at the top of each rep

double-rope tricep pushdown - these are pretty cool, going to either side of the body and really locking out hard, three (or four?) sets of 12 slow reps

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 slow, controlled reps
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

EZ-bar curl - four sets, pyramiding weight up...got 20/16/12/10 reps per set respectively

cambered-bar cable curl - three triple dropsets, 10x100 + 10x80 + 10x60 I believe, really full ROM on these

narrow-grip preacher machine - four sets of 12 with a 15-20sec forced stretch after the last rep on each set

That was it, managed to get quite a few sets in without really noticing it, I don't like training arms so doing it with a partner is ideal

Time really flies by it seems (more quickly at least)

I put this on instagram yesterday, nothing new but it was cool to see a big number on the scale (especially since it dropped today, hah): https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...3_10153223434581750_3709794451494492619_o.jpg
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Weight 238

Mid-day workout with my wife and sister, it was very productive and had a chance to teach them a few mountain dog exercises

Sun - back/abs (main - annihilation wave wk2)

warmup - indoor track

lat pulldown - three warmup sets, high reps just to get blood flowing

straight-arm rope pulldown - two warmup and four working sets of 10 reps
superset seated cable row - two warmup and four working sets of 8, increasing weight on each so form had to get a bit sloppy on the last sets

regular/floor crunches - four sets of 25

bent-over kettlebell row - one feeder and four working sets of eight reps with a 1sec flex/squeeze at the top of each rep

wide grip pullup - three bodyweight sets of 12

rack pull - one feeder and four (or five?) working sets of 6 reps...heavy

DB pullover - three sets of 10, short ROM for constant tension
Weight 238

Slept through the ol' alarm...oh well, good to rest

I am going to watch my weight closely this week since it hasn't been going the right direction, lately

I am eating very clean (adhering to the diet I've set out for myself) so I will know fairly accurately if I need to make an adjustment

...of course I suspect I will, and it will be in the 25 base carbs + 25 intraWO carb range.

Long day at work then hit the gym in the evening for a pretty solid rest day

Mon - legs (main - annihilation wave wk3)

prone hamstring curl - three warmup sets then four working sets, pyramiding weight...15/12/10/8 reps then on the last set I added 30 partials out of the stretch position

highbar ATG squat - used a safety bar on these, pyramiding weight up doing sets of 10...nothing fancy but not quite all the way up (deep to about 5/6 extension each rep)
10 x bar - I'll assume it weighs approximately the same as a regular olympic bar, but could be a little heavier because it is more complex obviously
10 x 95
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 225
10 x 285
10 x 315 - tough set, back was crazy sore ("pumped" at this point)
superset seated calf raise - six sets of 20-25 reps, I find these help loosen my erector spinae / QL for some reason so it helps to superset them

leg extension - four sets of 10 reps, with a hard flex at the top of each...I tried to go for 30 partials after the last set but only got about 15-16 before I had to quit

hack squat 1.5's - four working sets, these are full + partial reps out of the hole very deep, in sequence...a total of 8-10 of each (full - partial - full - partial etc...)

SLDL - only managed to get one working set of about 10 reps

My lower back was really bothering me by this point so I hit the showers

Here's a few shots from leg day: Jan18/2016 - offseason @ 240lbs - Album on Imgur
Weight 242

Gut issues this morning. Fuck. Not too bad, but still...stopped me from going into the gym (I drove all the way there at 6am, then home)

Frustrating, but I'm not going to cry about it

Dropped the S4 off to get brakes, went to work and bent over when I picked it up, though I kind of expected that...

Evening workouts are fine but the rec centre was ridiculously busy which slowed me down a bit

I can't wait to finish this drol...not only are the back pumps crazy but my wrists were so pumped from doing unsupported hanging leg raises that I couldn't do a fourth set, and had to wait a few minutes before I even felt comfortable holding the barbell to bench with

Tue - chest/delts/abs (main - annihilation wave wk3)

warmup - indoor track

reverse pec dec - one warmup, three straight working sets of 20 reps and a fourth set of 20 + 10 partials

slight-incline DB press - two feeder sets, four working sets of 8 reps...just going to 3/4 lockout, moderately heavy on these (125lbs are the biggest DBs at the rec centre unfortunately)

hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of unsupported leg raises

flat BB press - one feeler set then four working sets, on each rep I lowered it to ~3" off my chest, brief pause, then all the way down and exploded up to 3/4 lockout...8 reps per set

regular pec dec - pyramiding up doing 15/12/10/8 reps, then an additional 8 reps out of the stretch position on the final set

lateral delt raise machine - one warmup and four working sets of 10 reps, heavy, followed by 10 partials on each set

front BB raise - two sets of 10, nothing fancy here just to finish off the anterior delts

That was it, a really cool, middle aged filipino friend of mine was there working out with his wife and it so happened that Mrs. SP was there with me so we chatted with them for a good 10-15 minutes before heading home for showers, soup, netflix and chill ;)
Weight 241

I finally figured out which part of my forearm is jacked up: http://tinyurl.com/znvxeal (ulnar extensor tendon)

But I'm not too sure how to fix it so I am certainly open to suggestions

I've had a few good ones already: add a tensor (under the tight wrist wrap I'm already using to help deal with the issue/pain), tennis elbow bandage, ibuprofen

Otherwise, no serious gut issues this morning so it was early gym for a back attack - nice and DEAD there, fucking loved it

Wed - back/abs (main - annihilation wave wk3)

warmup - indoor track (10mins)

meadows' row - two warmup and four working sets of 8 reps, deep stretch and ensuring a really full ROM on these to fully warm up and work the lats

regular floor crunches - four sets of 30

lat pulldown - really heavy on these, only pulling to the top of the head (not really in front or behind) and holding for 1 sec at the contracted **********..one feeler then four sets of 8 also

DB deadstop row - three sets of 8 reps per arm

DB shrug - three sets of 15 reps, with a 3sec flex/hold at the top of every rep

banded hyperextension - two sets of 20, which was basically failure anyways...the ol' QL and erector spinae did not like this one

OK I seriously don't want to hear it, I've been buying/trying some new brands of boxers and these are pretty tight/NSFW so just don't click this if that bugs you: Jan20/2016 offseason @ 241 - Album on Imgur
Weight 245

Shit day at work, ok workout though I'm never a big fan of training arms...

Gotta do it though

Thu - arms/abs/calves (main - annihilation wave wk3)

warmup - indoor track

rope pushdown - three warmup sets, then four working sets of 12 reps with a 1sec flex/squeeze at the bottom of each rep
superset hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18 then only 16 reps on the last...forearms / grip issue unfortunately

overhead tricep rope extension - one feeler then four working sets of 8 heavy reps
superset incline situp - four sets of 25 reps

lying PJR extension - four sets of 10-12 reps, ended up using a pair of DBs on this and it worked pretty well instead of the Tate-kettle-press that was called for
superset rope crunches - four sets of 15 reps, very heavy but controlled

standing EZ-bar curl - four sets of 10 reps, squeezing hard the whole time
superset standing calf raise - four sets of 10 heavy reps followed by a 10sec stretch at the end

hammer DB curl - four working sets, moderately heavy and really slow...10 reps one arm then 10 reps the other arm
superset seated calf raise - four sets of 10-12 reps followed by the 10sec stretch again

preacher EZ-bar curl - bailed on these as my wrist was sore but not hurting too badly and didn't want to aggravate it any more
Weight 247

Pretty bloofy today, knuckles look swollen, feet feel the same and wedding ring isn't fitting well

My diet is consistent, sodium is fairly steady at 5g/d and AI is there as always so I'm not sure what the deal is

Back was absolutely on fire for most of the workout today but I hit a PR on squats, AFTER some heavy leg pressing nevertheless

Mrs.SP joined me and followed pretty much the entire workout, different weights but almost set for set...very impressed!

Fri - legs/calves (volume/pump - mountaindog variations)

warmup - indoor track...even this started bothering my back haha

prone hamstring curl - three warmup and four working sets of 12 reps, heavy (full stack with more weight pinned on) and full ROM...finished with partials on the last set
superset adductor machine - one warmup and five working sets of 12-15 reps, full stack again

HSPL incline leg press - increasing weight on every set, doing 20 reps per working set
25 reps x 3 plates per side / 270lbs
20 x 5 plates (450lbs)
20 x 7 plates (630lbs)
20 x 9 plates (810lbs)
15 + 5 + 3 x 11 plates (990lbs)...had to rest/pause to get 20 reps then did a few more for good measure
superset seated calf raise - five sets of 15 full reps + 15 partials + 15sec stretch

highbar ATG squat - narrower stance than usual but still deep af, as in banging off the pins set at 15 depth on the power rack on a few reps
10 x bar
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315...despite my lower back being on fire, this didn't feel heavy so I knew it was going to be a good night
10 x 365...getting heavy but wasn't even gassed so I went for the PR
10 x 405...to be honest this was more like 9 + 1 x 405, but the rest was less than 3 seconds so I'll still count it

HS isolateral leg extension - three sets of 12 reps with a hard 1 sec flex/squeeze at the top of each rep, followed by 20 sec of hard stretching immediately afterwards
superset HS kneeling ham curl - three sets of 12 with slow 3-4 sec eccentrics, also followed by hard 20-30sec hamstring stretch after each set

That was it, we stopped and picked up some veggies and epsom salts on the way home...I had a pretty nice bath (I do that about once every six months!) while mrs.SP made some awesome veggies+fish for dinner
Weight 246

I got mrs.SP to measure my biceps last night and promptly wished I hadn't, lol

Slept in, got some errands done then headed to the gym

Despite being a weeked afternoon, it wasn't too busy so I was able to power through unimpeded and uninterrupted

Sat - chest/delts/abs (volume - mountaindog exercises)

warmup - indoor track

reverse pec dec - four sets of 20 reps with a quick flex/squeeze on each rep

HSPL chest press - three warmup and four working sets, 8 reps each...not quite locking out and stopping with elbows at 90 degrees

incline BB press - two feeder sets and four working sets of 10 reps with a pause off the chest on every rep

hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of unsupported leg raises

mid-height cable flyes - three sets of 12 with a hard flex/hold on every rep
superset wide pushup - bodyweight to failure after each set of flyes

cable side lateral - four sets, pyramiding weight up...15/12/10/8 reps respectively, flex/hold at the top on the first three sets

front BB raise - two sets of 10 strict reps

I meant to take a back shot, doh...here are the usual front ones: Jan23/2016 - offseason just south of 250lbs - Album on Imgur

Went over to a friend's place for homemade sushi, it was incredible...ate way to many maki rolls and what would've cost easily $100 worth of sashimi
Weight 246

Mid-afternoon workout with my old posing coach and brother in law at powerhouse

Good pace, heavy weights (for me....friend is just over 4 weeks out hah)

Sun - back/abs/calves (volume - mountaindog exercises)

t-bar row - narrow grip, increasing weight doing sets of 12...three or four warmup and four working sets
superset seated calf raise - five sets of 12-15 full, 12-15 partial and 10-15 sec stretch
superduperset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure after each set of calf raises

narrow, neutral grip pulldown - four sets of 12 with a 1sec flex/squeeze on each rep

pullup - two wide grip and two narrow/neutral grip bodyweight sets of 8-10, slow as possible

dead-stop DB row - three sets of 8, very heavy on these
superset decline leg raise - three sets of 25

nautilus pull-over machine - three (or four?) sets of 12...great stretch and contraction on this machine

posedown, then picked mrs.SP up and went to meet the family for birthday dinner...they even got me icecream cake, fuckin A!

And lululemon pants...the only decent looking ones I can wear at this weight haha
Nice job Mr. Fancy Pants! :-)

I thought I was gonna see you post 250 there for a sec!!!! :elephant:.......Soon enough Snow. Keep it up man!

Hah - thanks...these things rock for sure: seawall track pant 2.0 | men's pants | lululemon athletica

And yep 250 is around the corner, I don't want to force it though...I'd rather a lean 249 than bloofy 255

Weight 246

So I did eat a decent amount last night but I didn't go crazy, however it was ham/potatoes and not the leanest ham so I wonder...

This morning I woke up feeling alright, packed my gym clothes and had rice cereal+isolate on my way out the door

On the other hand, I've also been adding more (and more) protein powder these last few days and I wonder if it is that, not the eggwhites that is really the culprit

By the time I got to the gym my stomach was bugging me but I decided I was going to try to make it through

So I cut one exercise and might've been 90-93% effective on the others but I really didn't want to give up

Mon - legs/calves (main - annihilation wave wk4)

warmup - indoor track (10mins)

glute machine - didn't have the exact kickback machine prescribed but we used one that worked well enough, three warmup and four work sets of 10 reps with a 1sec flex/squeeze
superset standing calf raise - nothing fancy here, just increased the weight every set doing 10 reps with a 1-4-3-1 tempo (concentric-hold-eccentric-stretch)

barbell SLDL - two feeder and three (or four?) working sets of 8, shorter ROM than usual on these focusing on glutes more-so than hamstrings

HSPL leg press - pretty straightforward on these, increased weight doing sets of 10 reps w/ 3 sec descents (eccentrics) until 10 was nearly impossible...I used an ultra-narrow stance, knowing that it produces a bit less power (in my case at least) but focuses the vastus lateralis
10 x 3 plates per side (270)
10 x 4 (360)
10 x 5 (450)
10 x 6 (540)
10 x 7 (630)
10 x 8 (720)...this was getting pretty tough with the slow eccentrics
10 x 9 (810)...had to speed the last few reps' eccentrics up to 1-2 sec in order to punch out all 10 reps
superset seated calf raise - four sets of 15 full, 15 partials and 10-15sec stretch
seated leg extension - did two sets of 20 with toes pointed out, and two sets of 20 with toes curled back towards shins...all reps had a hard 1sec flex/squeeze at the top

prone hamstring curl - three sets of 15 reps, as heavy as possible with good form...on the 3rd set I tacked on as many partials out of the stretch as I could manage (~12)

That was it...there were three sets of smith machine lunges prescribed that I just couldn't do, my stomach was really churning by that point and I'm glad I left when I did
good work SP! Do you have another show you're preparing for this year? Its amazing how youve put on 30 lbs yet you dont look smooth. Nice

Thanks - I definitely don't feel as ripped as I was, but that's to be expected...I'm just focusing on keeping things in check without leaving too much muscle growth potential on the table.

My leg day calories are actually only 3800ish, for example...in the past I've bulked on >5k/d and definitely saw some "bad" weight gain along with the muscle going that route

As for shows...I'll be doing provincials at the end of June, I intend to qualify for nationals but will 98%-certain take a year to grow and prepare for that as I'm still quite small for a 6' competitor

Weight 245

I had a really great birthday, thanks to everyone who said something

If you're wondering, I'm 31 and so far it's not too bad

Went to bed at a really decent time last night and woke up no problem, but right before I left I laid on the bed for a second and BAM

An hour later mrs.SP was getting up to go to work and she said "why are you in bed wearing pants...?"


So she left and I fell back asleep for ANOTHER hour...then eventually made it to the gym but was short on time

This morning was chest and abs, hopefully tonight will be delts and some calves, or if not that's alright too

TueAM - chest/abs (main - annihilation wave wk4)

warmup - indoor track

reverse pec dec - four sets of 15 reps, on each set 10 additional partials from the starting position

flat DB press - two warmup and four working sets, 8 heavy reps per set not quite locking out

incline BB press - two easy feeder sets then five sets of six increasing weight on each
10 x 95
10 x 135
6 x 185
6 x 205
6 x 225
6 x 245
6 x 275...might've had two more in the tank but the idea was to stop AT six, and I wasn't sure about 6x295 without a spotter

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets, managed to get my (old) usual reps of 16/17/18/20 per set, respectively

incline DB flyes - one feeler and four sets of 8, keeping hands in a pronated rather than usual neutral position

That was it for this morning, ended up being a few minutes late for work but I'd have been closer to an hour late if I stuck around to finish delts etc
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TuePM - delts/abs (main - annihilation wave wk4)

warmup - indoor track

cage OHP - two feeder sets and five working sets, slightly increasing weight on each one
10 x bar
10 x 95
6 x 115
6 x 135
6 x 155
6 x 175
6 x 185...the resistance from sliding against the cage makes these heavier, felt like 205 at least

side lateral delt machine - four sets of 10 reps as heavy as possible with 5-6 partials tacked on after each set

ab / crunch machine - three sets of 20

rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets of 20 with a flex/squeeze on each rep

rope pushdown - two sets of 20 just to get a pump in the tris

Shoulders were SUPER pumped at this point so I elected to skip anterior delt isolation and went for a nice shower instead
Weight 246

Super warm day, after I was clear of client meetings I changed into shorts - crazy weather

Tan, haircut then off to the gym for an evening back attack

Wed - back/abs (main - annihilation wave wk4)

warmup - indoor track

single arm supinated pulldown - three warmup, four working sets of 8 reps per arm stretching the opposite/non-working lat

bent-over DB row - 8 reps, with a 2 sec hold on every rep then drop to lower weighted DBs and repeat 8 more reps with 2 sec holds
superset smith machine deads - 6 reps after each DB row dropsets, focusing on squeezing the lower lats...four supersets total

lat pulldown combination - 8 reps facing away, then 8 reps facing forward...4 sets total, increasing weight on each set

banded good morning - four sets of 20 reps, these were new to me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdO-_CM7AW0

regular/floor crunches - four sets of 30

cooldown on the track, bit of stretching then home for late dinner
Weight 244

Kind of an off week with birthday stuff and gut issues but there's no real excuse for the scale to be going down

I will make some adjustments tomorrow and post them with the day's workout

Thu - arms/abs/calves (main - annihilation wave wk4)

warmup - indoor track

HS isolateral preacher curl machine - warmup then four sets of 10 reps with a 1sec hard squeeze at the top of each rep
superset hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - four sets of 15, squeezing/emphasizing the brachialis
superset decline situp - four sets of 25

rope hammer curl - four sets of 10 with a 1sec hold/squeeze at the top of every set
superset rope crunch - four sets of 20, moderately heavy

rope tricep pushdown - warmup then five sets of 12 with a 1sec flare/flex at the bottom of each

standing calf raise - four sets of 10 slow reps followed by a 10 sec hard stretch, really heavy on these...pinned extra weight onto the machine
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure after each set of calf raises

PJR pullover w/ EZ-bar - five sets of 10
Weight 242

Evening workout, again...I woke up and got ready for the gym and just though "eh...I'd rather sleep"

So I did. Went to work, busy as hell for a friday and eventually got out of there and hit powerhouse to avoid the crowds

Ran into my friend / training partner there, he's four weeks out now

He remarked it's funny that we have a workout scheduled this weekend, yet friday night and we both show up at the gym unplanned

Home now, waiting for the playstation/netflix to update so mrs.SP and I can get our chill on...I mean, making a murderer ;)

Fri - legs/calves (optional/volume - annihilation wave wk4)

seated hamstring curl - four warmup and four working sets, increasing weight doing sets of 12
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four or five working sets of 12-15 reps

highbar ATG squat - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 10, deep on each rep but not quite locking out (maybe 5/6 of the way up) for more tension
8 x bar
8 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315
10 x 365....stopped here rather than going for the big squat this week as it was meant to be more of a volume/pump workout
superset seated calf raise - three warmup sets and four working sets of 16 reps, heavy

platz-style hack squat - used the cybex one, which is quite heavy so I only needed a few plates and did three sets of 15 or so reps, so deep I was banging the stops

seated leg extension - three sets of 20, flexing hard at the top of every rep, with quad stretches after each rep

SLDL - three sets of 15, followed by 20-30sec of hard hamstring stretches after each set

Leg day swolfies: Jan29/2016 - offseason leg day - Album on Imgur
Weight 242

Evening workout, again...I woke up and got ready for the gym and just though "eh...I'd rather sleep"

So I did. Went to work, busy as hell for a friday and eventually got out of there and hit powerhouse to avoid the crowds

Ran into my friend / training partner there, he's four weeks out now

He remarked it's funny that we have a workout scheduled this weekend, yet friday night and we both show up at the gym unplanned

Home now, waiting for the playstation/netflix to update so mrs.SP and I can get our chill on...I mean, making a murderer ;)

Fri - legs/calves (optional/volume - annihilation wave wk4)

seated hamstring curl - four warmup and four working sets, increasing weight doing sets of 12
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four or five working sets of 12-15 reps

highbar ATG squat - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 10, deep on each rep but not quite locking out (maybe 5/6 of the way up) for more tension
8 x bar
8 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315
10 x 365....stopped here rather than going for the big squat this week as it was meant to be more of a volume/pump workout
superset seated calf raise - three warmup sets and four working sets of 16 reps, heavy

platz-style hack squat - used the cybex one, which is quite heavy so I only needed a few plates and did three sets of 15 or so reps, so deep I was banging the stops

seated leg extension - three sets of 20, flexing hard at the top of every rep, with quad stretches after each rep

SLDL - three sets of 15, followed by 20-30sec of hard hamstring stretches after each set

Leg day swolfies: Jan29/2016 - offseason leg day - Album on Imgur

Looking awesome buddy.... even the beard is on point!

And dose wheels brah!? - Insane progress - Inspirational!
Looking awesome buddy.... even the beard is on point!

And dose wheels brah!? - Insane progress - Inspirational!

Thanks man! Beard's coming along, really pleased so far...only about 3, maybe 4 weeks into it so I think there's a lot of room to grow yet

Weight 242

Busy day, but really good...got to the gym, saw friends and ate sushi

Woke up and took myself out for some coffee, then picked up Mrs.SP and we headed to the gym

Good workout(s), cleaned up then headed to an indoor gokarting place for the usual birthday shenanigans

I still do well but I'm slightly slower every year...I hope because I'm heavier each time and not getting old-slow

Afterwards we headed to the same sushi place we'd gone to for my bachelor party and a tonne of people showed up

Really great food, friends and we finished it off with a bit of DQ icecream from next door

Sat - back/abs (optional - annihilation wave wk4)

warmup - indoor track

pullup - six bodyweight sets of 15/15/12/12/10/10 doing wide pronated grip for the first two, then narrow/neutral for two and supinated for the last two
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30 reps

deadstop DB row - four sets of 10 per arm, pretty heavy on these...something I tried/found was that focusing on pulling "to my waist" really helped focus the lats

BB shrug - 15 reps with 2-3 sec hold at the top, for three (or maybe four?) sets

straight-arm rope pulldown - four sets of 10-12 reps, really squeezing the lower lats in the bottom portion
superset low cable row - four sets of 8, increasing weight slightly on each set, super heavy (maxed out) on these

banded good morning - two sets of 20 reps