SP's on/off-season log

The rebooted Battlestar Galactica's was one of the best sci-fi shows ever. Highly recommended! The rebooted Dr. Who too -- except for the current Doctor who blows.
The rebooted Battlestar Galactica's was one of the best sci-fi shows ever. Highly recommended! The rebooted Dr. Who too -- except for the current Doctor who blows.

10-4, I'll start with battlestar...on 12/14 firefly now, then serenity the movie ofc

I see I have some catching up to do now!!! Great work and dedication as always brother :)

Thanks brother! We need to get a workout and meal in one of these days eh?

Weight 237

It's double digit temps here in March, I couldn't resist

Threw on my motorcycle gear and went to take one of the ducatis to the gym...

Bone dead. Brand new solid state race battery, six months of inactivity...doesn't seem right but anyways

Unfortunately the 1098 doesn't have dzus fasteners and I didn't have time/patience to crack it open and boost it

Left the helmet, jacket, boots and gloves in the trunk and took the damn car instead

Sat - chest/delts/abs (optional/volume)

warmup - indoor track

incline DB press - pyramiding up doing sets of 12 today, not locking out at the top and going deep for a good stretch

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of hanging leg raises

flat BB press - wasn't feeling particularly strong but I decided to go a bit heavy on this one today
12 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 295
8 x 315
7 x 335
5 x 355...might be a PR, felt pretty good either way since bench is not a strong suit for me

pronated incline DB fly - four sets of 8, medium ROM (not touching the DBs together at the top to keep tension on the pecs)
superset incline BB press - four sets of 6 immediately after the flyes, explosive reps with moderate weight

rear delt cable pull-apart - four sets of 20-25 reps
superset rope tricep pushdown - three sets of 20, moderate weight just to get an extra bit of pump in the tris

side lateral DB raise - four sets, pyramiding weight up...15x35, 12x40, 10x45 and 8x50

HSPL shoulder press - three sets of 8-12 reps, increasing weight slightly on each set

Posed to some new music, I think I may already have picked out my song for this year but I'm not set on anything yet

Super hairy, SUPER flat and feeling small but not much leaner, weekly-ish pics anyway: Mar5/2016 - 16 weeks out - Album on Imgur
Thanks brother! We need to get a workout and meal in one of these days eh?

We do! I was hoping to have that happen already but with my trips down there being so brief and short lived its hard to get that done. Maybe during the summer Ill down there for more than just a day trip brother.
Weight 239

Wasn't a great weekend for the diet, didn't go crazy but it was more of a maintenance situation than deficit both days unfortunately

Back on track this week...

Speaking of back, I got a good workout in with my friend, he's gearing up to hit either northerns or provincials to avenge his Winter Open loss

Mrs.SP and his girlfriend came along too which was pretty cool

Sun - back/abs (optional/volume)

warmup - indoor track
superset various-grip pullup - did a set of these, then a lap on the track...four laps/sets, ultra wide then wide pronated, medium neutral and narrow neutral in the 12-15 rep range

low cable row - four sets of 12, squeezing hard at full contraction and a really slow/deliberate eccentric...pyramiding weight up until really heavy (full stack+) on the last set

HS underhand-grip high row machine - don't do this often but felt like it was calling our name...did three sets of 12, again with a hard squeeze at full contraction and a triple dropset on the last set

smith row - four sets of 12, same story here with a pause/squeeze at the top of all reps except for the last set (where it was too heavy)
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

reverse pec dec - three sets of 15-20 reps, slow tempo...never hurts to try and grow those too

That was it, we were at the rec centre and also in a rush to get to family dinner, then the theatre to see Triple 9 so no posing/pose down entertainment today
Weight 237

Back to the grind...met the brother in law at the gym after an annoying day at work

Mon - legs (annihilation wave wk10)

warmup - indoor track

seated hamstring curl - three warmup sets, then four working sets of 10 full reps and 10 partials from the stretch position on each set...increased weight slightly on each work set

1. HSPL leg press - medium width, neutral foot placement
2. hack squat - wide, toes-out stance
3. front squat - used a smith machine for these, no barbell close by

So what we ended up doing was sets of 10 on the leg press until it started to feel heavy
10 reps x 3 plates a side (270)
10 x 4 (360)
10 x 5 (450)
10 x 6 (540)...finished pyramding and got into the work sets
8 x 7 (630) then 6 x 2 plates on the hack squat, and finally 6 x 2 plates on the smith/front squat
8 x 8 (720) + 6 hack + 6 smith
8 x 9 (810) + 6 hack + 6 smith
8 x 10 (900) + 6 + 6...last work set, pretty serious leg pump from those

DB lunge - stationary, holding a DB in one hand and balancing with the other, 12 reps per leg for three sets total

cooldown - more laps on the indoor track, that was it
Weight 238

Bit of a slow day at work for once

Normally that's a good thing but today it just really dragged on

Left a bit early and hit the gym

Tue - chest/delts/abs/calves (annihilation wave wk10)

warmup - indoor track

HSPL chest press - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 8 until I could barely get all reps in
8 x 45 (per side)
8 x 70
8 x 80
8 x 90
8 x 115
8 x 135 (got all 8, but it was tough so I stopped here)

seated calf raise - four sets of 12 full reps, 12 partials from the stretch position and 12 sec stretch

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

incline barbell press - doing 8 reps at a time, pyramiding weight up here too
5 x 135
5 x 185
8 x 225
8 x 245
6 x 275...no spotter and wasn't too sure about the last couple of reps unfortunately

flat DB press - three sets of 10-12 reps, 3/4 ROM (no lockout)

incline DB flye - pronated grip as usual lately, three sets of 12 reps here too

reverse pec dec - three straight sets of 20 reps, then a fourth sets of 20, drop weight, 10, dropped weight, 10 more then a 10sec isohold to finish

side lateral DB raise - three sets of 20 reps also, and a fourth triple dropset of 20/10/10 reps (no isohold...couldn't really pull it off)

machine shoulder press - two heavy sets of 6 reps to finish off

cooldown / light cardio - indoor track again for 15-20mins this time, quick walking pace (guessing 4mph)
Weight 236

Evening workout with my brother in law after work

Wed - back/abs (annihilation wave wk10)

warmup - indoor track

hammer strength DY row machine - kind of a horizontal row with underhand grip, did three warmup sets and four working sets of 10 hard reps...finished with a triple dropset

low cable row - four sets of 8 reps with a 1 sec flex/squeeze on every rep, increasing weight slightly on each set
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

DB pullover - four sets of 10, on the fourth set did a triple dropset

meadows' row - four sets of 8 reps per arm, nothing fancy with these

hyperextension machine - four sets of 15 reps
superset smith deadlift/low rack pull - five reps, focused on keeping tension on the lats the whole time

cardio - 25min LISS on the indoor track
Weight 236

Another evening / post-work workout, nothing spectacular to report

Diet is steady, I might make some changes on the weekend depending on how the weight and pictures look

Thu - arms/abs/calves (annihilation wave wk10)

warmup - indoor track

rope pushdown - a few warmup sets of high reps

then, onto the tricep "tri-set"
1. rope pushdown - sets of 12 reps
2. bent rope tricep extension - sets of 8-10 reps
3. bench dips - bodyweight to failure

Did four rounds of the tri-set, no rest to speak of between exercises in the tri-set with only 90sec breaks in between rounds

skullcrusher - three sets of 10 reps, strict form with a good stretch on each rep

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps per set, respectively

biceps tri-set
1. BB curl (w/ EZ-curl bar) - 8 reps with a hard flex/squeeze at the top of each rep and controlled eccentric
2. standing DB curl - 8 reps, done both arms at the same time with 2-3 sec eccentrics
3. reverse-grip EZ-curl - 8 reps for the brachialis and brachioradialis

Three rounds of the biceps tri-set, for 9 working sets total

standing calf raise - calf-killer style, 10 reps + 10 sec iso-hold, three times in a row per set...four total sets
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, approximately 70/65/60/60 reps per set respectively

cardio - 25min LISS postWO on the indoor track, interspersed with the calf raises every few laps
Weight 232

I knew I had a busy day coming up today with a 9am meeting then more BS, so I thought why not make it more difficult and workout in the morning?

It was good though, gym was nice and quiet...ran into a few of the old regulars I used to see every morning - nice to know I'm not the only one making an effort

Fri - legs (optional/pump)

warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup sets done between laps on the track, then three heavy work sets of 12 reps plus a fourth set of 8 with toes out + 8 with toes in
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four working sets of 15 reps each

highbar ATG squat - not sure if it's because I haven't been working out in the morning, or the diet but these felt much heavier than last time
10 x bar
10 x 135
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315
10 x 365...felt a weird pain/twinge in my right tibialis, plus this felt REALLY heavy...was out of breath, shin hurting and decided to stop there

HSPL incline leg press - kept reps higher here, feet towards the middle of the platform with a narrow stance
20 x 4 plates a side
20 x 5 plates
20 x 6
20 x 7
20 x 8...probably had at least one more jump in me but I didn't want to push things too hard, reminding myself this is meant to be a supplementary leg workout

DB lunges - three sets of 8 reps per leg, first two sets I did all reps on one leg then the other, then on the third set I alternated legs

DB SLDL - three sets of 10 with moderately heavy DBs, not quite locking out for constant tension

cooldown - indoor track, just a few slow laps while I caught my breath before hitting the shower
Weight 233

Met up with my friend at the old powerhouse gym

Turns out they have been charging me for a membership for the past 2 months, even though I cancelled early january

I was fucking pissed but tried not to take it out on the poor front desk person

On monday I will have justice

Sat - chest/delts/abs/calves (optional/volume)

bent-over rear lateral cable raise - three sets of 12 per arm, slow reps to warm up

slight-incline DB press - three feeder sets then one heavy set with 140s...I was hoping for 8 but didn't want to drop them: https://youtu.be/JNEBOnR8rz4

flat BB press - one feeder set, the three heavy sets of 8 reps

HSPL incline press - four sets of 8-12 reps, increasing weight slightly

high cable flye - four sets of 12 with a 1-2sec hard squeeze on every rep

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

posing - 10 mins running through the mandatories, then headed out

//// Mrs.SP was/is out with some girls for a bridesmaid thing so I decided to go do some more delts and cardio at the rec centre

reverse pec dec - three sets of 30 reps

side lateral DB raise - four sets, 15x35, 12x40, 10x45 and 8x50 with perfect form going to 10 and 2 oclock height

standing calf raise - three sets of 'calf killers'... 10 reps + 10 sec isohold, three times per set
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure after each set of calf raises

cardio - approximately 25min LISS on the indoor track, interspersed during the shoulder and calf exercises

Took a few postWO selfies but I may start posting my posing trunk progress shots instead after this update: Mar 12/2016 - 15 weeks out - Album on Imgur
Nice form mate.... and great to see not one dumbell was dropped!!!

That's my bugbear... if you have to drop the fuckers, they're too heavy to be lifted.

Looking forward to seeing the end results of this cutting cycle bro :)

Yeah I really try not to drop shit on the ground

Obviously if I don't have a spotter I'd rather drop something than crush myself but avoid at all costs

Weight 233

Met up with one of the guys I helped at the winter Open at a different rec facility

Mrs.SP came along but stuck to cardio, we did some laps to warmup then hit back pretty hard

Sun - back/abs

warmup - indoor track

various-grip pullup - five sets, bodyweight x 10 reps each...ultra wide and wide pronated, medium/neutral, narrow/neutral and supinated grips

chest-supported row - five sets of 10, increasing weight on each one until I only got 9 reps on the last set

low cable row - using a cambered bar & supinated grip, did four sets of 10 reps with a 1-2sec flex/squeeze of the lats on each rep

DB pullover - three sets of 12, heavy with short ROM to keep constant tension on the lats
superset decline leg raise - three sets of 25

rack pull - relatively high, from kneecap height...one feeler set, then three sets of six heavy reps, and a fourth set of 12 reps to finish
Last edited:
Weight 231

Today I spoke to the accountant at powerhouse and sorted out the membership fiasco

I'd planned to hit legs this morning but felt like I needed more sleep so this was an evening weight and workout

Mon - legs (annihilation wave wk11)

warmup - indoor track

lying leg curl - three sets to warm up, then 4 sets of 10...every rep done as a rest pause rep on every working set

leg press - heavy with good form (full ROM)...sets of 8 pyramiding until I could barely get all 8 reps
8 reps x 1 plate per side (90lbs)
8 x 2
8 x 3
8 x 4
8 x 5 (450lbs)
8 x 6
8 x 7
8 x 8
8 x 9
8 x 10 (900lbs)
8 x 11
8 x 12 (1080lbs)...started to get heavy
8 x 13 (1170lbs)...got 6 clean then had to give myself a hand so I called it here

smith machine lunges - 8 reps on one leg, and then 8 on the other...going very slow on the descent, 3 sets of 8 reps per leg

adductor machine - one warmup and four working sets of 15 reps with slow tempo

smith squats - done with a triple pause, 3 sets of 8 reps i.e.
- lower the bar to a few inches above parallel and hold for 2 seconds (staying tight), then
- lower to parallel for a 2 second hold, and then
- go just below parallel for a 2 second hold before driving back up

BB SLDL - 2 sets of 12 here with a slow descent, then all the way up and flexing glutes on each rep
Weight 233

Busy day today. Had a breakfast meeting with a small/medium-size business owner who wants to hire me...

My mom had a fairly routine surgery this afternoon, it went well (no complications that we know of)

Afternoon meeting with a client from Qatar where I found out I may be heading over there to help roll out a system

And, even when you eat a "healthy" breakfast at a restaurant it fucks your macros up for the rest of the day

Meaning I was, and am hungry...

Tue - chest/delts/abs/calves (annihilation wave wk11)

warmup - indoor track

HSPL banded chest press - I was just complaining to someone that I missed bands in the program - hah! Did three warmup then four working sets of 6 reps, locking out and flexing hard at the top

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of these, 15/18/19/20 reps per set respectively...was going to superset with rope crunches but someone snagged the rope literally midway through my 1st set

flat BB press - two feeder sets then four sets of 5-8 reps (shooting for 8, but didn't quite rest long enough each time)...each rep was a brief pause ON the chest, still under tension then 3/4 lockout
superset seated calf raise - four sets of 16 full, 16 partial reps then a 15-16 sec stretch each

slight-incline DB press - two straight sets, 6 and 7 reps then a 3rd triple dropset of 8 full + 8 full + 10 partial reps (two drops)

stretch pushup - hands on some 4" aerobic platforms, did three sets with short rest periods to failure

bent over rear lateral DB raise - three sets of 35 reps each...crazy burn and pump from the high reps here, only used 15lbs DBs and it was HARD

side DB lateral raise - four sets of 8 heavy reps, reasonable form (using 50lbs) and aiming for 10 & 2 o'clock elevation on each rep without much 'swing'

cage press - finished up with 4 sets of 6 reps, been awhile since I did these so I actually looked up his video: https://youtu.be/iCYS8Y44n8w

cardio - 20min LISS postWO on the track, my sisters wanted kanye's new album so I got it for them and tried listening to it...sorry if someone's a fan but what a turd
Weight 231

I'd planned to hit the gym after visiting my mom (and dad) in the hospital but we were there much later than expected

Mrs.SP wasn't feeling it either so we just decided to go home & sleep

Morning came earlier than I'd have liked today but I made it in...

ThuAM - back/abs (annihilation wave wk11)

This was a bit of a different workout, far less structured than usual...he just encouraged picking 2-4 exercises that really felt good in terms of back activation and not necessarily stopping at 3-4 sets

So here is what I ended up doing...:

warmup - indoor track

smith bent-over row - three warmup/feeler sets, then four working sets of 8 reps with a 1-2sec flex/hold at the top of the rep

smith row pt2 - stayed here but added some weight, set the pins at mid-shin height and did 'explosive' reps, almost more of a half row/half rack pull....four sets of six

one-arm DB row - didn't do these with a deadstop, just four sets of 8 heavy reps per arm

narrow-grip pulldown/stretcher - I sat on the bench properly for these (unlike the usual method) but allowed my lats and scapulae to fully extend at the top of each rep, and held at full contraction for 2 sec also...4 sets of 8 here

seated/low cable row - four sets, pyramiding weight up...held the contraction for a good hard squeeze on every rep....15/12/10/8 reps per set, respectively
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30 reps

cardio - 20min LISS postWO on the indoor track

Since I wasn't gymming last night I started tackling my body fur...still a tonne of square footage to go: Mar17/2016 - 14.3 weeks out - Album on Imgur

Weight 234

Man I don't know what it was about the last few days but I've been really dragging ass

Hungry, tired...trying to get plenty of sleep but it doesn't seem to be doing much for me

Short day at work, came home for a nap then hit the gym with my brother in law for legs

Fri - legs/calves (optional/volume)

warmup - indoor track

seated hamstring curl - three warmup sets, then four working sets...I did these using a DC technique I've mentioned before (toes out, then in)
15x70 (warmup)
15x160 (first working set...all reps done with toes pointed out)
12+3x190 (12 reps toes out, 3 reps toes in)
10+5x220 (10 toes out, 5 toes in)
5+10x235 (5 toes out, then the last 10 with toes curled in)
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four working sets of 15 reps each, full stack of weight

highbar ATG squat...these were very taxing for some reason, I was out of breath between sets like crazy...probably time to stop smoking again
8x275...calling this my first work set, just because it was starting to get well...hard
8x365...this was fucking tough which frustrated me, decided to do one more
8x365...kept the weight the same to make sure I wouldn't fuck it up

HSPL incline leg press - higher rep sets here, feet narrow and low-ish on the platform
15x4 plates per side (360)
15x5 plates per side (450)
15x6 plates per side (540)....stayed here for three more sets
15x6...that was it for pressing movements
superset seated calf raise - five sets of 15-20 full reps and 15-20 partials from the stretch position

seated leg extension - did these leaning back with the seat all the way back and butt in the air to target the top part of the quad/thigh...all reps with a 1-2sec flex/hold at the top, two sets with toes out and two sets with toes curled up/in

DB SLDL - three sets of 10, only about 3/4 ROM to keep tension on the hamstrings the whole time

cardio - 15min postWO on the track, slower than usual but heartrate was still up and I wanted to keep moving as my legs were pretty sore already
Weight 232

Met my friend at powerhouse for our usual saturday chest day

He's going to do a show the week before provincials then provincials (the one I'm doing) the next weekend apparently

On an unrelated note, as much as I don't like pinning I'm kind of excited to hit the gas here

14 weeks out exactly, today so I think tomorrow or maybe Monday it's time to "ease it into gear"...

Sat - chest/delts/abs (optional/volume)

reverse pec dec - one warmup and four working sets of 30 reps, the last 5 reps were really tough on each set...good pump to start off

incline smith - two feeder sets then four working sets of 12 reps with a 2-3 sec pause 1" off the chest, then 5/6th extension (no lockout/constant tension)

HSPL chest press - four sets of 8-10 reps, hard flex/squeeze at the top of each (locking out)

flat DB press - kind of fucked around on these, did two sets of 8 reps with moderately heavy DBs then tried 150s (only got a few reps) and 160s (dropped)

high cable flye - four sets of 12, hold/squeeze on full contraction

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

side lateral DB raise - four sets, pyramiding weight up / 15x40 down to 8x55

cardio - 15mins postWO on the stair mill
Weight 231

Pretty busy day...woke up and did some errands, gas/carwash/coffee then over to my friend's house

I spotted a tiny bit of rust inside one of the fender lips last weekend and it's been weighing heavily on my conscience

So we stopped short of pulling the fender off, but did a pretty thorough job stripping, cleaning, and priming everything

Had to head out and meet my sister (who's competing in the same show) and left the car for the primer to fully set up

Dinner at my parents' place, all the kids brought various components since my mom is still covalescing

Mrs.SP and I stopped at the grocery store on the way home then I realized I needed some painters' tape - ugh

So she started prepping while I went to get that.

Just finished the first coat of paint on the car, waiting for that to set up now

Sun - back/abs (optional/volume)

warmup - treadmill

HSPL high row - one working set then four sets of 12-15 reps, moderately heavy with a 1-2sec flex/hold on every rep

pullup - nothing fancy, ultra-wide pronated grip just with bodyweight, four sets of 10 reps very slow and deliberate

one-arm DB row - no deadstop, just regular / full ROM for 8 reps per set, four working sets total
superset decline leg raise - four sets of 25

nautilus pullover machine - four sets of 15, as heavy as I could manage and still get all 15 reps out

t-bar row machine - three sets of 8/10/12 reps respectively, narrow grip to really finish off the lats

No cardio today but I somewhat inadvertently had a low-carb day due to all the work I was doing on my car etc

Mrs.SP slept in so I didn't get the kitchen shots I was hoping for but took a few in my trunks anyways: Mar20/2016 - 14 weeks out - Album on Imgur
