We had a great dinner with friends last night, then stayed with some relatives and caught up over breakfast before the show
Got there right after women's bodybuilding finished and by then someone had taken our seats but the venue was small enough that it didn't really matter
Unfortunately my friend was in the ONE class that was very competitive, he looked great but the winner took overall and looked like a young shaun rhoden
The only person I've been helping that DIDN'T have to drop out of the show took third in their class, looked respectable
The debut of the men's classic physique division was a bit underwhelming but promising, at the same time
The shorts look good, much better than some of the doom and gloomers feared and it will improve
Sat - chest/delts/abs/calves (annihilation wave wk8)
warmup - indoor track
slight incline DB press - 8 rep sets, increasing weight on each...about four fairly light and three quite heavy, 3/4 reps (not quite locking out)
unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15
superset rope crunches - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
incline bench press - two feeder sets then four sets of 6 reps, really heavy here but same 3/4 ROM without locking out
incline DB flyes - three sets of 8 reps, didn't have someone to do forced negatives so instead I...
superset high cable flyes - I used a moderate weight and did a quick concentric with slow 5 sec negatives to simulate a partner stretch
cambered bar pushups - one set of these to failure
reverse pec dec - four sets of 15, slower than usual reps
super-wide overhead press - two feeder and four sets of 10 reps
superset side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10 reps, heavy but clean form
Probably the last pics of the offseason, looking kind of...smooth after our peter's drive-in stop this afternoon...:
feb27/2016 offseason @ 245 - Album on Imgur