New member
Weight 224
Work was busy today, I managed to fit in a nap though and still got enough done that I should be able to cut things short before the long weekend tomorrow
I came home after work, swapped my car for a ducati and went for a some coffee even considered having a doughnut but went with a chicken wrap instead
So fuelled by questionable poultry I hit the gym...I ended up doing cardio while waiting for my brother in law to show up but he got stuck on a jobsite
Rather than trying to fit a whole chest and/or chest+delt workout into the remaining time I just did some arms, showered and home
Wed - arms/abs (light/pump workout)
warmup - indoor track
unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps, with a lap around the track in between each
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
supinated alternating DB curl - five sets of 12, pyramiding weight up
superset rope pushdown - five sets of 12, also pyramiding the weight up each set
reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - three sets of 15
seated tricep pushdown machine - three sets of 10, heavy
crossbody DB curl - one quadruple dropset
v-bar pushdown - triple dropset to burn out the triceps
cardio - 25mins hard on the stairmill then 15-20mins LISS on the indoor track
Work was busy today, I managed to fit in a nap though and still got enough done that I should be able to cut things short before the long weekend tomorrow
I came home after work, swapped my car for a ducati and went for a some coffee even considered having a doughnut but went with a chicken wrap instead
So fuelled by questionable poultry I hit the gym...I ended up doing cardio while waiting for my brother in law to show up but he got stuck on a jobsite
Rather than trying to fit a whole chest and/or chest+delt workout into the remaining time I just did some arms, showered and home
Wed - arms/abs (light/pump workout)
warmup - indoor track
unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps, with a lap around the track in between each
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
supinated alternating DB curl - five sets of 12, pyramiding weight up
superset rope pushdown - five sets of 12, also pyramiding the weight up each set
reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - three sets of 15
seated tricep pushdown machine - three sets of 10, heavy
crossbody DB curl - one quadruple dropset
v-bar pushdown - triple dropset to burn out the triceps
cardio - 25mins hard on the stairmill then 15-20mins LISS on the indoor track