SP's on/off-season log

Weight 252

Had a draining day so it was all I could do to convince myself to train...I ended up getting a mediocre arms workout in before calling it a night

Tue - arms

supinated bicep curl - five sets, pyramiding weight up...first was high rep warmup (30 reps) and finished with 8x55lbs DBs, heaviest I've gone with decent form
superset rope tricep pushdown - five sets as well, same thing with the reps and weights

CGBP - three sets, 2/2.5/3 plates respectively (decent six reps with a spot but no assistance on the third set)

cross-body hammer curl - three sets here, all 12 reps with a moderately heavy (35lbs) DB
superset reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of hammer curls

overhead cable curl - not sure what else to call these, I've seen them but rarely do them...standing between the two cables on the highest pulley, arms perpendicular to body

overhead tricep extension - three sets of 12-15 reps, not locking out

That was it, I sat in the hot tub for a good half hour to try and relieve some neck/shoulder pain...ate some eggs and went to bed to try and sleep this cold away
Weight 250

Met my usual training partner and his girlfriend at powerhouse for a back workout after letting the dogs that I'm dog-sitting out, in and feeding

I remember why I've always loved dogs but never wanted my own now :P

Did a bit more volume today as I had more energy than usual and felt pretty good afterwards

Wed - back/abs

low cable/seated row - four sets using a medium width/neutral grip attachment, pyramiding weight up
superset straight-arm rope pulldown(over) - 8-10 reps after each set of cable rows

wide-grip pullup - bodyweight for 8 reps on the assist machine with the platform locked at the bottom position (no assistance)
superset assisted pullup - immediately after 8 bodyweight reps I unlatched the assist part and did as many reps as I could to failure

HSPL chest-supported high row - did these with a neutral grip on the handle supports, 10-12 reps for three sets
superset chest-supported horizontal row - moderate weight for 12 sets with a hard flex/squeeze at full contraction immediately after the high-row machine

wide/neutral grip pulldown - three sets, pyramiding weight up

HSPL chest-supported horizontal row - did these heavy and two arms at a time, pyramiding weight up for 10/8/6 reps per set, respectively

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
Weight 249

Busy day, even went to a movie in the evening with my youngest brother and one of my sisters before hitting the gym

It was pretty late so I just trained arms (again), abs then checked on the dogs before crashing for a good but too short sleep

Thu - biceps/triceps/abs (Similar to Tuesday's workout...)

supinated DB curl - alternating arms on each rep, did one warmup and three working sets of 20/15/12 reps
superset rope tricep pushdown - same sets/reps as the DB curls

CGBP - three heavy sets, 10/8/6 reps respectively

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cross-body hammer curl - three sets of 12
superset reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of hammer curls

overhead rope tricep extension - three sets of 12, not locking out

That was it, gym was empty so I did some posing but I was beat and took off fairly quickly

Weight 251

Boring Friday at work, checked on the dogs I'm looking after then hit the gym with my usual training partner

Fri - chest/calves

incline DB press-flye - four sets, first was a higher rep warmup then three workings sets, as heavy as possible for approximately 12/10/8 reps respectively
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps after each set

HSPL incline chest machine - three sets, third set was a triple dropset

chest tri-set - three rounds of this, slightly increasing weight on the first two exercises and getting 12 reps on each exercise for the first set, 10 then 8 on 2nd and 3rd set
1. HSPL side press-flye machine
2. pec dec (regular, for chest)
3. wide-grip pushup

seated calf raise - four sets, each one to failure with 3, 4, 5 then 3 plates per set, respectively

That was it, fairly short/concise but it was heavy and felt good
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Weight 251

I was supposed to meet a friend at 6am to train legs but stayed up too late on Friday and ended up training with a different friend (and his girlfriend) in the evening instead

SatPM - legs/calves

BB SLDL - friend wanted to start with sumo deads, I really don't deadlift anymore so I thought I'd just do stiff legged instead...well he went all the way up to 6 plates a side, I still managed 6x405 (stiff leg!) but holy crap is that heavy
superset seated calf raise - did these again more to release some of the cramping in my lower back (erector spinae & quadratus lumbratum) than for the calves

kneeling single-legged hamstring curl - four sets, pyramiding weight up
superset one-legged SLDL w/kettle bell - I never do these but was following my friend's lead so I gave them a try...not my favourite exercise but not a bad superset

reverse V-squat - four sets here, 3->5->7->7 plates per side for 10 reps per set (extremely heavy on the last two)

banded cybex leg press - 15 reps with 4, 5 then 6 plates per side (3 sets total)
superset leg extension - 15 reps with a hard flex/squeeze at the top of every rep

prone hamstring curl - 3 sets of 12 with the full stack
superset ham/glute-focused hyper-extension - 3 sets of 12 immediately after each set of hamstring curls

That was it, but due to the volume/supersets etc it was a much longer workout that I've been doing lately so I was pretty gassed and went directly to check on the dogs then shower/sleep without even eating (woke up 2hrs later regretting that)
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Weight 250

Had breakfast with some friends at a greasy diner, bought groceries for meal prep and made meals for the week

Watched the superbowl with one each of my sisters and brothers, then hit the gym for a late-ish back workout

Sun - back/abs

wide/neutral-grip pulldown - one warmup and four working sets, pyramiding weight up

medium/neutral-grip pulldown - three working sets, 12/10/8 reps with increasing weight

narrow/neutral-grip pulldown - three sets, same reps/weight scheme

one-arm DB row - three sets of 10 per arm

seated/low-cable row - three sets of 12, increasing weight on each set
superset straight-arm rope pulldown - 12 reps after each set of cable rows

HSPL v-sit machine - three sets of 25, adding weight on each set

Stayed up too late again building lego this time...makes for a tough morning though, every time
Weight 247

Very long monday at work, tired from not sleeping enough on the weekend but managed to get a decent arms workout in before bed

Mon - arms/abs

supinated DB curl - alternating arms on each rep, four sets pyramiding weight up
superset rope tricep pushdown - four sets as well

CGBP - four sets, heaviest was 315 x 6 without a spotter

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

HSPL preacher curl machine - one arm at a time, 12/8/6 reps with increasing weight
superset HSPL tricep pushdown machine - same rep scheme with increasing weight

overhead lateral bicep cable curl - two sets of 12 reps

Weight 249

Had to move some furniture in the evening but luckily my training partner was able to accommodate and we had a good chest session after work

Tue - chest/calves

pec dec - three sets, higher reps mostly to warm up

incline press-flye - four sets pyramiding weight up then a fifth moderate-weight set to burn out

HSPL decline press - one feeler and three heavy sets of 4/4.5/5 plates per side

chest tri-set - three rounds, slightly increased weight on the press-flye machine each time
1. HSPL wide press-flye machine
2. pec dec
3. wide-grip pushup

rear delt/reverse pec dec - four sets, 20/15/10/8 reps with increasing weight

seated 'donkey' calf/toe press machine - three sets of 16, full stack with extra weight pinned on
Weight 250

So there is some challenging stuff going on in my life, but I'm trying to stay positive...being productive at work helps but sometimes that's exhausting all by itself

I decided to hit the gym right after work as my leg day plans fell through and smashed legs by myself...it ended up being a pretty good workout

Picked friends up from the airport, not that late, but was so tired I fell asleep almost immediately after dropping them off without eating which was a mistake

Woke up starving a couple times during the night but still came up short as far as macros, especially protein goes

Wed - legs/calves

seated hamstring curl - haven't done these to start in awhile (been doing prone) so it was an exciting change! ;) five sets, pyramiding weight up to the full stack
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four working sets of 15 with the full stack

highbar ATG squat - I went heavier than I've ever tried for reps and surprisingly lived to squat another day...

135 x 15...knees were hurting, both in the same place across the top of the patella and I wasn't sure if I'd go any heavier than two plates
225 x 8...pain went away so I decided to keep going
315 x 5...felt light
405 x 5...decided a few reps in that it felt relatively light and rather than repping out I stopped at a clean five reps
455 x 8...I did have a spotter but he assured me he didn't help, the last two reps were extremely grindy but I'll still call this a PR (previous best was 405 x 10)

"heavy" cybex incline leg press - went with a high/wide foot position on these for more ham/glute involvement, loaded the entire thing to the gills over the course of three sets

18 plates x 20 (via 12+5+3 reps rest/pause reps)...this was a bad idea and took me a few minutes to catch my breath afterwards
24 plates x 8
26 plates x 8
28 plates x 8...this was grindy and I had to set the extra two plates on top of the platform since the machine only holds ~26 plates but I just wanted to see how heavy I could go before my joints gave out

superset seated calf raise - again I do these half for calves, and half to try and release my lower back as it gets really tight when I'm using orals...four or five sets of 16 heavy reps

prone hamstring curl - four sets, pyramiding weight up with extra 35s pinned onto the side for the last two sets
Weight 250

Had a slower afternoon at work so I ended up doing shoulders around 4pm then going back to finish some meeting prep

Had a ridiculously bad sleep...it's crazy how much more comfortable / easy it is to sleep when your alarm goes off at 7am than at 11pm or 2am...

Thu - delts/abs

rear delt/reverse pec dec - five sets pyramiding weight up...25/20/15/12/6 reps (full stack at the end)

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 20/15/12/8 reps, respectively
front DB raise - same reps with half the weight after each set of side laterals

seated DB press - I haven't done these in a very long time (been using machines) so I started light and did 15x60, 12x80 and 10x90 for working sets

behind-the-neck press - did these in the smith machine, one feeler set then three working sets of 8-10 reps

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
Weight 250

Pretty good friday, finished work at a decent time and got a solo arms workout in afterwards

Received some bad news in the evening which hit pretty hard but went to see john wick with my coworker's fiance afterwards which kind of helped

Fri - arms/abs

supinated DB curl - alternating arms on each rep, one warmup and four working sets
superset overhead one-arm tricep DB extension - same reps/weight as the DB curls

CGBP - four sets, one higher rep/1 plate set, then 2/2.5/3 plates to near-failure for working sets

cross-body hammer DB curl - three sets of 12 with increasing weight on each set
superset reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of hammer curls

overhead lateral cable curl - three sets of 12
superset rope tricep pushdown - three sets of 12 as well

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
Weight 249

I showed up at the gym to train back but was goaded into joining a squat competition they were doing

Squat your bodyweight (on your back) for max reps in 3 mins without racking...

I knew it'd be rough with my current lack of cardio but wow...felt like it was 15 minutes before I caught my breath

Sat - back (+ squats)

highbar ATG squat - one set of bodyweight (250lbs on top of my own bodyweight) for 31 reps...this was literally to complete failure, call it a widowmaker or whatever you want set

wide grip pulldown - sets of 8, increasing weight for four working sets
superset straight-arm rope pulldown/over - 8 reps after each set of pulldowns

chest-supported row - on a pin-loaded machine, four higher rep sets in the 15-20 rep range

one-arm DB row - three sets of 12 per arm, pyramiding weight up

seated low-cable row - four sets, pyramiding weight as well
Weight 249

Slept in for the first time in a few months, I think...felt really good, of course I'm not completely caught up on sleep after one night but it was still nice

Met my sister and a friend at one of the newer goodlife's for a short-ish leg workout before family dinner

Sun - legs

seated hamstring curl - one warmup and five working sets
superset seated quad extension - same reps/sets as the leg curls

HSPL incline leg press - four sets of 15, adding weight on each set (4/6/8/10 plates per side...not particularly heavy today)

BB SLDL - 3 sets of 12, increasing weight on each set

walking lunges - two sets of 12 per leg
superset prowler sled push - back and forth about 20 meters each time

prone hamstring curl - 2 sets with the full stack to finish things off, each set to failure (around 10-12 reps each time)

One of the pictures from Saturday's squat thing...:

Weight 252

Long day at work as mondays often are, was considering finally taking a rest day but decided to go train anyways

Mon - chest/abs

incline DB press-flye - four sets, pyramiding weight up

high cable flye - four sets, same idea

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

HSPL decline press - three sets of 12, pretty heavy (3/3.5/4 plates per side)

pec dec - four sets of 20/15/12/8 reps, respectively
superset wide pushup - bodyweight to failure after each set on the pec dec