SP's on/off-season log

Weight 238

That was an evening weight...did a chest/shoulders/triceps workout in the evening after family dinner

Sun (July 9th) - chest/delts/tris

rear delt / reverse pec dec - four sets, pyramiding weight up

incline DB press - about six sets total, pyramiding weight up doing sets of 10

flat chest-press machine - three sets of 10 reps as well

flye variation - these are done with arms approximately 10 and 2 oclock rather than 9 and 3, putting the pec in it's most elongated position (and with lighter weight than usual), did four sets of 15 reps

rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets of 15
superset side lateral cable raise - 12 reps per arm, after each set of pull-aparts

rope tricep pushdown - four sets, pyramiding weight up

cardio - 30 minutes on the treadmill at the steepest incline
Weight 238

Another PM weight (the typical/usual) at a different gym than usual, however...

Mon - back/biceps/abs

warmup - 10 minutes incline treadmill

meadows' row - five sets of 10 reps per arm, pyramiding weight all the way up to 6x25lbs plates which was extremely difficult for me

one-arm supinated pulldown - 10 reps per arm while stretching the opposite lat, did four sets of 8-10 reps per arm

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

seated pronated-bar cable row - four sets, pyramiding weight up

EZ-bar 21s - four sets

cardio - 30 minutes on the stair mill
Weight 241

Tue - arms/abs/calves

rope tricep pushdown - six sets, pyramiding weight up

ez-bar curl - five sets, pyramiding weight up

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

CGBP - went fairly heavy on these but due to the bicep curl superset my arms were getting so pumped that my ROM was somewhat restricted

12 x 225
10 x 275
7 x 315
5 x 335

superset cross-body hammer DB curl - three sets of 12 with increasingly heavy DBs
superduperset reverse-grip BB curl - 12 reps after each set of hammer curls

HSPL preacher curl - three sets per arm, with increasing weight for 12/10/8 reps respectively
superset standing calf raise - one warmup and three working sets of 16 reps with additional weight pinned on, and a hard 10-15 sec weighted stretch at the end of each set

tricep dip - more upright with elbows tucked to emphasize triceps, two sets of bodyweight to failure (approximately 20-25 reps)

cardio - 20 minutes incline treadmill
Weight 237

Wed (July 12th) - legs/calves

warmup - 5mins on a spin bike

prone hamstring curl - five sets, pyramiding weight up
superset adductor machine - four sets with the full stack, 20 reps each

hack squat - started at one plate per side and went up to 5, for 6 clean and 2 spotted reps

HSPL v-squat machine - did these facing the pad, four sets of 8 with 3/4/5/6 plates/side respectively
superset seated calf raise - four sets of 16, slow and heavy

seated leg extension - three sets of 20

cardio - 25mins incline treadmill
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Weight 236

Trained alone in the evening after work, went to the community rec centre since it was hot as hell and their A/C is half decent

Thu (July 13th) - chest/delts/abs

warmup/cardio - 25mins LISS on the incline treadmill

rear delts/reverse pec dec - four sets, pyramiding weight up

incline DB press - went pretty heavy on these, about six sets then the seventh was 140lbs DBs for 8 un-spotted reps

flat BB bench press - not as heavy here, pyramided up and stopped at 275 x 10

flat DB flye - did these with the aforementioned 10 & 2 o'clock position, lighter DBs...I really feel it and especially the next day

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

side lateral DB raise - four sets, pyramiding weight up
superset front DB raise - four sets as well with half the weight as I used for side laterals

rear delt cable pull-apart - two low weight / high rep sets to burnout
Weight ?

Forgot to weigh myself Friday and Saturday...

Fri (July14th) - arms/abs/calves

warmup - 10mins incline treadmill

tricep rope pushdown - did quite a few sets here, about 8 total pyramiding weight up
supinated DB curl - for every set of pushdowns I did a set of DB curls with the same # of reps and increasingly heavy weight

smith CGBP - five sets, first was a warmup then went 1/2/2.5/3 plates per side for 8 reps each time
superset unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superduperset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

EZ-bar 21s - three sets
superset v-bar pushdown - heavy on these, three sets of 6-8
superduperset overhead rope tricep extension - light on these, about 12 reps was total failure due to only using 3/4 ROM

no cardio, went to see WonderWoman
Weight ?

Again, forgot to weigh in...

Sat (July 15th) - back/biceps

one-arm DB row - pyramiding weight up to a hard set of 10, then a triple dropset

pronated wide-grip pulldown - one warmup then four sets of 12, slightly increasing resistance on each subsequent set

lying DB pullover - constant tension using moderate weight for 15 reps, three sets

supinated low-cable row - three sets of 12

preacher EZ-bar curl - three sets, pyramiding weight up then a couple of excruciating forced reps on the third set

cardio - 25mins LISS incline treadmill
Weight 235

Did some errands during the day then family dinner before hitting the gym

Sun (July 16th) - chest/tris/abs

warmup/cardio - 30min LISS incline treadmill

rear delt/reverse pec dec - started with four sets of these as usual

flat bench - went straight over to see how I'd do relatively fresh, wasn't a PR but nice to see strength returning a little
16 x 135
12 x 225
10 x 275
8 x 315
5 x 365 (spotted but no help from the spotter, didn't bother with a dicey sixth rep)

decline ping-loaded chest press machine - three sets of 8, adding weight on each set

flat DB flye - did these normally with heavier weights and a deep stretch on every rep

reverse-grip tricep pushdown - four sets, pyramiding weight up

rope pushdown - three sets of 12
superset overhead tricep rope extension - to failure after each set of pushdowns

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises
Weight 234

Mon (July 17th) - back/delts/abs

warmup - 10mins incline treadmill

one-arm DB row - same as last time except sets of 8 so I went a bit heavier, skipped the dropset however

standard/old-school floor deadlift - haven't done these in forever, friend I was training with wanted to see how we'd do

8 x 135
8 x 225
8 x 315
8 x 405...didn't feel that heavy
8 x 495...could tell it was heavy but felt like I could do more

I didn't though, because I wanted to be able to walk the next day and I'm glad I stopped there because my back was a little sore afterwards

supinated pulldown - one warmup then three sets of 12 to near-failure

side lateral DB raise - four sets, pyramiding weight up
superset front DB raise - same reps with half the weight used after each set of side laterals

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cardio - 30mins LISS incline treadmill (still watching vikings of course)
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Weight 237lbs

Short-ish leg workout by myself at the rec centre to hide from the heat

Tue (July 18th) - legs/calves

warmup - 10mins incline treadmill

prone hamstring curl - one warmup and four working sets, pyramiding weight up

hack squat - not only was the adductor machine taken but all of the racks/cages were taken and I wanted to get moving so I decided to use the hack squat (leg presses were both taken, too!)

12 x 1 plate per side
12 x 2 plates
12 x 3 plates
10 x 4 plates
8 x 5 plates...starting to feel pretty damn heavy (and required grunting)
5 x 5 plates...I might've had another rep or too but honestly I kind of think I'd like knee wraps when moving that kind of weight these days

BB SLDL - three sets of 12, pyramiding weight up from 185 to 275lbs
superset seated calf raise - four sets of 20

seated leg extension - three sets of 20
superset seated hamstring curl - three sets of 20 as well

no cardio
Weight 230-240

My weight has been all over the place, but I'm in that range lately...best (highest) I've seen was 240.4 a few days ago

I've been away from the forums (and largely internet/social media in general), off gear, mostly in but a little more out of the gym than usual, and recently taking time off work

It's been somewhat daunting to log on and resume my 'journal', so I'm going to take a break from the daily updates but with that off my mind will be around more, in general

Took this yesterday

Weight 240

Bit of an offseason update, weight's been getting stabler around 240 (AM/empty) and pushing into the 245+ range some afternoon/evenings after of a normal day of eating and drinking

Training has been going fairly well, I've been following some older MountainDog programs just to give myself some structure and I'm enjoying that as usual

I'm on a roughly 8, but sometimes 7 or 9 day training rotation but it usually looks like this:

1. Chest/delts/abs/calves
2. Back/abs
3. Arms/abs/calves
4. Legs
5. Chest/tris (abs, time permitting)
6. Back/bis (same ^^)
7. Delts/arms (and sometimes calves and traps)
8. Legs

I do roughly 3-4x 30mins cardio per week as an excuse to watch rick and morty, peaky blinders and vikings.

Macros are 350p/300c/100f (3500cal) + 50-100g of intraWO carbs (so 3700-3900 calories depending on the body part(s) trained, which is every day)

Gear is 400mg test/wk, 12mg aromasin 3x/wk and 15mg mk677 at bedtime.

These pictures are from the last few days:

Weight 245+

I've been on a low/moderate amount of gear since early september, and was off before then. I'm now starting to plan my first off season push.

I've been re-doing an old MD program (Particle Smasher) with a few DC-style modifications thrown in, typically on a choice heavy compound movement about 3-4x/wk - so not every single workout, but at least every second. Four days per week are 'programmed' and the other 2-3 are optional, kind of a semi-structured/semi-'feel' situation.

For example, yesterday was 'optional' back and biceps and looked like this:

1. rear delt / rhomboid-focused reverse pec dec - do these without actually sitting on the seat, facing the machine and grabbing the supports with a grip that's essentially a 180 degree rotation of a typical hammer/neutral grip

2. wide-grip seated lat pulldown - pyramiding these with decreasing reps and increasing weight
2b. superset with straight-arm rope pulldowns

3. supinated grip BB row - it's been awhile since I could do these without excruciating pain but it's great that I can, right now at least...I feel like they hit the lats twice as well as the pronated-grip version does

4. lying DB pullover - these are great for lats as long as you execute them perfectly, otherwise they're just a (shitty) chest movement

5. supinated DB curl - sets of 8 with a 3sec eccentric
5b. superset with neutral grip DB curl - 10 half reps from the bottom...crazy pump

6. EZ-bar '21s' - three sets of these with increasing weight
6b. superset those with hanging leg raises - gives my biceps a good stretch and gets abs out of the way

Current condition is fluffy but not obese (yet)

Weight dipped a few pounds so I decided to start my offseason cycle, or blast...whatever it's called Sunday night

1. TestE (t400)
2. Deca
3. Aromasin
4. Insulin on arms and back days

Diet is relatively unchanged, 350p/300c/100f are the base macros with 50-100g extra carbs on training days (peri workout, primarily intra)

I might add omnitrope in a few weeks, but since we are going to Palm Springs for new years it would only be once the tickets have been bought and paid for
Weight 248

PM weight but hoping to see that in the morning by next week, and I'm usually up 2-3lbs in the evenings so back into the 25x range

Chest/shoulders on tuesday evening went well, finally got around to flat benching early in the workout and felt fairly confident with ten reps of 315 even without a spotter

Another mountaindog arms workout wednesday morning, and my own leg workout last night...went a little too hard on the adductor machine and hurt my groin a little but it's already better today

Gear seems to be doing what it's supposed to do, but I'm not as regular with injections as I used to be...something to improve, along with getting all my meals in of course

Weight 250+

Back to 250 in the mornings, just took a little more lean ground than I'm comfortable eating

Training has been 6x/week but not always on a weekly schedule...roughly


I increased my macros slightly so I'm aiming for 375p/400c/100f on training days, when I take an occasional rest day I make sure that I get at least 250g of protein, but don't track the rest to give myself a little break from cramming everything else down

I keep thinking that I should introduce some insulin but haven't yet, maybe November will be the month...

Thanx for taking the time to add some personalized info. I'm sure folks following your progress appreciate it as much as I do :-)