SP's on/off-season log

Weight 237


Wed - chest/abs

rear delt/reverse pec dec - five sets, pyramiding weight up

flat DB press - five sets as well, 8-10 reps ending with heavy-ish 8x140lbs DBs unspotted

incline BB press - three sets of 6, 222/275/295 (only 5 reps on the last set)

HSPL press/flye machine - three sets of 12
superset regular(chest) pec dec - 12 reps after each set on the press/flye machine

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cardio - 31min MISS on the stairmill later at the rec centre
Weight 235

My cardio buddy was also up a few pounds so we theorized the extreme heat lately may've actually caused some water retention

Down a little, we'll see how things trend over the weekend

Met one of the powerlifters who trains at hardcore/powerhouse because he wanted to try a 'bodybuilding' leg workout to put some size on his legs

Thu - legs

prone hamstring curl - six sets, adding weight/dropping reps but no fancy drop sets or iso holds today
superset adductor machine - one warmup and four working sets of 15 reps with the whole stack

cybex hack squat - this is one of those heavy ones so four plates felt like at least 5 (if not 500!)
1 plate per side x 15 reps (deep, right to the stops)
2 plates x 12 reps
3 plates x 10 reps
4 plates x 8 reps
4.5 plates by 6+1+1 reps (8RP)

cybex steep-incline leg press - one leg at a time, four sets of 15 reps with increasing weight each set

seated leg extension - three sets of 12 slow, methodical reps but no pause at the top
superset sissy squat - using the ankle-grabber, bodyweight to failure which was between 8-10 reps

BB SLDL - three sets, adding weight so reps were 12/10/8 per set, respectively

cardio - 32mins MISS on the stairmill at the rec centre a bit later on
Weight 237

I've been very bloated and digesting extremely poorly so that's probably part of the issue but I think weight should be dropping more than it is

Fri - arms/abs/calves

warmup - 10m LISS (haven't been doing this much lately due to time constraints, not sure I can justify it since it cost me at least one exercise...)

tricep rope pushdown - six sets, pyramiding weight up

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

EZ-bar '21s' - did four sets, 8/7/6/5 reps per third respectively with increasingly heavy weight

seated overhead DB tricep extension - don't do these often as they're hard on the elbows (mine, at least) but I did three sets of 15 with moderately heavy weight

HSPL preacher-curl machine - one arm at a time, three sets total
superset seated 'donkey' calf press machine - four sets of 15 with max weight, slow tempo

HSPL tricep pushdown machine - two heavy sets to finish things off

That was all I had time for (a the time) so I changed out, went to an engagement party then hit the rec centre for cardio

cardio - 32m MISS on the stairmill
Weight 235

Lazy morning...slept in, tidied and got coffee then eventually went for a motorcycle ride before hitting the gym

Sat - back/abs

warmup - 10m LISS (had to wait for my friend, anyways)

wide grip pulldown - five sets, pyramiding weight up
superset straight-arm pulldown with narrow bar - 15 reps after each set of pull downs

HSPL chest-supported row - three sets of 12/10/8 reps per arm, with increasing weight
superset bent-over BB row - 12 reps after each set on the machine

lying DB pullover - three sets of 15 with constant tension

cross-body hammer DB curl - three sets of 12 reps per arm, alternating on each rep
superset reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of DB curls

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cardio - 33m on the stairmill, went pretty hypo after so I had to eat a protein bar and chill for 20mins before riding my bike home
Weight 236

Had a productive morning, up early and met two of the pioneers of bodybuilding in my province.

Talked cars then they took a look at me and were very encouraging, nice to hear from someone else that I'm on track and beyond that, very enthusiastic about my structure/potential etc

Met my youngest brother and youngest sister for breakfast then went and trained before doing some meal prep for my friend's Bday party

Went there, made a quick stop at the gym for cardio then back to have a bit of steak, salad and half a cupcake with good company

Sun - chest/tris

warmup - 10m LISS

incline DB press - about six or seven sets of 8, small weight increases such that the last 3 sets were relatively tough working sets

incline BB press - switched to the smith after warmups, did three straight sets of 8 slightly increasing weight as well then a triple dropset to finish

regular/chest pec dec - three sets of 12/10/8 reps with increasing weight
superset assisted dip - same reps after each set on the pec dec, slow and deep

v-bar tricep pushdown - four sets of 20 with 60s rests in between

tricep rope pushdown - three sets of 12
superset overhead rope extension - 12 reps only to 3/4 lockout after each set of pushdowns...super tough to get the last 3-5 reps on these

cardio - 34m on the stairmill a little later on in the afternoon
Weight 235

Didn't sleep that well Sunday night so Monday was a bit of a struggle just due to being exhausted all day

My friend brought some pre workout to the gym for me so I perked up once I'd had that, and it was a pretty solid leg workout

Mon - legs/calves

warmup - 5min LISS, just enough to get some blood moving the pre workout around in my body

prone hamstring curl - five straight sets, pyramiding weight up then a quintuple dropset to finish

seated quad extension - one warmup and four working sets, pyramiding weight as well

highbar ATG squat - I wasn't too excited about squatting because of my previous shit performance but ended up having a good 'top' set, on par with my usual off-season performance of 8 x 405 (deep of course)

HSPL one-legged leg press - three sets of 15 per leg with increasing weight on every set

BB SLDL - three sets of 8, heavy with constant tension on the hamstrings

cardio - 35mins MISS on the stairmill
Weight 233

Didn't sleep well Monday night again so tuesday was quite the fight to stay awake and accomplish anything productive

I felt like I might not have enough gas in the tank for a bigger bodypart so I stuck with arms, abs and calves

Tue - arms/abs/calves

tricep rope pushdown - one warmup then five sets pyramiding weight up for 20/16/12/10/8 reps per working set, respectively
superset EZ-bar curl - similar reps here, approximately 20/16/12/10/8 per set

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

cross-body hammer DB curl - 15/12/10 reps per arm, alternating on each rep with increasing weight per set
superset reverse-grip Ez-bar curl - 12 reps after each set of hammer curls

seated overhead DB tricep extension - three sets of 12-15 with fairly heavy DBs...my elbows are sore today, not sure if this is the cause
superset seated 'donkey' calf-raise machine - four sets of 15, slow and methodical with max weight

HSPL tricep pushdown machine - adding weight each set, 20/15/10 reps respectively
superset HSPL preacher machine - one arm at a time, increasing weight for 15/12/8 reps per set respectively

cardio - 36m MISS on the stairmill a bit later
Why are you having sleeping problems?

I think mainly a combination of hunger, prep drugs and temperature (hot outside + I'm hot all the time right now = uncomfortable at bed time)

Weight 229

Had almost half a dozen people tell me I looked exhausted and question whether I should be working out

Thanks guys, hard enough to drag myself here I don't need extra second/third/sixth guessing whether I should bother lifting / stairmilling or not :P

Weds - back/abs/calves

wide-grip pullup - bodyweight for 8, 10, 12 and 14 reps per set respectively
superset straight-arm rope pulldown - same number of reps with moderate weight, very strict form with focus on the lats doing all the work

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

smith bent-over row - two sets pyramiding weight up of 12 reps then a triple dropset of 8+8+8 reps with 3/2/1 plate per side

one-arm DB row - four sets of 8 reps per arm, 60/80/100/120lbs DBs per set respectively

seated low cable row w/medium-width neutral grip attachment - three sets of 12
superset standing calf raise - one warmup and four working sets of 15 reps with the full stack + more weight pinned on

cardio - ate a meal then dragged my ass to the rec centre and punched out a tough 38mins (200 flights!) on the stair mill
Weight 229

My main training partner from the winter who'd injured his knee and pulled out of nationals bought a new house a little ways away

So I rode my bike to work then headed out to visit and train shoulders in the beginnings of his basement gym

Basically a power cage and set of DBs from 20->100lbs so far but he has big plans

Thu - delts

bent over rear DB lateral raise - four sets of 20

side lateral DB raise - four sets, pyramiding weight up from 20->50lbs, 16/12/10/8 reps per set respectively

front DB raise - four sets of 20, lost a few reps on the last couple of sets
superset TRX rear-delt pull-apart - using bodyweight, went to failure which was approximately 8-10 'body rows'

standing DB press - four sets, also pyramiding weight but kept reps at 10 per set...didn't go too heavy (max 60lbs/arm) because I didn't have my belt

cardio - 39mins MISS on the stairmill later on, quite late at night actually...didn't get to bed until after 1am
Weight 228

Snoozy friday, didn't really do much in the way of work while I was at work but I managed to stay awake then hit the gym

Minor 'refeed' via some frozen yogurt instead of meals 5/6 then a tough cardio session before bed

Fri - legs/calves

warmup - 10m LISS

prone hamstring curl - six sets, pyramiding weight up
superset adductor machine - one warmup and five working sets of 15 reps

DB SLDL - all the squat racks were busy (unusual!) so I went and did some more hamstring work, four sets of 10 with increasingly heavy DBs

highbar ATG squat - not a lot of sets but I was relatively happy (or un-disappointed) with my heaviest set

10 x bar
10 x 135
8 x 225
8 x 315
7 x 405 (spotted on the last rep)...I might've had 8 or I might've stroked out or had an aneurysm so I didn't feel horrible about racking that 3 weeks out of a show

HSPL V-squat machine - facing the back pad, three sets of 8 reps with 4/5/6 plates per side respectively

seated leg extension - pyramiding weight up, four sets of 16/12/10/8 reps
superset seated 'donkey' calf press machine - four sets of 15

cardio - 40m MISS on the stairmill...210 fucking flights

Weight 227

Had to finish a few things at work then took a little time to get motivated enough to lift but eventually hit the gym for a solo chest session

Sat - chest/abs/triceps

rear delt/reverse pec dec - five sets, pyramiding weight up
superset hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superduperset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

incline/flat DB press - first five sets were incline then five on flat, started at 50lbs DBs and worked my way up to 140s doing sets of 10 reps, only got 8 on the final set though

incline BB press - four sets, pyramiding weight up with 8 reps per set, only 6x275 on the heaviest set though

HSPL press-flye machine - three sets of 12
superset pec dec - 20 reps after each set on the press-flye machine

rope tricep pushdown - three sets of 15 with a 3 second flex/squeeze at the bottom of each rep

cardio - 15m LISS on the treadmill postWO then 32mins MISS on the stairmill later in the evening
Weight 228

Sun - back/abs

warmup/cardio1: 25mins LISS on the incline treadmill, decent pace so some calories were burned...

bodyweight pullup - four sets of 10, wide grip
superset straight-arm rope pulldown - 10 reps after each set of pullups

unsupported hanging leg raise - three sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

smith bent-over row - three sets, pyramiding weight up and ending with a triple dropset

one-arm DB row - three sets of 8 per arm
superset bodyweight hyperextension - roughly 20 to near-failure

cardio2 - 32m MISS on the stairmill
Weight 227

Busy day, took the afternoon off work and visited a custom suit tailor/seamstress so that's out of the way

Went to the courthouse to fight a traffic ticket and actually got it thrown out entirely to the tune of almost $400 so that was nice

Dragged myself through a pretty good leg workout with a group of friends who're all doing nationals, either July 1 or July 29th (depending on the division)

Mon - legs/calves

warmup/cardio1 - 25m LISS on the incline treadmill

prone hamstring curl - four working sets, pyramiding weight up then a killer drop/pause/drop/forced rep set to finish
seated adductor machine - one warmup and three working sets of 15 reps

HSPL incline leg press - six sets, pyramiding weight up and finishing with a mean strip set from 14 plates per side down to 4/side
superset seated calf raise - four sets of 12-15

seated hamstring curl - three sets of 20
superset seated leg extension - three sets of 10 with a 3 sec flex/iso-hold at the top of every rep

cardio2 - 33m MISS on stairmill postWO
Holy crapoly! 14 plates?!? You da man

Honestly 14 plates on the leg press feels heavy but 4 plate squats feel harder (to me, at least) - thanks though :D

Weight 224

Got to work early because I knew I'd have to leave a little early in order to train, cardio and eat before Tool

Tue - arms/delts/abs

warmup/cardio1: 25m LISS on the incline treadmill

rope tricep pushdown - six sets, pyramiding weight up
superset unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superduperset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

EZ-bar curl - five sets, pyramiding weight up
superset rear delt/reverse pec dec - four sets, pyramding weight up (getting tired of typing that!)

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10, adding 10lbs each time
superset front DB raise - 10 reps after each set of side laterals with half the weight
superduperset HSPL preacher curl - 3 sets of 12/10/8 reps per arm, per set respectively

cardio - stopped at the rec centre on my way home to shower and change, did 30m MISS on the stairmill

pooped quite a bit so my stomach flattened out, can't see that well from this angle but instead of having a 'gut' it's sitting much flatter which is a nice feeling...

Honestly 14 plates on the leg press feels heavy but 4 plate squats feel harder (to me, at least) - thanks though :D

Weight 224

Got to work early because I knew I'd have to leave a little early in order to train, cardio and eat before Tool

Tue - arms/delts/abs

warmup/cardio1: 25m LISS on the incline treadmill

rope tricep pushdown - six sets, pyramiding weight up
superset unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superduperset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

EZ-bar curl - five sets, pyramiding weight up
superset rear delt/reverse pec dec - four sets, pyramding weight up (getting tired of typing that!)

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10, adding 10lbs each time
superset front DB raise - 10 reps after each set of side laterals with half the weight
superduperset HSPL preacher curl - 3 sets of 12/10/8 reps per arm, per set respectively

cardio - stopped at the rec centre on my way home to shower and change, did 30m MISS on the stairmill

pooped quite a bit so my stomach flattened out, can't see that well from this angle but instead of having a 'gut' it's sitting much flatter which is a nice feeling...


Did they play any new stuff?
Did they play any new stuff?

No, and despite that, the camera-nazis were out in full force so people were getting busted for taking selfies even - really silly stuff.


Weight 225

Well, first day off in over 90 days (this would've been my 93rd consecutive day of lifting)

Not on purpose, either...I even took some pre workout, washed it down with rockstar and drank coffee on my way to the gym

When I arrived I just couldn't convince myself to pick up a weight, there was nothing there I was just too exhausted

Slinked onto the stair mill and punched out my cardio in defeat then headed home to sleep

Wed - rest + cardio

cardio - 40m MISS on the stairmill
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Weight 224

Back in the saddle

Thu - chest/abs/calves + back

warmup - 5mins LISS, just enough to get some blood moving

wide grip pullup - bodyweight, four sets of 8/10/12/15 reps respectively
superset straight-arm pulldown w/thick bar - same number of reps after each set of pullups, really focusing on lat contraction

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps
superset rope crunch - 15 reps after each set of leg raises

incline smith press - four sets, pyramiding weight up for 12/12/10/8 reps respectively
superset incline semi-pronated DB flye - 12 reps after each set on the smith

HSPL decline chest press - three sets of 8, heavy but not maxed out so I could focus on contraction
superset donkey calf raise machine - four sets of 15

HSPL press-flye machine - three sets of 12
superset pec dec - 12 reps after each set on the press-flye machine

cardio - headed over to the rec centre later and did 40m MISS on the stairmill, tough one