Stacking Ph's a lot of ?'s


New member
Hey guys, I'm 18 and pretty new to all of this. I'm lifting twice a day and eating clean. I have super dmz 3.0 and epi tren, I was wondering what would be the best way to use them. Should i stack them and use them both up with liver blocker and pct after? Or should I use dmz first then followed by another cycle of the epi tren to cut and lean out? Any suggestions would really help!
Well your really young to start fukin around man.

Id hold off and learn about anabolics for a few years before u do anything. A lot of younger guys jump in and a year later end up with gyno.
too young and also no need bro just take advantage of your age and get all the gains you can naturally then look to enhancement.
Knowing that you obviously won't listen - research PHs more, make sure you don't stack methylated compounds and run cycle support and proper PCT.
Unlike what a lot of people will tell you, these compounds are no joke and should not be treated as "just a supplement".
you are not finished development till around the age of 25 for males. using anything hormonal can screw up your development for LIFE.

avoid it and stick to creatine, vitamins and amino acids/protein powder.

also proh's are usually worse then full on real aas...
just keep researching at the very least...
you are not finished development till around the age of 25 for males. using anything hormonal can screw up your development for LIFE.

avoid it and stick to creatine, vitamins and amino acids/protein powder.

also proh's are usually worse then full on real aas...
just keep researching at the very least...

Everything he said ^^^^

I know what you are thinking man and I use to be your age at once but seriously it is not worth it. Not to mention these stuff shorten your life span. Stick with creatine for now and higher a coach and you'll be making ALL KINDS OF GAINS, ALL KIIIINDSSSS!!!!

Alex Ican'trememberhislastname is $400 a year and very well worth it.

Until your much older here is the two main things you'll need:

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