stacking recomendations?


New member
I am interested in putting some serious size on. would it be wise to stack deca durabolin with sustanon? I have taken a sus cycle once before and had decent gains. if thats not a good stack does anybody have some good reccomendations, while keeping the side effects as low as possible(if possible). Any inout is greatly appreciated, thank you..also would only like to stack 2 products..
yeah but wont i lose all the d bol gains? im not planning on taking until march 1st..and why test e over Sustanon (sust)? and whats the best way to keep the gains?
Test and Deca is always a good bulking cycle, it doesn't really matter if its sustanon or TestE,,,,,I prefer the single ester, but go with what you got or what you can get cheapest. D bol gives you a good jump on a cycle, but alot of it is from water retention. You don't need it.
ok say if i take sustanon and deca...and add dbol in should i only use dbol for the first couple weeks or throughout the whole cycle..and how much deca should i mix with 500 mg a week of sust...and how much of that weight and sized gained is retainable?
dieselpowered84 said:
ok say if i take sustanon and deca...and add dbol in should i only use dbol for the first couple weeks or throughout the whole cycle..and how much deca should i mix with 500 mg a week of sust...and how much of that weight and sized gained is retainable?

How many cycles have you ran? If this is your second cycle, there's no need in taking three compounds yet. Honestly, a Test only cycle at 500mg/week for 10 weeks with proper post cycle therapy (pct) would probably suffice.
this is going to be my third actually first 2 were sust only and i know i fucked myself due to no pct...(just had no knowledge of it when i did it) so knowing this what would be a good post cycle therapy (pct) and how long do i run it long after the cycle do i start..thanks guys
The normal protocall for clomid is:
day 1 300mg
day 2-11 100mg ed (every day)
day 12-21 50 mg ed
Doses split throughout the day.

because deca is long acting you will need to start post cycle therapy (pct) around the 2 week after cycle mark.
how much sust and deca?