Started 3 week M1T cycle. Anyone have experience with Growdrol 6.0?


New member
1ST Week I did 10mg per day. Took x2 pills of Tribulus split out through the day 750 MG each, x2 pills of TriPharm Liver Support split out throughout the day, and x3 pills of Fish Oil throughout the day.
2nd Week I will be doing all above but taking 20mg per day until week 3 is done.

I am on my 9th day at 20MG and will post results at the end of cycle. PCT is 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex

Now; anyone hear about Growdrol 6.0 or have experience with it? Any comments? How was it?

Also.. Thinking of using Ostarine in my PCT or researching it atleast .. Would this be ok at 30MG per day for 4 weeks? Hear a lot of ppl saying it's counter productive & the other half saying to do it..
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