started cycle


New member
Age 27
been training for 5 years
Height 5" 8
weight 195lbs BF- 9% (aprox)

week 1-6 = 40mg dbol ed (british dragon eu)
week 1-16 = 500mg Sustanon (sust) 250 shot on sat and wed (organon)
week 1-16 = 400mg EQ (lixus labs)

PCT will start 2 weeks after last injection of eq.
20mg Nolva for 30 days
50mg – 100mg of clomid for 20 days.

i also have Aridmex on hand.

So finally started cycle. will post updates every week. Anyway this is the sort of diet i have most days. (this was todays)

meal 1 - 4 weetabix with scoop of honey.
2 banana's.
glass of milk.
two slices of toast.
glass of egg whites.

meal 2 - lean ribeye steak
jacket potatoe with about 120grams cottage cheese

meal 3 - oats with reflex whey stirred in and glass of egg whites.

meal 4 - 2 chicken breats
peas and carrots

meal 5 - 2 wholegrain sub rolls with deli ham and salad and cheese.

Throughout the day ive drunk about 600ml of full fat milk. and 2L of water. Also had 2 protien shakes

Done first two injections today one glute one quad. When injecting the Sustanon (sust) into my glute think i may have nicked a vein as fair amount of blood came out when pulled syringe out, however eq injection was fine. Guessing i pushed down on plunger to hard.

One question is it ok to mix eq and Sustanon (sust) together in same syringe?

so end of week one on cycle weighed my self when i woke up and have put on 6lbs. Which i was pretty happy with in just one week. Diet has been near perfect eating 5 meals most days and eating/drinking 200grams of protien a day.

So far im running two tabs of prov, one in the morning one at night (50mg). Ive had no side effects at all from the dbol, maybe because prov is keeping them away? im pretty sure dbol is not bunk as the weight ive put on this week.

Like i said in first post screwed up the first Sustanon (sust) injection as s**t loads of blood came out in the glute, the eq injection was fine, done a second shot of Sustanon (sust) on wednesday in the delt and was fine.

Am using 18g to suck up, and 24g to inject with.

Trained chest and tris on sunday.
legs on monday.
back bic's wed
shoulders fri

if you want any more info just ask
sust has some short ester in it. pinning it eod instead of 2x per week will allow you to take advantage of that. if you're gonna use the blend might as well maximize it, right?

just a thought.

keep us updated though. want to hear how the dbol hits you as you go along.
Ever though of running some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle?

also how about some peptides? very synergistic with the test.

end of 2 week have put on 5lbs, overall up 11lbs in 2 weeks pretty happy so far. Been rotating injection site. Glutes,delts,pec and also pinned yesterday in quads and is now hurting like a son of a b***h. Still have no side effects, im guessing proviron is doing job however didnt think it would stop gyno all together. I normally work out 4 times a week.
Monday - legs
thurs - chest tris
sat - shoulders abs
sund - back n bic's

I only trained 3 times this week as have slight shoulder pain my job is also very physical so didnt want to make things worse my training it at the gym as well. I also have a pt/spotter for every one of my session (is my best mate).

Diet been good for most part, everything im eating is fine missing a few meals here and there due to being shagged out from work, but working nightshift its pretty easy to eat up to 8 /9 meals a day.

If you want to know anything else just ask.