Started first cycle ever this week. Test e 500 m/g wk

Today was chest and bis. Good workout, but not great. I did not get very much sleep today and it effected my strength . I added weight to bar but could not get through all reps. I didn't feel as powerful as I have been feeling lately. Kind of a bummer cuz I thought this chest workout was going to show big gain like my last back day did . Oh well a little weight to the bar is still a gain. Tomorrow is a pin, and a rest day. Hopefully Wed I will be geared up to go hard on legs.
Just thought I would post what I have been eating lately. I work third shift so I eat breakfast as last meal of day with my wife and daughter when i get home in the AM.
Meal 1:
Half of grocery store rotisserie chicken
1 sweet potato
3 cups baby spring mix salad 1 cup of spinach mixed in
Raspberry vinagarette dressing
Cup of carrots

Meal 2
8 slices low sodium deli sliced turkey
Whole grain crackers
8 slices white cheddar cheese

Meal 3
Mass gainer/protein shake

Meal 4
Grilled chicken breast
3 cups brown rice
Same salad as before

Meal 5
Natural creamy peanut butter with grape jelly
On 12 grain bread

Meal 6
5 medium eggs
1.5 cup of oats with peanut butter and a little honey
Glass of 1% milk

Had a protein shake after workout in there somewhere too.
I will figure out all the cals and macros later... But I'm eating right at every two hours and I'm always hungry again in time to eat.
I have a prett active job. I'm a machinist and I am on my feet the whole night. I operate 4 machines and I hand load parts that weigh 15-35 lbs. I run usually 4 or 5 an hour on 4 different types of machines. So the pace is decent and I handle each part quite a few times.
Had a brutal leg workout today. Felt great. Workout partner was not there so I did not go real heavy. Instead in did more reps and more sets on squats. I felt strong and focused today. Usially workout with a buddy but today was on my own. I was listening to Rage Against The Machine and was in my own head, driven by the music and just dialed in and focused. Legs are going to ache tomorrow. Weight is back up 229.5.
Did a pin in my glute today. Went really smooth. Pinning has become no big deal at all by now. It was a little unnerving at first but I'm good to go now. Had a great work out today. Hot shoulders and triceps hard. Strength is up a bit from last week but still no overwhelming sense of damn I feel the juice. Week 4 is winding down, up 5 lbs, don't appear to be holding water. Still on .5 Adex eod. Planning on having bloods done in week 6 just to see where I am at. Libido is still up, mood is pretty good. Focus and drive at gym were great today.
Workout was:
Military Press 12-8-5-5-8-12
Standing Lateral Raises Dropsets 3 sets
standing Front DB Raises Dropsets 3 sets
Laying Rear DB Raises superset w/ Face pulls
Close Grip BB Bench 12-8-5-5-12
Weighted Dips superset w/ overhead DB ext
Triangle Bar pill downs 3 sets 15

Any critique on this workout?
Oh I noticed today that I have a bit of acne on shoulders? Does this mean my estradiol may be a bit high? I noticed it this morning, right before I took my .5 Adex. Should I up dose or just let it ride for a bit? Not nip troubles, or severe water retention.
Oh I noticed today that I have a bit of acne on shoulders? Does this mean my estradiol may be a bit high? I noticed it this morning, right before I took my .5 Adex. Should I up dose or just let it ride for a bit? Not nip troubles, or severe water retention.

Perfectly normal bro. Some people break out bad and others just get a few. Id rotate a couple shirts while you work if possible and shower twice a day.

Sounds like you are doing well on this cycle. Beast workoputs and stuffing the face with good food. Nice job man, keep up hard work. Were you gonna toss in some progression pics?
Perfectly normal bro. Some people break out bad and others just get a few. Id rotate a couple shirts while you work if possible and shower twice a day.

Sounds like you are doing well on this cycle. Beast workoputs and stuffing the face with good food nice job man, keep up hard work. Were you gonna toss in some progression pics?

Thanks man. I am going to put up some pics, just seems like the pics I have taken really aren't showing the subtle changes I see in the mirror. I will put some up though maybe tomorrow.
Strength is up from last week. Was Able to add weight to bar for my heavy sets of deadlifts. Set a new PR for 5 reps. Back/traps workout was great today. My weight is up 5 lbs from start. I have lost a little belly fat, and I don't believe I'm holding water. Still only subtle changes in my body. Recovery is good. I have some pics to post but unfortunately I'm not that excited about them because they don't rely seem much different then starting pics. I'm really hoping that this cycle takes off for me like it has for others around the 5 week mark.View attachment 554857View attachment 554858View attachment 554859View attachment 554860
Weight is up to 231 today. Had a good workout today. Only had about 5 hrs of sleep today though. My energy level was not as high as normal. Anyone have any recommendations for a good preworkout to take that is safe on cycle? I have used App Nuts Uncut before and like it, just unsure if that is okay I take.
Workout was chest/biceps
Flat BB Bench 12-8--5-5-8-12
Incline DB Bench 3x10
Incline DB Flies 3x15
Pec Deck 3x15
BB Curl Dropsets 3 full sets
Hammer Curls4x10
high Cable Curls 3x15

When you guys do mult body part splits, do you do all exercises for a body group then switch to other or do you bounce back and forth between muscle groups?
Oh pinned today in quad and was so smooth. My nerves about pinning are gone and my hand is not shaky at all. No pain at all. Besides having bloods done, which I plan on doing next week. How do you know if estro is good. Just wondering if the .5 eod Adex is too much. No excessive bloat or sensitive nips so I know I am atleast getting enough but I don't want to overdue it either.
Sounds like everything is going smoothly, I pinned today too. I'm also on my first set and about my 4th week in of every Tuesday and Friday. I'm finally starting to see results, I've been less lifting and more of crazy running but the improvements from where I was at are incredible. Keep up the good work man! I'll keep checking back on ya to see how it's keeping up
Feeling good today. Had a pin in left quad, went great. Pinning isno big deal now, and I have a steady confident hand now. I have a set process that I never vary from. Appetite is near unsatisfiable, I'm hungry every 1.5 hrs. Eating well, and watching macros. Weight was 231.5 today. I dropped my Adex down to .25 eod this week and have seen no low e2 sides so far. I plan to do some labs next week. Two great workouts in the last two days, legs, the shoulders/tris today. Small strength gains from last week with shoulders. I feel the most noticeable size gains so far have come on my shoulders and traps. Libido still strong , great pumps at gym, and muscles harder and fuller. Can't wait to see what next few weeks bring!
Weight is up to 233.5 this morning. So I'm up eight pounds from start. Had a great workout today. Chest/biceps. Have been working mainly in the 10-12 rep range the last two weeks. Did Dropsets BB curls tonight w/ 4 drops in weight, each drop had 8 reps. I did 3 sets of these and the pump afterwards was ridiculous! Felt like I my arms were going to explode, never had pumps that intense before. Saw some friends wh I I haven't seen for a while and all of them right off the bat were commenting on how much bigger I am. I don't really see that much of an extreme change in mirror but something must be going on because others are noticing. Wife made a comment tonight too, that I looked "extra muscle-ly". Lol, I feel good, I really want to be in the gym everyday but I know my body needs rest to grow. Wife would bitch if I added any more gym time to my week!
Weight is hanging around 230-232, haven't been eating as well I should. The tornados that ripped through Illinois hit our town hard. Took the roof off of our photography studio then passed by our house within about 2 blocks. Crazy amount of destruction right around the corner from us. We didn't have power for a few days which made preparing meals difficult. Been helping friends pick up the pieces of their destroyed homes. Finally got to the gym today and got a good workout in. This is end of week 6 and really haven't seen a whole lot if gains. Going to get bloodworm done on Monday. Hopefully comes back where it should. Really hoping this gear is good to go.
Forged Burner, from Mr. Supps is the best preworkout ive ever used. It gave me so much focus and a euphoric feeling for hours after. Its hard to explain. Im not a big believe in preworkouts but this one is the real deal