started my bulk cycle today!!!!!!!!1


New member
Started my bulk cycle today!!!!!!!!

1-5 50mgs dbol ed
1-10 600mgs test enanthate
1-10 600mgs deca
6-12 50mgs oral Winstrol (winny) ed
13-16 clomid therapy

hoping for at least 20lbs if all goes right.:D :D :D
if you dont gain 20lbs on those dosages, your gonna have to rethink your eating and training. What are your stats btw?
should i go on the "eat everything in site diet" or should i keep it clean but lots. As of now im gonna aim for 300gms of protein per day not sure about carbs,and fats but ill experiment. im gonna clean it up though for sure when i start the Winstrol (winny) to cut a bit.
im in favor of eat lots, but keep it clean. You can kind of cheat on the weekends. Im right around your bodyweight, this was my diet.
375g of protein
450-500g of carbs
100-125g of fat
I say keep it clean, but if you truely want to bulk and you can lose it pretty easy, then do the "see food" diet.
Thanxs boys for the help, could i get half my protien from shakes and the other half from food or is this no good, sometimes i dont got time to eat so shakes is more convienient. Also would throwing peanut butter in the shakes be ok or will this add bad fat?
KellyExpress said:
Thanxs boys for the help, could i get half my protien from shakes and the other half from food or is this no good, sometimes i dont got time to eat so shakes is more convienient. Also would throwing peanut butter in the shakes be ok or will this add bad fat?

I don't see any problem at all getting half your protein from shakes. I do it all the time, 3 solid meals & 3 shakesa day.
KellyExpress said:
Started my bulk cycle today!!!!!!!!

1-5 50mgs dbol ed
1-10 600mgs test enanthate
1-10 600mgs deca
6-12 50mgs oral Winstrol (winny) ed
13-16 clomid therapy

hoping for at least 20lbs if all goes right.:D :D :D

Shit bro, if you eat right, rest & train hard you will gain more than your 20lbs. off that cycle!!!!;)
KellyExpress said:
Started my bulk cycle today!!!!!!!!

1-5 50mgs dbol ed
1-10 600mgs test enanthate
1-10 600mgs deca
6-12 50mgs oral Winstrol (winny) ed
13-16 clomid therapy

hoping for at least 20lbs if all goes right.:D :D :D

This is similar to the bulking cycle I'm on now except I'm taking 700mg's of Tren instead of Deca. I'm also running 300mg's of Prop and 400mg's of Equi per week and 4-6IU's of HGH 5 days on 2 days off. I stack the Enan/Prop/Equi all together in one shot 2x week (300mg's enan, 125mg's of Prop and 200mg's of Equi = 3cc's). It's a lot but i want to go from 223lbs to 250lbs at 12%BF.
StoneColdNTO said:
I don't see any problem at all getting half your protein from shakes. I do it all the time, 3 solid meals & 3 shakesa day.

This is exactly what I do. I find that I have trouble eating more than 3 big meals a day when I take 3 shakes.
StoneColdNTO said:
How many cycles have you done Kelly ??

I was thinking the same thing. Seems like alot of drugs for a 21 year old. Unless he has a few cycles under his belt.
that is a lot man... i gained about 15 lbs off of 350mg Test E. and 300mg Deca for 12 weeks. I went from 185 to 200. No need for overkill. Just eat a lot but eat CLEAN...u'll thank me later when u could actually see your abs!

actually bro u might want to keep an anti-E on hand with that cycle.