Started my helladrol cycle


New member
Hello everyone this is my first post!
I am currently 5'6 164 lbs, 25yr old, Iv lifted of and on sense I was 16. I have competed in a few powerlifting meets and I have switched to bodybuilding because change is always good :) I started my helladrol today, Iv already dropped 17 lbs so I can have a good start going into my cycle. My plan is to use it for the dry gains sense I am looking to get rid of my powerlifting physique and into a bodybuilding one for the summer( and for my girlfriend, girls don't seem to understand the meaning of the power belly!)

Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/100
Competitive edge labs cycle assist-one serving four hours after taking first does of helladrol and same for the evening
ON protein
C4 EXTREME prework out
Lecheek Nutrition AD-3 PCT- 2 capsules for 30 days before bed.
DAA powder
Still wondering if I want to use a SERM or not

I will log at least once a week maybe more, I work and go to school full time.

Any feed back or questions?
I like your dosing.
I let my self get talked into running more and I don't think there's a benefit to going above 100 mg.
Let me say, that I am not familiar with your cycle support product, but I would recommend running NAC through the whole thing.
Also, it seems Forma Stanzol works well for what you are looking to do.
Both on cycle and for PCT.
Being a power lifter I am sure you have a great platform to work off of, but just in case this is your first cycle, get ready for some incredible strength gains!
I ran halotest-25 about 2 years ago and I got very cut but no weight gain not sure where I went wrong with it maybe not enough calories. I was not familiar with the cycle support either but it got good reviews and not a bad price. I feel like I should of just ran N2 guard but little late now! I will look into the NAC I don't like running 2000 supplements lmao. Iv been looking into the Forma Stanzol what would I expect with it? And could I just run it as a PCT to keep the gains going through summer? I could order it today. Yes powerlifting really helps a lot iv noticed. I agree I don't want to go over the 100mg that seems to be when the sides start, and I have a history of panic attacks so need to be careful
helladrol worked really good for me especially for strength you're around the same size as me i went from doing 330 or so on bench to 375 and squats and deadlifts nearly went up 100 pounds each...i bulked while i was on it so i was up to 188 or so...i wouldn't use the preworkout while on cycle...i would save it for pct and i'd also used creatine monohydrate from op nutrition on cycle and far as a serm goes i used clomid not sure how much it helped me recover but i still used it and it tastes like ass...i also used hc gen and forma halfway through cycle into pct not sure how much that helped either but i know hcg helped me keep some nat test levels considering i stopped taking it and it was harder to keep a hard on lol...honestly though i'd just use monohydrate, hella, n2 guard, fish oil, and taurine while you're on it (taurine for back pumps i got them real bad when i would squat and deadlift) far as pct im just using forma, test infusion, pw, monohydrate and clomid this time around with some daa as well
That is some good gains! How long did you hang on to it? Im worried about that because my last day of PCT will be may 10th and i am hoping to hit it as hard as possible to keep most of it through summer. My bench is around 275 right now i lost about 25-30 lbs when i cut 17 lb I'm really hoping to get back up to that without having to put on some fat. As far as cycle assist i am going to just stick with the competitive labs i know N2 is better but i went with price, if for some reason it does not do the job ill pick up n2 guard. So does everyone run forma???? And as far as pre workout goes should i not use it to keep BP down or what. i love the stuff lol
don't listen to that guy need to build muscle and mr supps even rui products i have bought supps from them all have came and all generally fast shipping....and who the hell would buy 2,000 dollars worth of product at a time..
Pretty sure it's a spam bot.

And those 25lbs you wanna add to your bench will probably be cake in about week 3.
Hello everyone this is my first post!
I am currently 5'6 164 lbs, 25yr old, Iv lifted of and on sense I was 16. I have competed in a few powerlifting meets and I have switched to bodybuilding because change is always good :) I started my helladrol today, Iv already dropped 17 lbs so I can have a good start going into my cycle. My plan is to use it for the dry gains sense I am looking to get rid of my powerlifting physique and into a bodybuilding one for the summer( and for my girlfriend, girls don't seem to understand the meaning of the power belly!)

Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/100
Competitive edge labs cycle assist-one serving four hours after taking first does of helladrol and same for the evening
ON protein
C4 EXTREME prework out
Lecheek Nutrition AD-3 PCT- 2 capsules for 30 days before bed.
DAA powder
Still wondering if I want to use a SERM or not

I will log at least once a week maybe more, I work and go to school full time.

Any feed back or questions?

yes I suggest a serm they are proven time and again keep us updated on how your cycle goes
On my diet I am going to go 50% protein/ 30% carbs/ 20% fat on a 2670 calorie diet. You guys feel like that should work out?
That is some good gains! How long did you hang on to it? Im worried about that because my last day of PCT will be may 10th and i am hoping to hit it as hard as possible to keep most of it through summer. My bench is around 275 right now i lost about 25-30 lbs when i cut 17 lb I'm really hoping to get back up to that without having to put on some fat. As far as cycle assist i am going to just stick with the competitive labs i know N2 is better but i went with price, if for some reason it does not do the job ill pick up n2 guard. So does everyone run forma???? And as far as pre workout goes should i not use it to keep BP down or what. i love the stuff lol
I'm almost 3 weeks in on my helladrol cycle now and I'd recommend the Forma it's good shit. As for the pre workout they might be advising against it b.c of bp levels I know n2guard will help with bp which is what i am using but not so sure about the cycle support you have. Good luck with the cycle hella is the shit!
*and make sure to get some taurine the back pumps can get pretty bad for some people , hasn't been too bad for me yet but def. needed it a few times
yes I suggest a serm they are proven time and again keep us updated on how your cycle goes

For sure on the serm buddy. I wouldn't cycle without it because u stand to lose a lot of gains without one. It's not that bad taking it either, guys make out to be worse than it really is.

Cycle lots pretty good aside that
I'm picking up some taurine tonight, I get back pumps a little bit without being on a PH but iv never been to bothered by it, but today i did shoulders/tri/traps and got a pretty good one, im guessing from the barbell shrugs
In for this! Hella is one of my fav MrSupps PHs. You'll love it. Feed it correctly and in my opinion it's the best out there.