Started my helladrol cycle

Im taking 75/75/75/100/100/125(100)

so I need to take it 3 times starting out.... morn, noon and right before bed right? you take it before bed so that blood levels run stable thru you sleep.... Like every 8 hrs. If you take your last H drol in the after noon you may be going anywhere from 14 to 18 hrs between your afternoon dose and your morning dose.
Most Halo users I have read about split the dose between morning and pre wo.
Doesn't make it right, just an observation.
5/6 hrs later.

The liver supports can essentially clean out ur body of the ph.

Keep the doses far apart. I take hella 1st thing am and pre workout. I take all support & liver support before going to bed.

Thats the protocol I use as well
I workout in the am. So at 100mg/day I would take 50mg am say 5 am and then 8 hrs later another 50 mg at 1 pm. Then right before bed take Liver supports? That would mean I would be waiting 16 hrs before my next dose at 5 am.
That seems like a long time to go when you should take it every 8 hours.
Only one way to find out ;)

I am sure by now you have realized, that there isn't a whole lot of support for PH users on this forum...
As some users on here have already told you, it's common to split morning and pre - wo.
If it was me, I would split in pre WO (morning) in your case and around 5 pm.
Then all the liver stuff no sooner than 9 pm.
When I took Helladrol (or HaloX) there was a huge difference between 50mg and 75mg but after 75mg (I went up to 125mg) there is a lot more side and a lot less benefits. I would recommend capping at 75mg but to each is its own. I did 25/25/25 and then up to 50/50/25.
Yea i really liked helladrol when i took it. I was overseas so i didnt have much of a choice so i had to take PHS and i really loved it. Superdrol gave me nasty sides. I also liked super dmz 2.0; i got nice hard lean gains on it when i took it.
Iv been taking 50mg of hella when i get up, and then 4 hours later taking my cycle support, and then about 7 i take 25mg of hella, and then taking cycle support 4 hours after that which is about when i lay down to sleep.
Iv been taking 50mg of hella when i get up, and then 4 hours later taking my cycle support, and then about 7 i take 25mg of hella, and then taking cycle support 4 hours after that which is about when i lay down to sleep.
Sounds good might want to give it another hour or 2 for cycle support but you got the idea.
Iv been taking 50mg of hella when i get up, and then 4 hours later taking my cycle support, and then about 7 i take 25mg of hella, and then taking cycle support 4 hours after that which is about when i lay down to sleep.

That's petty good more or less.
Hey guys! did chest and cardio today, this is start of week 2.The scale has not moved any so far but my flat bench felt great! I went up 5lbs on all my sets of flat bench. Still getting hot after taking my dose of Helladrol, so i decided to check my blood pressure and HR, and both of them are fine. Is being hot just part of it? Also my forma stanzo came in today! so i will be starting that next monday and running it during cycle and pct.
Ive been takin Hella for 6 days now. Cant say I get hot. But Yesterday I noticed being hungry and today I am really hungry. I seemed more vascular during this mornings workout too.
I def. get more vascular even when I'm just laying down i'll noticed my arms looked ripped , love it.

I have been slowly increasing my calories to try to stay ahead of the hunger but I still am getting really hungry! Just an hour or so after I eat I start feeling it come on and then then it just hits me! Im ready to eat another meal!
For me, if Hella aint good for nothing it is def good for stimulating appetite!
I have been slowly increasing my calories to try to stay ahead of the hunger but I still am getting really hungry! Just an hour or so after I eat I start feeling it come on and then then it just hits me! Im ready to eat another meal!
For me, if Hella aint good for nothing it is def good for stimulating appetite!

Yes i was to once i hit day 7 it kind of started to go back to normal. the hotness as stop so maybe iv adjusted to it. I start my 100mg a day monday and Forma Stanzol so we will see how that goes! week to has been a great week for my workouts! cant wait for the gold week 3 everyone talks about