starting a cycle while having low testosterone


New member
hey guys,

So I did my blood work and got my Free Testosterone results back. My doctor told me I am low, I am currently at 27.3 with the healthy range being 31.0+.
He told me straight up that he doesn't know much about AAS and PCT so he would be the wrong person to ask for advice, and was reluctant to put me on TRT considering I am not really feeling any side effects.

I still have libido with no problems getting it up and kept a decent amount of size, other then that the only side effect Ive noticed is I am a bit lethargic at times but a coffee usually fixes that. Also my testies aren't quite as big as they once were.

I was planning to see him to get a referral to an endocrinologist so I could get my full results but hes leaving on vacation for several months, would it be safe to go back on cycle for 4 months and run an aggressive PCT at the end?
If your planning on going on TRT anyway it doesn't matter at all. In fact if i was you id sneak in one more cycle before gettin on TRT coz you wont be blasting for at least another year after you start trt.
If your planning on going on TRT anyway it doesn't matter at all. In fact if i was you id sneak in one more cycle before getting on TRT coz you wont be blasting for at least another year after you start trt.

Well I wasn't planning on going on TRT if I don't have too lol... I have low test but my doctor said if I'm not feeling real side effects he doesn't want to prescribe me TRT in hopes that I will naturally rebound to normal T levels.

I'm trying to get a referral to a endocrinologist but it will take several months to get an appointment since my family doctor is leaving for vacation soon. I was curious if its safe to just go back on another cycle and do an aggressive PCT to return my natural T.
If you already believe you have Low T (need numbers to confirm) and you want your Natty T to be restored to healthy levels, the last thing you should be doing now is hopping on another cycle and further suppressing your HPTA. Get labs and let's look at them. Perhaps doing a PCT again would be indicated.

Get the Hormone Panel for Females.
If you already believe you have Low T (need numbers to confirm) and you want your Natty T to be restored to healthy levels, the last thing you should be doing now is hopping on another cycle and further suppressing your HPTA. Get labs and let's look at them. Perhaps doing a PCT again would be indicated.

Get the Hormone Panel for Females.
Hey does that work for canadians as well or only in the us?
Well I wasn't planning on going on TRT if I don't have too lol... I have low test but my doctor said if I'm not feeling real side effects he doesn't want to prescribe me TRT in hopes that I will naturally rebound to normal T levels.

I'm trying to get a referral to a endocrinologist but it will take several months to get an appointment since my family doctor is leaving for vacation soon. I was curious if its safe to just go back on another cycle and do an aggressive PCT to return my natural T.

Yeah follow megatrons advice, get the full bloodwork. Mega will steer you in the right direction for you, and tbh he's probably far far more experienced in this feild than your doc would be.

IF you do actually have low test already, your at an increased risk of hypogonadism by cycling again... You need to figure out if TRT is something you can live with, if so then go for gold. If you can't, don't risk it...