Starting Anavar


New member
Just looking for some general tips and/or advice for someone starting anavar for the first time. I'm female, 5'3" 110 lbs., I run 5-6 days a week for about an hour and I lift weights 1-2 times a week. When I do once a week workouts I do my whole upper body in one day, also, this is the first steroid I have ever taken. I started taking 5 mg/day, should I split the dose 2.5 mg in AM and PM?
What are your goals? To get very lean or put on more muscle, what are your reasons for using anavar? Just curious as you dont seem to be lifting weights that often.
I would cut down on the cardio & start lifting more often if you want to see good results from anavar, instead of training your whole upper body in one day you could spit your training up a bit, Back one day, day 2 quads, day 3 chest, day 4 hamstrings & calves, day 5 arms/shoulders, you can shuffle it around as you like, everyone has different ways/ideas on how to train, but I think if you are going to take the step to use a steroid you should def train to get the most out of it.
I would start on some B5 also as you may find acne a problem, make sure you drink heaps of water also & that your diet is good.
I finished my first cycle of anavar a few months ago & got some serious results! Luved it, made me so hard & muscular, the only real sides were that it made my skin & hair sooo oily & gave me acne for the first time in my life.
I think it is a personal preference as to whether you split the dose, some people believe it works better if you do split it while others think it doesnt matter.
I started at 5mg for 5 days, then upped it to 10mg for 5 wks, then upped to 15mg for 2 wks then went back down to 10mg for the last 4 weeks.
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ctranquilli said:
Just looking for some general tips and/or advice for someone starting anavar for the first time. I'm female, 5'3" 110 lbs., I run 5-6 days a week for about an hour and I lift weights 1-2 times a week. When I do once a week workouts I do my whole upper body in one day, also, this is the first steroid I have ever taken. I started taking 5 mg/day, should I split the dose 2.5 mg in AM and PM?
You should read the thread below called "First Anavar cycle results".
I'm also curious as to why you're choosing to go with Anavar at this time. What other sort of supplements have you used before. How long have you been training for?
I would also suggest putting some more weight training in there. You should try to hit the weights 3 to 4 days a week if you're wanting to put on some muscle.
In terms of dosage of anavar, I would suggest splitting it up into two dosages. Definitely only start with 5mg a day to get your body use to something new being introduced. If you start too high, you may experience more sides. I absolutely loved using anavar. I started with 5mg, split into two dosages and then went up to 10mg. You may be fine staying with 10mg. Just listen to your body. My experience with it was that it didn't necessarily make be much bigger, but my body was definitely tighter and a muscles a lot harder. Please do keep us posted on how you're doing.
Hope that helped,
Fyre :)