Starting another cycle # ??

Right on buddy! I'm in my 40s too and you both are inspiring me to train harder. Especially when I have an off day or an ache or pain to work around.
Right on buddy! I'm in my 40s too and you both are inspiring me to train harder. Especially when I have an off day or an ache or pain to work around.

How old are you bud? So July 18th I'll be 64. Sometimes I look and think "cool, doin good, I'm not that old..............:( then when I wake up on my recliner a few hours after the gym and think again.

I'll tell you guys the workouts start to determine just what I can get done in a day before or after the gym. Thank God I don't have to work or I don't think I could do this.

One day at a time and I have to remember to tell MYSELF this is a marathon. I've never been a big guy just a Frank Zane wanna-be :) Ha!
Super impressed buddy. I'm only 47 but have you too look up too. My list of injuries is small and I feel like a pussy to even mention them. Keep up the good work and keep posting your tale.
At this critical time on cycle I came down with some horrendous flu bug. Headache, no appetite, fever. Lost a few pounds and missed 5 days of needed training. Fvck getting old it knocked my socks off and I still feel week as shit. All my muscles are flat :(

Begin again :dunno:
Cycle Update 6-15-15

Nine weeks into my cycle and***8230;

Goal is to put back on my weight. Gain some of my muscle mass back and get to where I was when I left off (see my Avi) and maybe more. Keeping water weight down as best I can...Diet !

I was 175lbs. at start and my current weight is 185lbs. I am not holding any water other than the natural water of 11-12% BF.
My strength has increased considerably and I am lifting smarter. I have been keeping my heavy lifts to no less than 5 reps. and they are all up in excess of 25 lbs. when I max at 5 solid and strong reps I stay with that weight for one or two more sets to see if I can lift again, the same weight at 5 reps and add one or two by intense mind/ muscle connection. Steroids are kicking in and I can hold the 5 reps or more. It's great!

I drop some small weight and rep consistent 10 plus reps. my recovery after the gym is incredible. I have been working on my arms a lot and have been doing some back to back arm days and its turning out to help in my opinion as well as my wife's observations.

I think the minimum increase of 10lbs is right on at this time at my age. Considering (IMOP) 15 lbs. is the max LMM to be gained in a year. I have gained a good portion of LMM back along with whatever subcutaneous water weight to be appropriate with that.
So here is a look (sorry the pic are not good)


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I'm never satisfied and it's hard to get used to knowing that it won't get much better. Maybe ok for 64 but WTF. I am having a blast Ha! :dance2:
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I went in to see my Primary Doc last Thursday and he is running complete labs on me. Typically he looks at my Type II diabetes but I gave him some BS and he is running everything including my Testosterone level. He is not however running my Estrogen labs. I can't afford it on my own (as usual) however fortunately as well as I can tell my "E" levels seem to be ok.

I think I'm within a tolerable range. This is guessing of course but I have NO side that I can tell either high or low. No sweats as I do get with high E2, good appetite, energy, libido, erections. Blood pressure is good, mood is good and NO signs of problems of Gyno. I am holding no water and never did get a bloat from the Dbol. Only a short bout of High BP and the increase of Adex took that down.

I have been susceptible to all the different sides of high and low "E" and I am just feeling better than most cycles with the dose of .25 Adex ED. In a few days I'll post my complete labs.
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The only lab results other than my glucose level that is not in good range at this point is my prolactin level. Everything else looks good. My Test level will be in in a day or two but that's no real concern. AS I have stated unfortunately I will not know my "E" level and in no way can get that done for another two weeks.


21.8 ng/mL (4.0-15.2 ) completed High 06/11/2015

IMOP I can only get some Caber to help with the Prolactin. Any thoughts.
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Thanks, I am doing a lot of reverse fly's for my rear delts and for some reason that's never helped ME with my traps. I see where it should though. I am aware of the squeeze and role at the top of the upright rows. It's an old school I never see done much. Thanks for saying, but that pause n squeeze n role puts that budging pressure on the L discs.

I will try it on the smith where I can lean back a little...Ya think? All these types of moves are a bit touchy and scary for my back.

Ah ha I get my Epidural on June 5th so that will help with being an anti-inflammatory and lighten up some pressure.

I don't like this no trap look. AS I build here I'm trying hard as I see improvements (?) to keep the symmetry even though being small. My lats are also another story. and...and...and.................

Thanks for all the help as I move forward here again.

Check your angles on the reverse flies try to find a sweet spot and feel the traps burn. You might try some neck training. Your neck and traps work together one won't want to outgrow the other. Lats and traps love AAS. 35 days is just starting to soak in.
Check your angles on the reverse flies try to find a sweet spot and feel the traps burn. You might try some neck training. Your neck and traps work together one won't want to outgrow the other. Lats and traps love AAS. 35 days is just starting to soak in.

Great advice for anyone especially me. Listen, and I shit you not, I got on the fly machine the other day to do the reverse for my traps and found out exactly what you just said, seriously.

The first two sets just wasn't hitting it so I changed the seat level and found an angle of weep to follow through and found that burn spot. :dance2:
You're pushing 64 years old Mike, .......If you haven't already, I would really suggest you look into HGH.

Halfwit, I know nothing about HGH. RUI sells GHRP and I was wondering about that and if that would help? try to get hgh! Maybe you can talk to your dr about it and get lucky and get a script for it.

Mike , how long have you been cycling for and how long on TRT? Im asking cause Im 42 and realize 10 or 20 yrs go by fast and like to know where Im headed
Great advice for anyone especially me. Listen, and I shit you not, I got on the fly machine the other day to do the reverse for my traps and found out exactly what you just said, seriously.

The first two sets just wasn't hitting it so I changed the seat level and found an angle of weep to follow through and found that burn spot. :dance2:

I do reverse flies seated with dumbells. A neck harness is good too. Traps need focus my traps do anyway. Ive tried the hilarous 225 barbell shruggin front and back this and that. Doesnt work for me as well as focus. Tbar rows front pull downs upright rows and seated rows all work great on traps if you focus.

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I do reverse flies seated with dumbells. A neck harness is good too. Traps need focus my traps do anyway. Ive tried the hilarous 225 barbell shruggin front and back this and that. Doesnt work for me as well as focus. Tbar rows front pull downs upright rows and seated rows all work great on traps if you focus.

View attachment 562234.

Thanks, great post n and suggestions. I'm aware of the upright rows and I have to be careful of the compression of my entire spinal column. Ya know at 64 I have a lot of degeneration which is the main reason for the bad lumbar region.

I concur with the focus. I see so many people just wanting to get the bar up and don't squeeze and row the bar and work it down, not just let it down. Hence the concentration of the flex and the negative portion of the exercise.

I just shy away from the compression of any exercise that puts a lot of compression on my spine. Ha! I know what you mean about the 225 + barbell shrugs.

I always seem to do this body part last in my sessions and I'm going to put more emphasis and working them when I'm more fresh in the gym. Hell, that's what we should do when working on a lacking body part to get our symmetry. I look at my pics and "Oh my God" talk about out of symmetry with my shoulders and traps, :( Where is this guys traps?

This was a great discussion and reminder to do the work necessary ( practice what I would preach)for all my parts not just what I like to work. :) Some body parts are just more fun ya know. :dance2:
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Cycle plan changes:

I ran the Dbol as per cycle plan as well as the Deca. Both are now finished and I now have changed and am blasting with 1000mg wk.

I can't do anything else at this point and I like test. Poor planning on my part. I should have know I needed a longer time on Deca as well as the entire cycle. I am used to long cycles (very long).
I have enough test and will add to stock on SSD day next month.

Since I haven't gained much weight but have transformed a bit I am thinking of tightening up and getting more vascular by adding some Winstrol in a few weeks. FYI: Winstrol has always brought out some muscularity with me. (lean as I am)