Starting cycle next week. Sust 250.


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Starting a sustanon cycle next week. This is what i have:
-sustanon (enough for 8 weeks)

My plan is to take 2 sust injections every week (wednesday and saturday, 250mg each), and 10mg nolva every day (starting from week 3) and up the dose to 40 in case of gyno signs.

After week 8, ill keep using nolva for 3 more weeks and then start pct maybe at 40/40/30/20. Ill also throw in 25mg of proviron (read that more will have negative results) during pct and some tribulus to counter libido issues.

Currents stats:
12% bf
183cms height

Goals: Reach 95kgs after pct maintaining current bf or so. Strengths gains are of no concern.

Training: 2 day split done twice a week or 2 day split every 5 days. Done both with good results. Diet is very good. Supps, will drop the creatine and only keep multivitamin, protein, omega complex and milk thistle. Mostly prefer food and not supps.

Suggestions welcome of course.
1- sustanon has short esters as well, so you should be pinning EOD
2- use an ai to help lowering your estro rather than nolva, save that for after your cycle
3- add clomid to your pct
4- no hCG?
i think you should reconsider bro.
Taking Sus for 8 weeks is a waste. Yes, it has short esters but these are a small percentage. The bulk are long esters and running it for less than 12 weeks isn't advised. Get more Sus or run test prop for 8 weeks.

You won't feel the Sus kick in until week 5 or so, by then you'll be nearing the end of your cycle.

This is in addition to what fitguy advised.
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Ive read that you dont really need an AI during cycle and can do pretty well with just some nolva (some sites also mention that proviron has a mild effect as a SERM) and up the dose if you need to as a serm is a lot friendlier regarding sides. Ofc ill have an AI on stand by. Anyways ill try to get my hand on some hcq as well. As for the EOD pin with sust, i know its BEST to pin it EOD but as i said, im not going for 100% here.

As for clomid, ive read that nolva basically does the same thing, with a much lighter dose and also has fewer sides.

Anyways. I didnt see any comment regarding Proviron. The entire net is at war when someone mentions it. Im still keeping it for pct. Maybe ill throw in 25mg ED during the last few weeks just to see if it works as ive read in here.
Ive heard its not good to do sustanon as a first cycle since its hard to monitor with all the different tests involved?
Ive heard its not good to do sustanon as a first cycle since its hard to monitor with all the different tests involved?

That is a bit correct. However. I couldnt find Test E or C and I didnt want to inject more than twice a week, so Prop was out again. Hate needles. Also, sustanon is basically a multi estered test combo. Some kick in fast and some slower.

Did my first shot this Monday. You people should see my had. Shaking as crazy. However, no big deal. No pain during but even today, glute is a bit sore and I also have a slight feeling of pain when I sit on a hard chair etc. I know this is normal, especially at the beginning. Tomorrow is my 2nd shot.

I dont know if its normal, my stomach feels a bit funny. Like nausea or something. I think it was yesterday's lunch. Cant be the sust right?

Still no comments on proviron? :)