Goji Juice is supposed to alkalize the blood and so much more.
I didn't actually pay for it (it was a barter), so I figured i'd try it and keep posted any benefeits, or lack-there-of.
I checked it out all over the net, but someones always trying to sell something so you never know what they're angle may be. So I just went to Yahoo! Answers and typed in Goji Juice.
I must say, I do notice a difference, whether it's placebo effect or the juice. Either way I like it.
You only have to drink about 2-4 shots (Oz's) a day.
B Boy, no, actually it's in a big red bottle with the berries on it as it's cover art. It has to say Himilayan Goji Berries. There are a 40 some-odd different species of the Goji, So make sure your getting the good stuff.
A little article:
Earl Mindell's Most Important Health Discovery Ever!
Widely regarded as the world's #1 nutritionist, Earl Mindell's research has resulted in many important health discoveries.
He was largely responsible for creating the "nutritional revolution" with the publication of the Vitamin Bible; the biggest-selling nutritional book ever.
He was the first to introduce to the world the remarkable health benefits of soy, with his best-selling Soy Miracle book.
He brought the power of MSM to mainstream America.
He teamed up with FreeLife International®, lending his vast experience and expertise to the formulation of an exclusive and diverse line of all-natural nutritional supplements; the most comprehensive, synergistic nutritional products available on the market today.
A Dream Come True
"As a pharmacist and nutritionist dedicated to helping others optimize their health and well-being, it is a dream come true to bring the miraculous goji to the world. I believe that Himalayan Goji® Juice will have more powerful benefits on health, well-being, anti-aging than any other product I have seen in the last 40 years."
- Earl Mindell
Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., is generally recognized as the Father of the Nutritional Revolution. He is the bestselling author of 48 books, including the Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century, which has sold more than 10 million copies in 54 countries. He appears on more than 300 radio and television programs each year, including Regis, Letterman, Oprah and many, many others. He received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from North Dakota State University and is currently a registered California pharmacist, a master herbalist, and a professor of nutrition.