Starting legitimate beastdrol log please advice !!


New member
I'm 22 yrs old been lifting 3 years
185 9% bf 6'0 tall
Perfect diet 3500-4000 cals clean bulk diet maintain 9% easy with no cardio and I'm not naturally skin y

I've run hdrol a few times and had great success I'm ready to try beastdrol

1-4 beastdrol 10/20/20/20
1-4 hc generate
1-4 n2 guard
1-4 animal paks
Possibly creatine on cycle as well

4-8 forma stanzol
4-8 Nolva
4-8 unleashed

I will be logging the whole thing and posting photos once I have a confirmation that's this is a solid cycle and will be effective. Please give me feedback thank you
as long as your diet and training stay solid it should be a very effective cycle.def keep us all updated here
Awesome def man. Should be starting Friday just waiting on hc to arrive in mail I have all other supps. I'm also preloading 1400 mg of tribulus and 500mg daily of milk thistle for the last few days and will continue until hc arrives ill keep you posted for sure View attachment 551080