Starting Something New


New member
So I got hooked up with 3J and am starting his diet soon hopefully. Hopefully will be able to make some progress and with the boards help can track my progress. I think that's the only way I will be able to. So to those to care to follow this is what I'm gonna look like before anything. I was planning to start today but things didn't go as planned. Got all food but no place to go work out. Don't wanna wait so hopefully will start by Weds. Just feel that if no workout no need to eat right and that's how I have always put it off before.
Just eat up to 1.5grams of protein for every pound of bodyweight & 2.5grams of carbahydrates for every pound of body weight. But not just Nutrition mate its workout aswell and sleep without intensity there will be slow progress in performance people say 50% gym and 50% nutrions but i say 100% gym and 100% nutrion, keep a guid for everything cause if dont when you ate last or what weight you lifted last week you wont push yourself. Eat 2-3 hours from each other too.

Dont worry mate i started of as a weed 48 kg now im 70kg and thats after a year of trainning with my bro and he has the knowladge plus we train with a guy who got second in australia national titals and he is 19 hahaha. You will get there its all mental phyisical is last if you dont believe dont even bother.