Starting TRT need advice, Urologist want to restart my Test with Anastrazole


New member
I'm 25 years old, here is my test results:

LH: 2,4 mUI/mL
FSH: 2,o mUI/mL
E2: 41,7 pg/mL
Prolactine: 5,65 ng/mL
Total Test: 222,3 ng/dL
Free Test: 3,82 ng/dL

I went to an urologist and he prescribed me Anastrazole 1mg/everyday for 30 days to lower my e2 and try to restart my test. He said that if I reach 350ng/mL I would be normal/ok. Although I don't think that 350ng is nearly fine, since for my age 650ng/ml is the norm.

I will follow his directions and see if it works, he said if it doesn't he will start me on intramuscular shots that cost 250$/month, but I don't understand why that price is so high since weekly shots of test cost only 5$ at a drugstore.

From what I got from him, he seems reluctant to ever let me get to 800~900ng/ml range. Haven't brought it up though.

any advice on it?
It would help if you listed the reference ranges with your lab results.
Your doctor is only Lowering your E2 from what he has prescribed you. You are not doing a restart. A restart would consist of a protocol of clomiphene and tamoxifen.

Read the sticky on The TRT overview at the top of the page. Knowledge is power.
Also Anastrazole could work! The pahtway is at the end the same but could be, you have more negative side effects from really low E2.
If it so on you, you should use Tamoxifene or better Raloxifene (newer, better) what isn't causing a real low E2 rather then it does only fake this state and the result is an better general health status with it.
After 1 month taking Anastrazole, the results come in:

Total Test:

before (05/16/2017):

estradiol now:
27,4 pg/mL

estradiol before:
41,7 pg/mL

reference ranges: 0,1 - 39,8

I still feel tired often, feel depressed, low libido. I don't think he will put me on TRT because he said if he got me back to 350ng/dL I would be fine.
Will consult tomorrow with him and see how it goes.