Starting TRT.....what can I expect?

Older Guy

New member
43 5' 11' 185lbs in good shape (low body fat) but with all the aches and pains that come from years of competive sports.......standard symptoms of low test (basically feeling like shit and no sleep) and after getting all my work back, testosterone is in the mid range.

I told the Doc I want to get back to high range....and feeling better. Heck if I can feel 33 again that's good enough for me :o)

My question is:

He is putting me on 150cc Cyp to start every 2 weeks (or equivalent cream). Will this have much of an anabolic effect? Translation....I know it's hardly a cycle but can I expect to make some bonus gains in my workouts/body composition on such a low dose?

I'd love to make some gains along with feeling better ya know........

* he is also talking about adding 50mg DHEA/day into the mix

Thank you in advance for your insights
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U should notice a difference in about 4-6 weeks, but it will not be staggering by any means. U need to run at least 200mgs/ every 2 weeks anyways, and I suggest U run that by him as well. Even at 150mgs U should start to feel a little better, but as far as muscle building goes, it will not be alot.
Doc currently has me on 210mg ew, why the extra 10 I have no idea. Anyway I love it!
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Seems low and too spread out.

It keeping the same dosage, why not do 75cc weekly

just an opinion... and you know what they say about opinions
way low dude - even my doc put me on 250/week -

DO NOT use the gel or patches - gel rubs off on anyone you sleep with (girlfriend, cat...) - always use intramuscular test.

you will not notice much with 150 every two weeks. i tried it - 250/week is a HUGE difference. Also, most docs dont realize that you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well and a little hcg. a proper life extension clinic will helo with this. regular doctor testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is pretty conservative.

I'm 44 and the real testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) changed my life. 50mg DHEA is WAY LOW - you need about 200 and add pregnenalone too to help spur natural test production - also hcg.

read the forum - you will know more than your doc - mine admitted he didnt know testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) very well. if you dont take responsibility for your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) - you wont get the benefits.

PM me if you want more info for a life extension clinic.
and what the fuck - 43 is "older guy" - im 44 and in the prime of my life. feel great - a few weeks of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and your gonna be posting under "don't feel like older guy anymore"
In a few weeks...

it'll be like your wearing beer goggles all the time. If it's female, you'll want to hump it. lol
Thx everybody for the replies.....I know Doc's are generally pretty conservative and all the research I've done to date suggest much higher doses and more frequent injections. Problem is he won't listen.......because my test is in the middle range he says more will just mess me up.

You guys in the States have some great Life Extension Clinics and knowledgeable Docs....sadly here in Canada, we aren't quite as lucky.

I don't want to start self - prescribing but I guess maybe that's what I will ultimately have to do. The other nice thing about the Doc prescribing is my health insurance covers the costs of all prescription meds.......anything above and beyond the 150 mg eow will be out of pocket but more importantly be from sources that are not reliable/scammers etc.

Oh my dang dilemma!