Stats before juicing?

I started hitting the weights when I was 22... I'am 5'9 used to weigh 155lbs before I hit the (gym, "creatine" & juice) and now after 6 years of training hard & eating a dozen egg whites a day Iam at 215 with 10% bodyfat. The most I ever weighed was 225, & looked sloppy.
I was 5'10" and about 195 or so with 10%BF.
It was really hard for me to get over the 200# mark naturally.

I am 24, started about a year ago. I weigh almost 230 now, at about 13%.

Here is a picture of me natural.
Mike, you have some good genetics. Your chest is pretty damn thick and your waist looks tiny. Not to forget some good sized arms as well.
first start...5'10/185....
now 5'10/235

5 good cycles and gained permanent muscle on them..pretty happy....

5'10 230 before (fat)
214 16% after (TOTAL BODY COMP CHANGE)
thanks to hard work and tren,prop,winny,still got more bf to lose but way more managable!need more cardio,cycle ended yesterday:bawling:
5'11 205
Around 11% id guess, can always see my abs, just some lil love handles, everything else pretty lean.
15.5 in arms, 32 in waist
just before my 21 bday i started first cycle.
half cc tren/prop/eq ed.
4 weeks alter my arms were 16.5 in
strength way up
benched 315 for 3
best before that was 285 for 2
squat 455 for 3
before 405 for 5
bf down
weight slightly down but added muscle wile losing fat.
had to stop on 4th week when vial broke. i was at ft drum and had no clomid, nolva or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with me.
didnt crash at all but im slowy getting back to were i started back over 200 again strength hasnt changed.
5'10'' 170 before
NOw I am well still 5'10'' LOL but 190 still got like 4 weeks left too!!!