Status Update On My 1st Cycle


I am banned!
going into my 3rd week on 500mg of HCL's test-C, no noticable changes in body composition or strength....i have been hungrier a lot lately but im also taking 2 forms of b12 (injectable mixed with test shots & methyl lozanges eod) . I've noticed when i flex my muscles they feel a lot harder/tighter, as if my skins about to pop lol.... taking my 7th shot monday, looking into adding peptides into this cycle
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just finished my first vial of test 2day... didn't work out since tuesday this week, came down with test flu after my shot monday... nothing 2bad, just the sniffles, a raspy throat, and a tired/weak feeling...i took cold showers to beat it down (don't like using medicine).....feeling better 2day, waiting to see if i catch it again tomorrow after today's shot
2day a couple friends said it looks like i've gotten bigger; while i was eating like 3-4lbs of food so don't know if that was good or bad lol, currently in my 4th week, test flu is pretty much gone now, just a stuffed beats having that lethargic feeling last week....workout out 2day was pretty good no major gains..i notice im recovering from my sets way faster than normal, i just have to get over this mental block; it's like im used to certain limits/weights, and now that im passing them physically my brain just can't process it :smash: idk it's weird haaha...anyway taking my 10th shot wed
2day a couple friends said it looks like i've gotten bigger; while i was eating like 3-4lbs of food so don't know if that was good or bad lol, currently in my 4th week, test flu is pretty much gone now, just a stuffed beats having that lethargic feeling last week....workout out 2day was pretty good no major gains..i notice im recovering from my sets way faster than normal, i just have to get over this mental block; it's like im used to certain limits/weights, and now that im passing them physically my brain just can't process it :smash: idk it's weird haaha...anyway taking my 10th shot wed

Weight gain?