Sterilizing oil

HB Mad Man

New member
Figured I would throw this one out their to see what comes up.. Say your oil gets contaminated somehow.. Wondering if baking at 350 for 45 mins would hurt the viscosity of the oil and actually sterilize the oil? Got two gallons of shit and wondering if I can save it or not.. Also how bout storing the oil (GSO Cottonseed etc..) in the fridge would that change the oils viscosity or possibly get condensation into it? Things to think about.. Maybe I'm over reacting or thinking the situation but would personally err on the side of caution...:smokepoke
your oil is contaminated? it doesnt matter if our using it to make gear cause you should obviously sterilize it when you make the gear right?

250 degrees for 20 minutes, then run through a .22um filter. but i wouldnt do all that work unless i was making the gear, why sterilize the oil by itself? what would you put it in? powder is not sterile when you get it.
Not brewing anything just yet but was wondering how that would work.. What spurred this question was the fact that we had an ant problem here and had to exterminate.. Some ants were around my oils and I dont like that.. Not a dirty person and not about to just run a brew without knowing I am g2g.. Been really debating to just throw my oils in the fridge really.. I dont think they would gel up not cold enough.. As for what to put the oil in det oak? I got bottles a plenty but no I really dont want to mess with it until I'm ready to play mad scientist again.. Also thanx for the reply..
Figured I would throw this one out their to see what comes up.. Say your oil gets contaminated somehow.. Wondering if baking at 350 for 45 mins would hurt the viscosity of the oil and actually sterilize the oil? Got two gallons of shit and wondering if I can save it or not.. Also how bout storing the oil (GSO Cottonseed etc..) in the fridge would that change the oils viscosity or possibly get condensation into it? Things to think about.. Maybe I'm over reacting or thinking the situation but would personally err on the side of caution...:smokepoke

ether efilter threw .22 pore or throw it out.
ether efilter threw .22 pore or throw it out.

Seems to be the general consensus for filtering a .22 ... Been using .45 and every so often get a muscle infection.. So will be switching to the .22um, and hopefully that takes care of everything.. How much harder is it to filter through a 22 than a 45? Also thanx for the reply...
Seems to be the general consensus for filtering a .22 ... Been using .45 and every so often get a muscle infection.. So will be switching to the .22um, and hopefully that takes care of everything.. How much harder is it to filter through a 22 than a 45? Also thanx for the reply...

.45 only removes larger particle matter. .22 removes bacteria and fungi.
.45 only removes larger particle matter. .22 removes bacteria and fungi.

Good looking out bud. Been wondering bout that as well.. Seams to me there are alot of mixed emotions bout the 22 an 45 filter.. I would rather err on the side of caution myself and thanx for helping me to understand the dif between the two..
Good looking out bud. Been wondering bout that as well.. Seams to me there are alot of mixed emotions bout the 22 an 45 filter.. I would rather err on the side of caution myself and thanx for helping me to understand the dif between the two..

022 or 045 is the size of the molecule you are you going to filter. The bacteria are rarely smaller than 038 ... here

most of virus cant live in oil, and fungys are bigger to. so 0.22 like Jucy-porky said is the more balanced option for this practice.
022 or 045 is the size of the molecule you are you going to filter. The bacteria are rarely smaller than 038 ... here

most of virus cant live in oil, and fungys are bigger to. so 0.22 like Jucy-porky said is the more balanced option for this practice.

Right on bout most things being 038 as far as filtering size.. Never knew that viruses couldn't live in oil.. I know I have had a couple infections in the past. Wanted to cut my friggen leg off shit hurt so bad.. Dont know what it was about as I pinned other injects later with no ill effects.. But I'll be filtering with .22's from here out.. I got some 45's now but wont use them sept to maybe pre filter when I get the .22's.. Thanx again everyone for the help..
Right on bout most things being 038 as far as filtering size.. Never knew that viruses couldn't live in oil.. I know I have had a couple infections in the past. Wanted to cut my friggen leg off shit hurt so bad.. Dont know what it was about as I pinned other injects later with no ill effects.. But I'll be filtering with .22's from here out.. I got some 45's now but wont use them sept to maybe pre filter when I get the .22's.. Thanx again everyone for the help..

you're welcome.