steroid cycle to get big biceps


I am banned!
a friend at school has steroids and he is huge I'm going to take them and train my biceps.

6 sets of 15 reps with 5kg db 4 days per week. I will work my ways up to my heavy purple 10kg dbs. Also cardio 1 hour pr day to tone.

I'll be playing football and doing push ups and sit ups at night as well for extra muscles.
yeah and dont forget to switch hands when jerking your right forearm didnt end up way bigger than the left one
first things first are you in high school ????

to grow you must eat, thats is it, to see huge biceps you don't need gear just gain 10 to 15 lbs and u will see about an inch growth in your biceps, eat stay away from roids your too young your producing enough test on your own, roids will be a waste of your money.
you shouldn't take steroids based on the fact that it's obvious you don't know how to eat or train. at least get those down before steroids.
Not to mention you want big arms you kill Tris, and your body wont grow unless everything gets worked out, you can't just pick a muscle, you have to work legs to stimulate upper body growth, ,too young and need to do alot of learning
biceptabol is the best steroid. It will go straight to your biceps. Big biceps are great for playing football. Everyone knows you use your biceps the most in football.
Make sure to take some addadicktome also, or jus wait till your in your mid 20s till you get older and hopefully wiser.
your either a jerk who posting stupid shit to get attention or your a kid . either way your not welcome here