Steroid effects on male sex organs


New member
ok we all know steroids shuts down ur hpta making ur testicles smaller

however does steroids make your penis shrink? i hear a lot of ppl say yes,, no etc also if steroids is used at the age of 19-20 will this cause male sex organs to stop growing?
ok we all know steroids shuts down ur hpta making ur testicles smaller

however does steroids make your penis shrink? i hear a lot of ppl say yes,, no etc also if steroids is used at the age of 19-20 will this cause male sex organs to stop growing?

Lol, it does not make the penis shrink. That is just absurd.
I heard that only on forums... but since i started 17 years ago i never met a BB who got that thing.

but time have passed and who knows... with UG what could happen or not...

in 1991 1 ml deca was always 100mg... now i can see frequently 200mg 250mg 300mg...

same with all compounds...
Yeah testicles are fine. I've never had any problems with my testicles shrinking. As far as you asking if steroids making your penis shrink....that's how I know you don't know shit about steroids.

I knew a guy once who kept telling people that he was going to take roids and get hella big. When I asked him what he wanted to take, the guy didn't know ANYTHING about steroids, and then he asked me "does your penis shrink?" I wanted to punch him in the fucking face and put him out of his own stupidity.
no dick is the same ,when I took omnadren for some reason maybe its in my head but I swear my dick got fatter lol

I dont know my chick lovs it when im on gear she says im bigger alll the way around must be the fact that I am so horny my erections are bigger and stronger.It does not in any way shape or form make your dick smaller.My balls lift up a bit but they dont shrink either I think its safe to say from my experience
that if any thing ass do wonders for sex life If you are not abusing them.
what i also asked was if it will stop any further growth if u use it at the age of 19 or 20

Not you will not.

good post cycle therapy (pct) good serm treatment avoid a major part of sides.

So don't worry about your cock anymore.
By the age of 19 or 20, unless you suffered from delayed puberty or some hormonal abnormality, your cock is as big as it's ever going to get.

Juicing at that age is ill advised however. Look at your diet, workout, sleep, and hydration, and get your T levels checked if you feel like it. At that age, I'm betting the problem isn't T level.
No, your cock doesn't shrink... mine get's bigger on cycle (test based). Another great reason to always base your cycles around Test. :)
Your nuts will some times raise up, not hang as low, or atrophy a bit but it should be minimal if your are cycling properly and not abusing.
Not a good idea to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) before mid 20's (23-24), bisides the possible growth issue, I firmly believe your endocrin system is not fully finished developing until that time. early use could have long term effects on your endocrine system.