Steroid sachets


Knowledge is Power
Anyone use sachets? I never considered them but have recently heard some good feedback.

Anyone ever use advanced stealth?? Their prices & inconspicuous packing seem amazing. Opinions?
I wouldn't recommend using satchets or advanced stealth for that matter, Massive. That's just me though. U know as well as I do, theres way way better BRANDS out here bro! Sometimes U get what U pay for, and a little less!!
Yea I hear that biggin. I was referring more to sachets in general I know a bunch of labs moving them. As for AS they have mixed reviews & was looking for some recent feedback on them. After reading a lot of these mixed reviews I will probably not go that route but I couldn't not think twice about it. Twice the gear for half the would have to be seriously underdosed for that to not make sense. Anyone get any sachets recently?
I had luck in the past, but not haven't tried recently. It's hit and miss on the sachets.

I have used them in the past...They were decent quality..The Problem I had was it always took 3-6 months to receive order...for me atleast..also the Test was painful as a Mofo...
Advanced Stealth sucks!!
Stealth my ass!

Shit was caught by customs 3 times.
Wasted 500 bucks when I was new to the game...
Also the gear is thick, painful and dirty.
Most of the boards that promote AS will bury any and all negative feedback about the products.

"Isteroids" is a big ass scam if you've been to the site... I know a guy that was a MOD on the site and left because Admin wanted him to push AS and erase posts and threads that were negative about AS. Then banning those that asked about their practices regarding AS. Me being one of them that was banned for asking to many questions...
Thanks for the response bros. I can't help but explore new options that's just how I am. I don't like to rely too much on any one place & prefer to have an arsenal of go to sources. I know who to stick with and appreciate the feedback very much. I guess the saying if it ain't broke don't fix it applies here.
I just got some deca and Sustanon (sust) in satchets. they have 5 shots to each satchet. i will let you know how i makeout with them
I am in the same boat as ythrashin.

I would rather not cycle than use AStealth.

1. The shit takes 3 months to arrive if you are LUCKY.

2. Their Test Enan was the thickest, most painful shit I have ever experienced in my life.

3. There shit is definately underdosed or is not what it is marketed as.

Gonna leave it at that.
Auga keep me posted. I've read lots of the bad reviews but curious of course since some claim they're gtg. Are your sachets AS auga?
Actually AS sachets come in 20ml or sometimes dont come in sachets at all...
Couple years ago they were disguised in 20ml bottles with a screw on cap, labeled as a different substance.

There is another sachet UG lab called "Stealth" that come in 5ml sachets.
They actually have better products I've heard...

Then another that come in 3ml sachets called "Eco-oils." Good reviews also just expensive...
Yeah its like a bag or a pouch with 5ml in it. i will post results in a few weeks. My source is 100% reliable. i never had any bunk shipments so i trust it. The only thing i dont like is they come with a code on them instead of the actual dosage and name.
I wouldn't recommend using satchets or advanced stealth for that matter, Massive. That's just me though. U know as well as I do, theres way way better BRANDS out here bro! Sometimes U get what U pay for, and a little less!!

gp sachets

i have some gp sachets coming ill let you all know how i nake out. ive heard good things about them. like the 5ml is always over around 5.5 and gear is clean and good. just what ive heard from a few friends
i am in the same boat as ythrashin.

I would rather not cycle than use astealth.

1. The shit takes 3 months to arrive if you are lucky.

2. Their test enan was the thickest, most painful shit i have ever experienced in my life.

3. There shit is definately underdosed or is not what it is marketed as.

Gonna leave it at that.

agree 100%
Yeah its like a bag or a pouch with 5ml in it. i will post results in a few weeks. My source is 100% reliable. i never had any bunk shipments so i trust it. The only thing i dont like is they come with a code on them instead of the actual dosage and name.

They are just fine. I have sustanon, deca, Eq and test C and E from them. I like the products so far, but they are at the most 250mg/cc. It all depends where you ordered from for the shipping.
I Had stealth once it was good. Kinda painful , was over filled for 5 ml , i think maybe closer to 6ml. The order came in 9 days but im in canada. I tried a second time and they never arrived at all. I wouldnt order sachets ever again considering gear is just too easy to get from your local gym , its like everyone has a bathtub and some test powder lol.
I ordered from AS before I became enlightened.I have received one of the 5 packages they've sent.I place two orders in early November,the first one showed in 2 weeks the other has been seized 4 times.A new package is on the way and I hope it gets through because I'm out of addresses.
The 120ml of Test E on the way will be cut 20% with grapeseed oil,pushed through a filter and pawned off on a budget minded friend doing TRT.

The prop I received is thick and brutally painful as delivered,only way I can use it is to mix it with other product in the syringe.I took 3 shots of their EQ and threw it away after I had massive swelling post injection each time.

Fortunately the Uncle came through quickly and I was able to soldier on without messing up my cycle.
Ya Bro i was considering using xxx also but i changed my mind- I talked to a few people who said the same thing. it either got caught, or was shit. As for sachets, i dont know but Genova or wutever labs i heard isnt a good source though- that the quality of that gear has gone downhill and fast.
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