Steroid Side Effect Articles


New member
Hello. I recently started a cycle of sust250 for 12 weeks. The thing is I live with my best friend. It would have been really hard to keep my AAS use away from him, so I flat out told him I was cycling. He is ok with it, especially since it's otc here. It's not like I'm doing anything illegal or anything. The problem is that he has been brainwashed by the media to believe steroids will make me roid rage, cause me to get depressed and kill myself, the typical media garbage.

I was wondering if anyone could link me any articles debunking these claims? I know that steroid abuse can lead to health problems, but used correctly with proper post cycle therapy (pct) and monitoring of the body can yield good, safe results. I just want to read some articles that I can cite when I'm telling him not to worry. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
better to start your own thread, it's possible than nobody will see your post.