Steroidology Anabolic Forum


Elite Mentor
Lots of good stuff going on here... it's like night and day compared to your chat forum...

Truly a pleasurable experience to be posting in this environment. :)

Kakdiesel said:
what up c ditty

LOL -- what's up dude... glad to see you back posting, I saw you over on ChemicalMuscle the other day... :)

With cats like you chilling over here, I might have to post more. :)

what do you think of my last cutting cycle? check my avatar hehehh.."I swear maw, it was the creatine and protein shakes!"
Looks like you are pretty cut up broly...

I need to get a little more cut up and then we can have pose-downs. :)

i dont know about a pose down..i'm only 210 in that 5'11

oh and according to BO$ at the chat board, im nothing but a chink chopstick

oh my feelins are so hurt..i hate myself! i hate my body! im so ashamed!!!
Kakdiesel said:
i dont know about a pose down..i'm only 210 in that 5'11

oh and according to BO$ at the chat board, im nothing but a chink chopstick

oh my feelins are so hurt..i hate myself! i hate my body! im so ashamed!!!

LOL -- me too.. .except I'm a fat fuck.. who doesn't workout... maybe we can have a Chink Chopstick and Fat Fuck pose down? :)

This is one of my favorite boards but the chat forum is pissing me of. Ignorance is one thing, but people could try to keep it to themselves, bigotry is a nasty thing.