steroids and mexico...


New member
Okay, I have read(more than once and in a book) before that steroids are legal in Mexico. I know they are advertised there and stuff but then why do people say that they get busted when buying them then they have to pay off the policias? Also, to any of you with experience, how much Pesos or USD did it take for you to walk away free? Thanks for the time!
iron said:
Okay, I have read(more than once and in a book) before that steroids are legal in Mexico. I know they are advertised there and stuff but then why do people say that they get busted when buying them then they have to pay off the policias? Also, to any of you with experience, how much Pesos or USD did it take for you to walk away free? Thanks for the time!
I never heard of this, and i dunno if it should be discussed.....just my .02

In Legal Muscle by Rick Collins it say that pharmicies get paid to snitch people out to costoms, when suspions are high of smuggling
Wether or not you get ratted out to Customs depends on the place you go, and the type of person you are. Mexicans hate Americans for the most part. You have money, they don't--is there any better reason?? If you come off as arrogant or pushy while trying to negotiate price with them, then I bet you dollars to doughnuts that someone will drop a dime on you. As I said, they hate you already. You cocking off like a punk only gives them more incentive to want to screw you over. Being that manners, and being polite are two qualities that are severely lacking in American attitudes these days, I am not surprised more assholes weightlifter gringos aren't going down there with their noses in the air, then getting turned in by the Farmacia whom they thought they haggled with, with their shit attitude & disrespect. You can(if it happens to you) consider it a lesson in RESPECT. If you were a rude jerk, then I feel no pity for ya either! This might not be the reason that 100% of people get ratted to Customs. However, I would guess that 75% is a decent figure.
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doesnt take a whole lot to grease the fuzz down there.Depends on what you get caught with.90% of the time soem cash will get you off the hook.Sked said it all.You have cash they dont.Cash is king down there.Just got back about a month ago.
iron said:
Okay, I have read(more than once and in a book) before that steroids are legal in Mexico. I know they are advertised there and stuff but then why do people say that they get busted when buying them then they have to pay off the policias? Also, to any of you with experience, how much Pesos or USD did it take for you to walk away free? Thanks for the time!
Steriods are legal there, but they know that your going to cross the steroids to the U.S. so they will nark you out to get some extra cash, or they will get their gear back from the police when they arrest you (thus getting your cash and keeping their supplies, big profit). It sucks but it happens
I dont really believe that they are narcs because what they want even more than to rat u out is that they want u to come back for more and possibly bring friends along with u the next time. Thats how they get more money not warning the mexican police or the us customs to bust you
jb28ca said:
I dont really believe that they are narcs because what they want even more than to rat u out is that they want u to come back for more and possibly bring friends along with u the next time. Thats how they get more money not warning the mexican police or the us customs to bust you

Dude, you are being naive! It does indeed happen. I have heard COUNTLESS numbers of stories from people who have been through this exact scenario. There are other reasons a Farmacia/Granero owner might want to rat you out to US Customs. Perhaps their brother, cousin, or whoever is locked up for muling some other gringo fuckstains gear accross, and so they drop a dime on YOU in turn for that relatives bail being reduced, or to get them released altogether. Something like that.

As far as them "wanting you to come back & to bring your friends", well that is debatable. You spend a few hundred bucks, but are a complete fuckface asshole with no manners, and an attitude like "I have money & you don't, so you better give me what I want", then I guarantee that you will get(if they are in that business) a dime dropped on you to Customs or the Federalis. You think that these Farmacia/Granero owners don't have 100 other people coming into their establishments day after day who could make up for those lost dollars??? That's the whole reason people go to TJ/Nuevo Laredo/Nogales/Juarez for the most part---drugs. In one form or another. Point being--they don't need your 2 C-notes if you are going to be a prick. If there is more in it for them to do some ratting, then it could happen. All that can be avoided by being cordial to them though. It is(to them) refreshing, and will endear you to them. It goes a long way.

Now, if you are spending 10K, then that's different. I doubt you'd have to worry about any snitching on the Mexicans end. Then again, most intelligent people aren't smuggling 10K worth of whatever accross themselves either, so it aint like dropping a dime would even gain them anything.
Think what you want but if they were dropping dimes like you assume they wouldnt just be losing my 2 c-notes as you said then alot of people would not go to buy from them if they have the reputation of being snitches. Im not saying its never happened but you make it seem thats whats happening 80% of the time and its not. All you say is they hate Americans and we go in there with are heads up and have no respect for them which is bullshit you cant think everyone goes in there and disrespects them
I was just down in Playa Del Carma and all the Americans I ran across were ass holes. Hell my wife and I over heard this one couple saying " You would think they would now how to speak English, If they are working around tourist". Its like bitch you are in there Country you would think you would of took some Spanish in high school if your going to go and vacation in there country. IMO all Americans were assholes and all the Europeins were really nice. And as far as the money, It will go a long ways down there. There average wage is $1 to $9 US dollars for labors on the lower end. And tipping a $20.00 spot is highly recomended ( Oh and by the way if your going into tourist areas go into the locals Pharmicia its usally a diffrent section of the same town and not to commercial you will get better prices and dont try and hagel with them in that are to much you will be better of.) This is all my opinion and All this has not been tried by me in my last visit He HE He
jb28ca said:
Think what you want but if they were dropping dimes like you assume they wouldnt just be losing my 2 c-notes as you said then alot of people would not go to buy from them if they have the reputation of being snitches. Im not saying its never happened but you make it seem thats whats happening 80% of the time and its not. All you say is they hate Americans and we go in there with are heads up and have no respect for them which is bullshit you cant think everyone goes in there and disrespects them

...Yet another moron who is too dumb to understand my posts. OK ASSHOLE..LET ME TRY AGAIN........Out of all the times that a person gets ratted on by a farmacist in Mexico....%80 OF THE TIME IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE RUDE ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!! I didnt say it(meaning them getting ratted on in general) happens %80 of the time!!! Now, go over that again carefully sonny...sound it out...thaaaaaaats it. You gettin me now stupid???
fuck skedz chill brotha, you are right though about the attidude pissing off the locals. I have exps with Nuevo Laredo and they were all good but i am very courtyes, I have gone with people who were the typical loud mouthed rowdy americans and hated it, i just felt like the axe was going to fall on us for some reason. I never moved gear when involved with idiots like that. On a side note i wouuld like to note how fuckin sweet it is to go someplace where most of the women look at you like a possible ticket out of hell. I love going down there the ladies just lear at my ass, its like bizarro world compared to most American cities. Peace
Guys, you have the situation in Mexico wrong. Rarely are people "ratted" out by shopkeepers. The shopkeepers want to make money on juice sales (which are illegal in Mexico) and they know that if people tell others they got popped... there won't be any more business.

The times they do rat someone out is when they purchase a big order... because the general deal is the shop gets the juice back for ratting you out. (And the Federales get to fine you, and take your money and car.)

The reason most people get popped buying juice is the shop is not a protected shop. There is a lot of corruption in Mexico. The shopkeepers pay the police "protection" to keep them from arresting them for juice sales. Some shopkeepers try to skirt by without paying protection... and the Federales bust their clients... and then them to get them to start paying up.

I've been going down to TJ for almost 25 years. I've know many of the current shop owners since they were kids. I've heard this song many times from them.
jb28ca said:
I dont really believe that they are narcs because what they want even more than to rat u out is that they want u to come back for more and possibly bring friends along with u the next time. Thats how they get more money not warning the mexican police or the us customs to bust you

hahahahahaha. what was that? an assumption? or a very bad assumption? heres what happens. get your note pad out bro. the farmacist rats you out. the cop pays for this info. with cash or with a favor. then the cop takes as much of your money as he can, and confiscates the meds. if you look like an idiot you will pay over a grand. if you are smart you will walk away with 40 bucks, maybe even 20. times are hard. then the cop takes the meds you bought and sells them back to the farmacist for a fraction of what you paid. end of story.

oh yeah, sorry if i sound like a dick, but you are really naive bro and need to get educated before going down south with your limited street knowledge. laters.
jb28ca said:
Think what you want but if they were dropping dimes like you assume they wouldnt just be losing my 2 c-notes as you said then alot of people would not go to buy from them if they have the reputation of being snitches. Im not saying its never happened but you make it seem thats whats happening 80% of the time and its not. All you say is they hate Americans and we go in there with are heads up and have no respect for them which is bullshit you cant think everyone goes in there and disrespects them

wow, you dont stop do you bro?
truth is....all you lame ass fucks are right! each of these scenarios are plausible...and there are a hundred other scenarios as to why you could get snitched. i was snitched once by a rat fuck who was standing on the street outside of the pharmacia. he probably had no relationship to the owner. just discovered an easy way to steel cash from americans. he followed me after i left to a tittie bar and told me he would call the cops if i did not hand over some cash. the funny thing is you guys could guess all day and not come up with all the answers...bottom line is the mexi's will do anything to part you from your cash.
It's all about the green backs for the locals and the excitement and thrill of pulling it off is for us. Otherwise its probably best to go with a domestic source. I love Mexico. Can't wait for the next trip.