jb28ca said:
I dont really believe that they are narcs because what they want even more than to rat u out is that they want u to come back for more and possibly bring friends along with u the next time. Thats how they get more money not warning the mexican police or the us customs to bust you
Dude, you are being naive! It does indeed happen. I have heard COUNTLESS numbers of stories from people who have been through this exact scenario. There are other reasons a Farmacia/Granero owner might want to rat you out to US Customs. Perhaps their brother, cousin, or whoever is locked up for muling some other gringo fuckstains gear accross, and so they drop a dime on YOU in turn for that relatives bail being reduced, or to get them released altogether. Something like that.
As far as them "wanting you to come back & to bring your friends", well that is debatable. You spend a few hundred bucks, but are a complete fuckface asshole with no manners, and an attitude like "I have money & you don't, so you better give me what I want", then I guarantee that you will get(if they are in that business) a dime dropped on you to Customs or the Federalis. You think that these Farmacia/Granero owners don't have 100 other people coming into their establishments day after day who could make up for those lost dollars??? That's the whole reason people go to TJ/Nuevo Laredo/Nogales/Juarez for the most part---drugs. In one form or another. Point being--they don't
need your 2 C-notes if you are going to be a prick. If there is more in it for them to do some ratting, then it could happen. All that can be avoided by being cordial to them though. It is(to them) refreshing, and will endear you to them. It goes a long way.
Now, if you are spending 10K, then that's different. I doubt you'd have to worry about any snitching on the Mexicans end. Then again, most intelligent people aren't smuggling 10K worth of whatever accross themselves either, so it aint like dropping a dime would even gain them anything.